Hi fur people,
Could I please just ask everyone to only arrive or collect at the time you’re given so if you’re in at 10 please come at 10 not 1/4 to, being early is obviously great and much better than being late of course but dog grooming is a bit different where you can’t just quietly sit and wait like you can at the hairdressers, I don’t think a lot of people realise how long it takes to settle a dog and when their appointments are interrupted towards the end this will mean that yours won’t run to time either. Similarly please do not arrive to pick up early and stand in the window waving at your dog or just breeeze straight in while they’re likely having their eyes and face trimmed, what can seem like an innocent thing is actually a very stressful experience for a dog. It takes a lot of skill to calm and relax a dog and when this is interrupted it can really stress them out.
Thanks so much for your understanding 🤍