Very sad this - Robin Williams took his own life because he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. Bruce Willis just learned that his illness is Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and Lewy Body Dementia. One of the hardest things to process is the slow change in the one you love. Becoming a completely different person. Everything changes. Just so you know...😢 It’s called the long goodbye. Rapidly shrinking brain is how a doctor described it. As the patient's brain slowly dies, they change physically and eventually forget who their loved ones are and become less themselves. Patients can eventually become bedridden, unable to move and unable to eat or drink or talk to their loved ones. There will be people who will scroll by this message because Dementia or Alzheimer's has not touched them. They may not know what it's like to have a loved one who has fought or is fighting a battle against Dementia or Alzheimer's.
In an effort to raise awareness of this cruel disease, I would like to see at least 5 of my friends put this on their timeline.
I'll settle for at least one.💜💜💜DONE!!! COPY & PASTE.
Thank you.