First things first - leaving the house in an orderly manner 🫡
We've been working on a few things with Nipsey since he joined, and putting some rules and boundaries in place before we even leave the house is one of them. 🐕🦺
The worst thing I can do here is open the door while Nipsey is jumping at it, to him this means if i jump up enough at the door handle Cal will open it which is encouraging bad habits and behaviours. ❌️
The second is give him attention when he instantly turns to me after the first 'Sit', if I do this im basically rewarding him for nothing and creating mixed signals to what I actually what him to do. ❌️
The walk starts at home, let your dog drag you through the door and the tone is set for the rest of the walk. Put some rules in place before you leave and they start to understand it's a two way street and anything they do that's considered fun must have your approval first. ✅️
Floyd and Ted showing Thor how to settle for longer 🧘♂️
Thor can be very impatient and gets distracted easily, as you can see by this video. If I made him sit and wait on his own I'd probably get 3 seconds out of him max. Put him in a pack of dogs with more patience and focus than him and he's going to follow every time (18 seconds like it was nothing) ✅️
This is one of the main reasons I'm strict on basic foundations and drill them into all my dogs - because when the next dog joins they pick up all the good habits too 🤝 (basic foundations also eliminate bad habits such as jumping up, barking for attention etc)
Dog socialisation done properly 🫡 Have a good weekend people 😎
Does your dog hate getting in your car? Has it become a chore trying to get them in? This video might be for you 👆
So originally this was meant to just be a 3 second video of Beau jumping in the van, but when he missed his step I realised it would be a good opportunity to show how I settle and reset a dog when they are refusing to get in.
So Beau does this quite a lot, some days he'll fly straight in head first other days hel go to get in then for whatever reason shake his head and refuse (iv noticed he does this more when they're are distractions around, cars driving past etc) .
Now the last thing you want to be doing when your dog refuses to get in the car is force them in. By doing this it naturally makes the dog not want to get in even more, plus your building frustration by making the dog do something against their will, which is going to make the journey a lot more stressful for the both of you. You're also creating the whole getting in the car situation a negative experience, which is going to make it more difficult in the future.
What's happened here is Beau has missed his step so instantly it's made him not want to get in. I knew the next time I tried to get him in he would refuse, so I circle and go again (sometimes circle the full van). Watch how he tries to bite the lead the second time I circle, I know he's still not ready so give him a bit more time. If I try and force him in at that point the whole situation becomes a massive deal, especially with a dog of Beau's size - if he doesn't want to get in he isn't getting in simple 😂 I circle one more time and he gets in off his own back, stress free and being forced by no one.
Read the signs people, something as simple as this can become a massive issue if you get it wrong. Circle and go again they'll get in when they are ready 🤝
Seen a lot of buzzing dogs today but I think Ron takes the trophy 🏆 Pretty sure his life peaked during that double roll 🤸♂️😂😂
Also not a sympathy post but this little man is having a lot of seizures recently and nothing seems to be working for him, so to be able to give him an escape from all that on a daily basis and see him this happy is what the Doghouse is all about 💙👊
When the Doghouse turns up with all your mates in the van 🚀🤣
Something I'm big on because I've seen it so many times with my own two eyes 👇
Overuse the ball and you're gonna have a dog that resource guards (cant be around other dogs when a ball is around), a dog that jumps up and a dog that expects you to throw it every 30 seconds.
Use it as a reward while making your dog work for it and it's going to improve your dogs basic commands, create proper boundaries which will eliminate jumping up, and improve your dogs manners in general. It's also a top opportunity to train your dog because they'll do anything for it... who doesn't want to do that 😃
I use a ball for probably 5-10 minutes max of a 50 minute walk, I'm not saying that's what everyone should do, but my advice is use it as a REWARD not a NECESSITY 👍 A dog doesn't need to have a ball thrown constantly for them, it's not enjoyable for the owner and there's a big wide world out there what a dog will explore with their nose once a ball is taken away! (As a comparison kids want chocolate 24/7, but we don't give it to them 😂)
Stop feeding the addiction, the one we've created! 💉 Hope this helps 👍