An adorable Blue Frenchie puppy (just 4.5 months old🥺). This is my 3rd week at Lynne’s Woof Pack Daycare and I am really making a name for myself on the 2/3 days l’m there💪🏻.
By the time I go home the hoomans and furries are exhausted trying to keep up with all my puppy
antics😏. I will rest but only on Tony’s lap, once he sits down I curl up and crash, there may be a little bit ot snoring too💤.
Charlie, Loki and Skyla love me🥰, Cooper and Baz not sooo much, l’m just too busy for them and move very quickly but l am a baby, Lynne keeps reassuring them I will calm down😌.
My recall and sitting is perfect already, Lynne is soooo impressed🤓. I do love to say ‘hello’ and get a fuss from any humans I see when I go for walks but call my name and offer me a treat and I’m back with the pack in a flash💥!
Look at my photos... I’m like a supermodel💁🏼♂️