Fairy Tails Dog Training

Fairy Tails Dog Training A fully qualified, reward based dog trainer, separation anxiety specialist & Dynamic Dog Practitioner

Yesterday I received two 5 star ⭐️ reviews for the  course I offer ☺️☺️I’m so pleased these courses make such a differen...

Yesterday I received two 5 star ⭐️ reviews for the course I offer ☺️☺️I’m so pleased these courses make such a difference to the children who participate in them and help them feel much safer around dogs that they interact with - and of course vice versa.. dogs feel much safer around humans that speak and understand their language 🐶🐶👏

This dapper little chap is Merlin and I’ve been working with him and his family for a couple of months now on separation...

This dapper little chap is Merlin and I’ve been working with him and his family for a couple of months now on separation anxiety issues and he’s doing brilliantly! Merlin had previously struggled to respond to SA training but was then diagnosed with some health issues. Following a pain management plan he’s come on leaps and bounds. Kudos to his family who have persevered, put in the hard work and are seeing the results 👏👏👏

HUGE congratulations to Arvin who completed is  course this week with not one but TWO walks with Pip holding her lead.  ...

HUGE congratulations to Arvin who completed is course this week with not one but TWO walks with Pip holding her lead. Arvin says he feels much more confident around dogs and wrote a great story about a Caucasian Shepherd he saw outside his local coffee shop - what a spot! 👀 well done Arvin you took everything in and smashed it 👏

Grace is completing my Kids Around Dog course to help her understand how dogs communicate so she can feel more comfortab...

Grace is completing my Kids Around Dog course to help her understand how dogs communicate so she can feel more comfortable and confident in their presence.
Part of the course involves writing a short story about either a dog the child knows or a fictional dog. Grace wrote an amazing story about her family dog Izzy and her holiday in Cornwall. She read it to Pip and I and we LOVED it! Well done Grace, looking forward to seeing you this week for our final session and walk with Pip 🐕 ❤️

I’ve been terrible at updating my socials lately 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 This is Peanut who is sharp as a button and loves learning. I’m ...

I’ve been terrible at updating my socials lately 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 This is Peanut who is sharp as a button and loves learning. I’m supporting with some recall training but also teaching her some skills so she can join the Reactive to Responsive class soon 👍

Super proud of receiving this review 🥹🥹. Running your own business is hard but this makes it worth it. What a lovely fam...

Super proud of receiving this review 🥹🥹. Running your own business is hard but this makes it worth it. What a lovely family doing their absolute best for their new addition ❤️

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Ela was a 5months old rescue puppy from a Romanian shelter when she joined our family of 6 including four children and three young ones.

None of us had really chose each other so in spite of the excitement to welcome her to ours there was huge anxiety too. Are we going to bond with one another? Will Ela like us? Will she settle amongst us in spite of all the noise and agitation we make? Will she be scared of her new environment for long? What if we aren’t meant to be for her? How soon will we be able to tell if it will be a happy match and that we are the right family for Ela and that she is the right dog for us?
What if she is aggressive? What if she dominates us?
All those questions were weighing really heavy on our heart and mind … in case it would not work..

But our amazing lady who found us Ela also found Helen Coen and asked for Helen to be our guide and dog trainer from start.
And peace came to my heart…. For Helen not only felt our fears and questions but answered them all too in taking as much time and patience that we all needed.

Helen has been my mental rock and I could have never done any of this without her.
She is a fairy, a dog whisperer that gently whisper to your ear the language that your dog needs to hear. She has the ‘savoir faire’, the talent, the gift of patience that we all need in a situation like this one…. And she built so humbly and so discreetly , heaven and a world of joy under our roof.

It took one session only for Ela and us to love Helen, and it will take a life time to remember how much she did for us.

This is not a job that Helen does, it is a vocation…. And she practices a way that only positive rewards and education will amplify the love your pet and yourself have for each other.
Amongst a million of dog trainer, pick Helen! Patience, kindness, skills are the three words that come to mind when I think of Helen.

She is simply our person! Thank you dear Helenx”

Congratulations to Sophie for completing the Kids Around Dogs course . Before we started she couldn’t be near any off le...

Congratulations to Sophie for completing the Kids Around Dogs course . Before we started she couldn’t be near any off lead dogs and on our last session she was brave enough to be around my dog Pip while she chased her ball AND she held Pip’s leash. What a huge improvement and I’m sure over time with all that she’s learnt she’ll continue to get more confident 👏👏 ❤️



What a lovely 5 🌟 review from Bear’s mum. They worked with me on a 4 session 121 puppy program. Totally bespoke to their...

What a lovely 5 🌟 review from Bear’s mum. They worked with me on a 4 session 121 puppy program. Totally bespoke to their needs and wants. Bear was off lead in Marlows busiest park by the end of our time together 🤩

Click here for more information on my puppy power programs www.fairytailsdogtraining.co.uk/puppy-power

Little Bean a very gorgeous   is working her way through my separation anxiety program. She’s aced her Magic Mat exercis...

Little Bean a very gorgeous is working her way through my separation anxiety program. She’s aced her Magic Mat exercises and can now be in a different room to mum and dad without following and is also now on departure training. Brilliant progress Bean!


This video makes my hair stand on end. I actually can’t bear to watch it but also feel the need to share to educate.

I cannot believe how reckless these parents are being. Clearly ignorant to any form of dog body language and communication.

This dog is trying SO hard to communicate how uncomfortable it is. Trying SO hard to be heard.

- Lip licking
- Shaking off
- Ears back
- The OBVIOUS teeth baring - no it’s NOT smiling
- Turning away

I could go on.

Put your phone down, move your baby away and listen to your dog. We all know who’ll get the blame if the unthinkable happens

Little Monty has started his journey to being happy home alone as well as being more confident not to follow mum and dad...

Little Monty has started his journey to being happy home alone as well as being more confident not to follow mum and dad everywhere around the house..

He’s working this way nicely through the Door is a Bore desensitisation training even when we have the added complication of a porch (yes folks porches can be tricky!)

He’s also smashing his Magic Mat game and can settle nicely while M&D move away from him. Nice work team Monty!

❗️📣 ANNOUNCEMENT 📣❗️I am excited to share that, from May, I will be supporting Toni Shelbourne with her Saturday Reactiv...


I am excited to share that, from May, I will be supporting Toni Shelbourne with her Saturday Reactive to Response training workshops held in Bledlow Ridge.

These classes are designed to help reactive dogs and their owners learn and implement new skills in a controlled and safe environment with our support.

Reactivity could be:-

* Aggressively growls
* Lunges on the lead
* Aggressively barks
* Attacks dogs after greeting
* Shows avoidance behaviour
* Snaps at or bites other dogs and people
* Displays behaviours deemed unsociable around dogs or people

I have personally attended these classes with my own dog and she has improved in leaps and bounds (as have I!)

If you feel these classes could be helpful to you and your dog please contact Toni





Unsure on what to do next?


You have taken your dog to the vet as you can see something isn’t quite right, maybe its a skip of one or both hind limbs or a funny gait or maybe its lameness of a forelimb. The Vet then checks the dog over and says “its normal for ***insert breed here***” or “dogs slow down when they get old and its common for them to limp”, and thats where the conversation ends and you walk away feeling that there must be something more you can do for your dog!

Many people do not realise they can ask for a referral to a specialist vet, for further investigations or a referral to a therapist for ongoing support, many people aren’t aware they can ask for an analgesic trial (pain meds) to help their dog feel more comfortable.

Many people do not realise they can go somewhere else for a second or third opinion, be it at the same or a totally different practice.

It’s time to ask for more!

• More time

• More investigations

• More information

• MORE SUPPORT (however that looks)

There is always MORE that can be done. It’s not normal for a dog to limp, no matter the age. It’s not normal for small dogs to skip, no matter the breed.

Things that can be looked that can help are;

• Diet - reducing processed foods helps to reduce inflammation

• Lifestyle & home environment evaluation

• Exercise overhaul

• Supplements - joints

• Pain meds

• Diagnostic imaging - Xrays, CT, MRI

• Blood, urine, faecal testing

• Surgery - when needed

• Supportive therapies - Physio, Hydro, Massage, Acupuncture (and so many more)

If you or your client aren’t being listened to then go somewhere thats going to hear you and don’t feel bad about doing so!

Believe me, your dog will thank you for it.

Proud to be signed up to be an  specialist trainer for another year!  Our courses specialise in working with families an...

Proud to be signed up to be an specialist trainer for another year! Our courses specialise in working with families and schools to help children and dogs live in harmony together. I’m also super proud to receive a 5 🌟 review from a recent KAD client ☺️

Lovely Dora the Podenco joined my Settled in Solitude program after struggling to cope with being alone. She also had a ...

Lovely Dora the Podenco joined my Settled in Solitude program after struggling to cope with being alone. She also had a very strong attachment to her human mum which made life tough for all.

There were some logistical challenges to overcome in our training plan such as working with an elevator!

We stripped it back and slowed the training down. We made sure there was consistency to the new routine which Dora started to learn was predictable and not so scary.

She now settles comfortably by the door while mum goes out, gets in the elevator and leaves the building. Time is increasing consistently (but not too fast!)

She’s also much happier being left with sitters which gives mum some much needed freedom!

Well done Dora 👏👏


Congratulations to May who completed her Kids Around Dogs course this weekend.

When we started May was so frightened of dogs she crossed the road to avoid them.

Now she’s feeling confident to walk pass them, stroke them and as you can see with Pippy, walk them!!

Awesome job May 👏👏👏

P.s It was tipping it down and Pip does not like the rain 🥴

KAD Kids Around Dogs Debby Lucken

This gorgeous bundle of fur is Ela and she’s started a platinum puppy power program with us.  She is a sensitive girl wh...

This gorgeous bundle of fur is Ela and she’s started a platinum puppy power program with us. She is a sensitive girl who’s had a lot of change in her short life so we are taking it very slowly. ACE Free work, lots of enrichment, masking sounds which can cause her to bark, avoiding quick movement and some easy win training games.

Oh and helping her and the house rabbits 🐇 cohabit successfully!

Looking forward to seeing her progress.

Lovely review from a separation anxiety client who worked her socks off to get the result she wanted and, I quote, “got ...

Lovely review from a separation anxiety client who worked her socks off to get the result she wanted and, I quote, “got her life back” 👏👏👏

If you need with separation issues please do get in touch.

Congratulations to Lily and Gizmo for passing Little Stars   with flying colours 👏👏👏

Congratulations to Lily and Gizmo for passing Little Stars with flying colours 👏👏👏

Gorgeous Bear the   has started my   training program. We talked puppy biting (and started teaching a “Leave”), toilet t...

Gorgeous Bear the has started my training program. We talked puppy biting (and started teaching a “Leave”), toilet training and taught a “lie down” Voila! He’s a super smart little lad 👏👏

Excellent post from our friends at So Help Me Dog on responsible dog ownership.As an owner of a dog who is very anxious ...

Excellent post from our friends at So Help Me Dog on responsible dog ownership.

As an owner of a dog who is very anxious around unknown dogs, this is my life on a daily basis. I do my upmost to ensure I am responsible and appreciate it when others do the same


Ok. Before we start, let’s talk about who this post ISN’T for….

- If your dog is easily recalled away from approaching other dogs, this post isn’t for you. AND…
- If you only let your dog approach other dogs that are known to you/your dog and your dog is polite/friendly with them, this post isn’t for you.
- If you see another dog (on OR off lead) and put your dog on a lead straight away because your dog has unreliable recall, or can be rude, or is unpredictable in their interactions with others, this post isn’t for you.

‼️ If you have read these statements and thought “Oh. This is not me or my dog” then this post is for you 😊

❓ So…. Why shouldn’t you let your dog run up to other dogs?

This is what responsible dog ownership is all about. Unless you know the other dog and you know they get on with your dog and vice versa, it is never ok to let your dog run up to others. And this is regardless of whether they are on lead or not.

❓But WHY?? Don’t all dogs want to say Hi to each other?

‼️ No. No, they don’t.

Let’s deal with other off lead dogs first…..

- In the same way not all humans want to interact and engage with every single human on the planet. I mean, when you’re out and about in town, do you go up to strangers, get in their faces and start talking to them? No, of course you don’t. Because that would be a) rude b) weird c) possibly certifiable and d) would likely have the opposite effect of alienating you.
It’s no different for dogs. Dogs are selective in their interactions, like us. Sometimes we’re in the mood for chit chat, sometimes we’re not.

- Some dogs are happy just mooching and sniffing and/or interacting with their owners and really aren’t bothered about saying hi to others.

- Some dogs don’t handle the “bull in a china shop” approach very well at all.

- Some dogs just prefer others to mind their own business and would rather they kept their distance.

❓What about other dogs who are on lead?

Well, this is where things tend to get more serious…

Dogs might be on lead because…

- they are injured and on restricted walks
- They are in post-operative recovery
- They are not feeling well
- They are in pain
- They are old, blind/deaf, and/or arthritic
- They are in training
- They are anxious/worried/scared of other dogs
- They are reactive to other dogs and might be in training to help with that.
- They are newly rescued and both new owners and dog are trying to find their feet.

🛑 None, and I mean NONE of these dogs (on lead or off) need or want your dog running up to them. Neither do their owners (who will be starting to worry and panic).

🐶 Putting your dog on lead around others promotes a safe and harmonious environment, it prevents any potential upsetting conflict between dogs (and their owners) and ensures a positive social experience for all involved.

🐾 Everyone has the right to a stress-free, enjoyable walk


Don’t forget to check your fences before letting your dogs in the garden 💨 💨💨




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