Ramelia Equine

Ramelia Equine Rebekah Adshead
Competed to AdvMed BD/BE100/InterB on home produced horses. Offering Freelance Riding, Clipping & Teaching.

Fully Insured and Qualified instructor. Covering Shropshire and surrounding area. Will travel further - pm for more details!

For those of you who don't know me so well, or are new to the page, I thought I would take a moment to introduce my own ...

For those of you who don't know me so well, or are new to the page, I thought I would take a moment to introduce my own horses, and those who have influenced my life the most. Key your eyes peeled if you want to get to know me and those horses a little better ๐Ÿ‘€

First up is Dante, aka Ramelia's Dante (BD), Dante XI (BE) or Dan, Danski, or Dan the man! Owned for 16yrs now, since I was 15.

Dan was supposed to be my safe, sane horse, after my first 3 being somewhat less safe, and less sane. I tried him with my elbow in cast and survived, so that seemed grand. Later, it became clear he had a few hang ups, and not much bottle, and it took me a long time to figure him out. His main quirk was running away, verging on bolting, and he was so stressy to hack.
But, he had no real malice, and whilst he occasionally made daft choices which left me unstuck, I never felt it was his intention to get rid of me, just an unfortunate side effect of his reactions.

Jumping wasn't his forte, not being brave, and his carelessness was quite something. He would also get very tense and hot, meaning control was limited ๐Ÿ˜… However, we could paint a reasonable picture in a dressage test.

Having fallen out of love for jumping due to our mutual inadequacy, I delved more into dressage. I found a passion for classical dressage, and began learning of different schools and methodologies. It suited my love of learning and perfectionist nature. Over time, we began to explore BD and I became more involved with the competitive side of dressage as I was old enough to pay for it! Dan's slightly stressy nature and lack of expressive paces made him hard to train at times, but it lead me to explore even more aspects of training.

Meanwhile, I slowly recalled my love of jumping. I found a trainer who understood my horse, and so helped me to help him.
Eventually, via eventing, I found his true love - XC. It took time, but here we built our true partnership. What Dan probably taught me mostly is talk to your horse, and let them share their side of events.

The horse that gave me so many firsts, and bested so many expectations! ๐Ÿงก Dan is now 21, and semi-retired, but still FULL of character ๐Ÿฅฐ

What's coming up?!๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ 6th March - Working Equitation clinic at ๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ 7th March - Working Equitation clinic at Want to arrang...

What's coming up?!

๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ 6th March - Working Equitation clinic at
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ 7th March - Working Equitation clinic at

Want to arrange a clinic or clipping day? My (full) available days listed below. These are days where I am bookable from 8am-8pm, though happy to cater to smaller group bookings and individuals also ๐Ÿ˜Š
4th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 18th, 25th, 27th (March)

Other dates are available with shorter hours, drop me a message for further details!

Our next venue spotlight is...๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ  ๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธTDS Riding Centre can be found in Tong, Shropshire, easily accessible from the M54, ...

Our next venue spotlight is...
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ

TDS Riding Centre can be found in Tong, Shropshire, easily accessible from the M54, A41 & A5, so fantastically located.

TDS has plenty of parking, a friendly welcome and a meticulously maintained 20x40 indoor arena where we host clinics, with viewing gallery and mirrors.

Importantly, TDS is one of very few places in the UK that you can take part in working equitation WITHOUT your own horse! Whether you don't currently own your own, they can't travel, or you simply would prefer to have a go on one who has done it before, you can simply book in on one of the school horses. TDS Dennis & TDS Florence are firm favourites who LOVE the obstacles ๐Ÿ˜
As a regular instructor at TDS, you can rest assured that I know each of these horses well and have quite probably ridden them around the obstacles myself!

Clinics can also be booked on your own horse of course, and you can take part ridden, in hand or both. All levels are welcomed.
Sessions take place the first Friday of every month, and in groups of up to 3.

Can't make Fridays? I am also available at TDS other days of the week, with Saturdays as my other prime teaching day. Whilst we may not have a full course available, if you are interested in learning more about WE, please contact TDS or myself to discuss - I will always try to accommodate!

Clinics are booked via


๐Ÿ”ถ Working Equitation Series - Sidepass Pole ๐Ÿ”ถ

*disclaimer - audio does improve as video progresses!*

This video showcases the progression from the first introduction to the side pass pole, to an advanced attempt at the side pass pole.

Sidepass Pole Top Tips:
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Make sure your horse is comfortable standing over a pole first! Halt over a single pole repeatedly until your horse is completely relaxed just doing this (and walking straight forward away). Treats can be your friend here!
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Start off in-hand! If your horse is not manouverable from the ground, they will likely struggle even more with you on board. This is a great exercise to play with in-hand as it tests your ability to move all 4 corners of the horse without them encroaching on your space also.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Start small. Start by halting near the very end of the pole, so your horse only has to make 1 or 2 sideways steps to come off the pole, and only increase the distance as they gain confidence
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Start with whichever direction the horse is most comfortable moving. Some horses will be fairly happy moving either way, but if a horse has a strong preference, I will teach them in only 1 direction first so that they understand the concept (you can continue working on your lateral work for the more difficult direction without the pole!)
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Being able to move 1 step at a time is more important at first than fluency. Fluency will come with confidence and balance, not speed. Being able to control the number of steps means you can more easily correct mistakes

I currently have a small amount of availability for teaching/schooling/clipping.Happy to travel for individuals, or arra...

I currently have a small amount of availability for teaching/schooling/clipping.

Happy to travel for individuals, or arrange clinics covering dressage, working equitation, polework, groundwork, test riding or jumping.

Clipping/trimming can cater to individuals or discount for yard bookings! (4 or more horses)

Schooling can be arranged at your own yard, on either a regular basis or "intensive" week/month etc. 5'4 lw rider so happy to school ponies or horses.

PM for availability!

Another good day at the office yesterday, with Lilly taking part in her first   competition at Radfords.Wearing my  Pro ...

Another good day at the office yesterday, with Lilly taking part in her first competition at Radfords.

Wearing my Pro Jump & X-Over Breastplate
Impact sports boots


๐Ÿ”ถ Working Equitation Series - The Bridge ๐Ÿ”ถ

๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Never attempt to force your horse onto the bridge. Look to encourage your horse to engage with the bridge and become curious. At first this might mean looking at the bridge, pawing, or sniffing.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Don't be too fussy as to how the horse travels over the bridge at first. If they pop one foot on? That's ok. If they step on and then across, also ok. If they jump it? Well, they got to the other side! Limiting how the horse interacts with the bridge will only discourage the horse from trying.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Work on keeping your horse straight, and therefore engaged with the "problem" at hand (the bridge!). If you are working from the ground, a stick can be a useful extension to guide the horse and prevent them from just walking around/away from the bridge. Make sure your horse is aware of these cues before attempting the bridge though!
Ridden, make sure you have control of the shoulders and can guide them with an indirect rein so that you do not require too firm a hold - the horse needs to be able to use its neck.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Don't rush! Just because one foot goes on, don't try to then get the horse over as fast as possible! Take your time and encourage the horse to pause and think about their feet.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ If your horse is very wary about the bridge, or you don't have a bridge, you can simply use different surfaces such as a piece of rubber mat, carpet, or board. Place these in different locations regularly, so your horse can learn to trust placing its feet on new surfaces.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Make sure that any surface you ask your horse to walk on IS safe. Slipping will hinder progress and risk injury. Assess any surfaces diligently before asking your horse to step onto them, even at competitions.
๐Ÿ”ธ๏ธ Praise ANY attempt! Even if it isn't obvious. We want our horses to feel confident and enjoy their training, so reward any attempt to engage with the problem and look for a suitable solution, whether it be verbally, a good scratch or with treats. Whichever works best for you and your horse!

What obstacle would you like to see next?


Welcome to my Working Equitation series, in partnership with

The aim of the series is to teach a basic understanding of WE from the comfort of your own home!

In Todayโ€™s video, I introduce you to the horses that will feature in the upcoming episodes!

Comment below who is your favourite!

Is there anything youโ€™d like to see?

A spotlight on our RADFORDS clinics ๐ŸคฉFirst Thursday of every month!A beautiful venue in Llanymynech, right on the Welsh ...

A spotlight on our RADFORDS clinics ๐Ÿคฉ
First Thursday of every month!

A beautiful venue in Llanymynech, right on the Welsh border. Easily accessible, with a big lorry park (super easy parking!), toilets, coffee machine, all the crucial elements! Organised by the wonderful Flick Whittaker, and well known for being a friendly, relaxed venue.

WE clinics are usually held in their wonderful 20x40 Indoor, so no worries about the elements stopping play.

Obstacles change from month to month, requests are welcomed if there is anything in particular you wish to work on. Beginners and advanced riders all welcome, as well as horses in hand. Or even mix it up, start off in hand and then complete the session ridden, entirely up to you.

Clinics generally run from early afternoon into the evening, dependant on numbers. Sessions can be booked as a group of 3 (ยฃ20 each), pairs (ยฃ25 each) or private (ยฃ50) for 1hr. Don't worry if you don't have anyone to book in with, we can usually fit you in with another person!

If you have any questions, drop me a message.
To book, contact

๐Ÿ“† WE Dates for the calendar ๐Ÿ“† ๐Ÿงก Thursday 6th Feb - Radfords Equestrian๐Ÿงก Friday 7th Feb - TDS๐Ÿงก Thursday 20th Feb - Llanfa...

๐Ÿ“† WE Dates for the calendar ๐Ÿ“†

๐Ÿงก Thursday 6th Feb - Radfords Equestrian
๐Ÿงก Friday 7th Feb - TDS
๐Ÿงก Thursday 20th Feb - Llanfair clinic

๐Ÿงก Thursday 6th March - Radfords Equestrian
๐Ÿงก Friday 7th March - TDS
๐Ÿงก Thursday 20th March - Llanfair clinic

More dates tbc!

๐Ÿ’ฌpm me for more details or any questions๐Ÿ’ฌ

Working Equitation - whatโ€™s in the pipeline?! ๐Ÿด First THURSDAY of every month - Radfords Equestrian  ๐Ÿด First FRIDAY of e...

Working Equitation - whatโ€™s in the pipeline?!

๐Ÿด First THURSDAY of every month - Radfords Equestrian
๐Ÿด First FRIDAY of every month - TDS Riding Centre, Tong (Both afternoon/evening)
๐Ÿด One THURSDAY every month I will be headed to Llanfair Caereinion and happy to tag on extras along my route over that way.
๐Ÿด Other venues and taster clinics coming soon.
๐Ÿด Also looking to be in Baschurch once a month, day yet to be confirmed.

I have my new assistant working away in the background getting things off the ground as l have not yet mastered the art of examining my diary on horseback and l'm sure you'll all agree it's not appropriate whilst teaching!

So you may hear more off Caitlin (Midlands Equestrian Consultancy) as she takes over a few of my many roles!

There are LOTS of exciting developments going on in BWE this year!
โ€ข We have new Regional venues appearing in the Midlands and Wales, current dates can be seen HERE https:// abweofficial.co.uk/pages/competitions-1
โ€ข I am in contact with Emma Taylor our new Regional rep and will be trying my best to help get more venues going in our area! ^^
โ€ข I'm also looking forward to pushing on with my own judge training, hopefully the L2 instructor training, and getting back out competing all being well

So many exciting things to look forward to!

Please pm me if you have any questions or suggestions! We will get back to you ASAP ๐Ÿงก

2025 National Competitions 10 - 11 May - Pickering Grange, Leicestershire, LE67 1EZ 31 May - 1 June - Bicton Arena, Devon, EX9 7BL 28 - 29 June - Bishop Burton College, East Yorkshire, HU17 8QG 12 - 13 July - Vale View Equestrian, Leicestershire, LE14 3LX 25 - 27 July - Hartpury College - Gloucester...

A return to goals and setting realistic expectations, but also appropriate challenges.A recent event has made it quite o...

A return to goals and setting realistic expectations, but also appropriate challenges.

A recent event has made it quite obvious to me that I am a person who often needs a "big" goal. Something that almost seems a bit ridiculous. This time, it's running a half marathon FYI. In 12 weeks. Do you know when I last ran? No, me either. ๐Ÿ˜…
I'd been telling myself for an absolute age that I'd like to run a 5k... maybe a 10k? And I absolutely was not motivated by this. The simple reason being, I believed it ought to already be within my capability, so I was telling myself that not only would I have to do it, but I'd have to do it WELL.
Well, I'm not a great runner, for a multitude of reasons. So on the one hand, I've set a challenge I can definitely meet right? I ought to be able to run 5k surely! I'm 31! I shouldn't even have to try ๐Ÿ™„ (these are the thoughts that go round my head!) But to do it well? Ohhhh. That's a whole other thing. And I'm not sure I could do that sufficiently at all.
A half marathon though. That's never even entered my mind. I'm fairly sure I could walk it, given I'm on my feet all day. But run it? I don't know. I'd have to work at it, really work at it. I know I couldn't wing it! ๐Ÿคฃ it would require discipline. And if I did it, it would make a pretty good difference to my fitness! ๐Ÿฅณ
Now, I also might struggle, or even fail. I'd hope my worse case scenario involves a lot of walking, but who knows. I'd definitely hope a lot of good came from it even if I didn't succeed.

Now, that might not be an equestrian goal (though there is 100% equestrian motivation going on!) but I found looking at my own thought process about something I'm a bit less emotionally involved in than any direct equine escapades very interesting.

What is your scariest goal right now? ๐Ÿ˜

Just a quick note to say I will come back to all my messages this eve, between work and sorting out my little patient, I...

Just a quick note to say I will come back to all my messages this eve, between work and sorting out my little patient, I've been flat out! Thank you for your patience ๐Ÿงก

Have you always wanted to have a go at  , but lack of transport holds you back? Perhaps your horse is not a great travel...

Have you always wanted to have a go at , but lack of transport holds you back? Perhaps your horse is not a great traveller? Or you simply don't have a nearby venue?

I've been in your shoes. It's not always possible to drive 2hrs simply for a 60 minute lesson. Or affordable to hire a box just to try something new. I get it, and I don't believe it should be a barrier!

So, I am keen to fill that void and offer not only clinics, but private sessions at your own yard. Yes, it will come at an additional cost, but I guarantee it will be less than lorry hire, and less stress!

I have a range of fully mobile obstacles, and on top of that can help you to develop your own course at home.

For more details, drop me a message to discuss.
ABWE Instructor, competitor, and trainee judge covering Shropshire, Cheshire, West Mids & into North Wales ๐Ÿ˜Š

Struggling for ideas to keep your horse supple and mobile in this cold weather? ๐ŸฅถWhy not have a go at in-hand schooling?...

Struggling for ideas to keep your horse supple and mobile in this cold weather? ๐Ÿฅถ

Why not have a go at in-hand schooling?

Learn several techniques and exercises to develop and improve suppleness, balance and collection. Ideal for all horses from 3 year olds to veterans.

So, goals... why? What? How?Goals give us something to work towards, and for those who need that injection of motivation...

So, goals... why? What? How?

Goals give us something to work towards, and for those who need that injection of motivation and encouragement, that can have a massive value. They can function as a set of guidelines to keep us focused, and can also serve as a reminder. It can be far too easy to lose sight of what we want in the chaos of daily life!
If you find yourself shying away from "goals", remember a goal is just something you want. That can be anything! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Does your goal need to be competition focused? Absolutely not. Maybe you just want to spend more one-to-one time with your horse? Enjoy more hacking adventures? Maybe you are competition focused and need something a little scary to drive you? Badminton grassroots on your agenda? A new discipline? Levelling up?
I'm a little bit of both kind of person. I do love a BIG goal (I'd love to ride at GP one day ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ™ˆ) but also, I just love being with my horses. I wouldn't want to sacrifice that for said big goal.

So when I look at breaking these down, whilst you might think they are very different, it's all about finding those little, manageable chunks, and the things that need ironing out to make it possible!

Want to spend more time hacking?
- Am I/my horse fit enough currently? (If not, can we action a fitness plan? How does this fit into daily life? Do I need help with that?)
- Do I have the right gear? (List necessary gear!)
- Is there any training element holding me back? (Comfort in the saddle linked to rider posture, spooking/horse confidence, ability to negotiate terrain/obstacles safely etc)
- Do I need transport? Does my horse load happily and travel well? If not, does the vehicle need a check up or does my horse?
- When am I allocating the time for these wonderful adventures?!

Competitive goals may seem more clear cut to some, and more measurable! However, I'd encourage anyone to look beyond the numbers (scores, wins, heights!) and also look to set goals related to other aspects of horsemanship. Whilst happiness may be less measurable, surely it should always be the primary goal for both horse and human?


Market Drayton





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