
VetSetGO VetSetGO - We are a mobile vet service based in Matlock. Vet visits in the comfort of your home


Hi folks, just a quick update on pricing.
Going forward I will need to add a small administration fee of £12 whenever we need to make a referral or I'm submitting documents for your insurance claims.
I used to do this for free until I realised how much time collating all the documents, previous histories, pictures, notes etc takes, especially if there's more than one claim or referral at a time that I need to deal with.
Thank you for your understanding 😊
Hoping to keep seeing you - not too often of course 😉

🐾🚫 Tick awareness - protect your pet! 🚫🐾We are well in the middle of the season of pesky ticks. Unlike fleas, these litt...

🐾🚫 Tick awareness - protect your pet! 🚫🐾

We are well in the middle of the season of pesky ticks. Unlike fleas, these little guys like to pester us mainly between March and October.

❓Who are they and how to identify them?
They are the spiders' vampiric relatives. With eight legs and a round body that, when inflated and filled with blood, can resemble a pea or a pigmented wart.
I have had owners tell me that when they attempted removal of a suspected tick their pet cried and bled. Concerned, I asked to take a look at said parasite. As it turned out, the owners mistook the pet's pigmented ni***es for them and tried to twist them off, much to the disapproval of their poor animal. So let's make sure first that we are dealing with the actual thing. 😅 Look for the giveaway legs, folks, ni***es and warts don't have those!... But, if in any doubt, don't hesitate to ask your vet, we're always happy to help! 😊

❓Where can I encounter them?
Although in the UK ticks are less prevalent and carry less diseases less often than in Europe, they can still pose risks to our pets by sucking blood and spreading infections. Therefore, especially if our animals live near or are taken to wooded or grassy areas often, it makes sense for us to be aware of risks, symptoms and to focus on preventions.

❗Remove ASAP!
One of the most important things is the time factor. Ticks go through developmental stages (egg, larva, nymph and adult), but only feed once per stage. However, that one feeding lasts for several days, throughout which the tick's body engorges due to the increasing amount of ingested blood. When it has enough, it simply detaches itself, drops onto the ground and transforms into its next life stage. The longer you leave the tick in (ie the larger it can get), the more chance it has to inoculate any disease it might be spreading, eg Lyme disease. However, if you remove it early enough, it doesn't just merely not get much chance to infect your pet with anything. It also probably won't have enough "fuel" to enter into its next developmental stage, and will die without breeding. Therefore there is also no need to kill the removed tick. As it only feeds once during that stage, it will not attach itself to another host again, after you have removed it.

❓Okay, but how do I remove them?
The way you remove the tick is also very important. Please don't squeeze or put anything on the tick intending to irritate or suffocate it. All you are going to achieve is that as the tick is struggling and you are squeezing on it, it will just regurgitate more of its saliva. This will make it more likely that, in case it carries any disease, it will be passed on. Use dedicated tick removal tools to gently twist and pull. Make sure you remove the entire tick as well, without ripping the head off in the process. If you don't feel confident it's always an option, of course, to ask a vet to remove your pets' tick. But be aware, time is tick-ing (pun intended)!

❗That sounds gross, I'd rather not deal with this 'removal' business in the first place...
Better yet, you can focus on prevention rather than treatment. Ask your vet for potent products that will keep these (and other) parasites away and keep your pet up to date, avoiding gaps. VetSetGo uses monthly tablets that not only protect against ticks, but also fleas and mites - one easy solution for most arthropod pests.

❗Oh no....
However, if your pet is unlucky enough to have been found by a tick that carries Lyme disease (the most common tick-borne disease in the UK), here's what you need to look out for:

▪️Loss of appetite
▪️Swollen and painful joints
▪️Swollen lymph nodes

Goes without saying, please contact your vet ASAP if you are concerned! Don't forget to let them know if you have seen a tick on your animal prior to these symptoms appearing. That will help us identify and treat the disease faster.

Stay safe guys and don't hesitate to ask your vet if you have any concerns or questions.
Have a great summer and happy holidays if you are planning any! 😊🌞🍹

Could we please help this group to grow by sharing and inviting friends. Any current fundraisers will be 'featured' at t...

Could we please help this group to grow by sharing and inviting friends.
Any current fundraisers will be 'featured' at the top of the page 🐾
There is a gofundme which will be ongoing and donations are welcome anytime 🐾
There is a weekly bonus ball drawn every Saturday 🐾

Everyone's support is greatly appreciated
Link to fundraising group in comments 🐾

Hello, I'm Amy, the founder of Stop the XL Bully Ban Scotland. Our group aims to make sure the laws re… Amy Peat needs your support for Scotlands legal fight.


3 year old Buddy is a resilient and hopeful rescue dog. He has faced more than his fair share of challenges in his quest for a forever home. Despite his gentle nature and friendly demeanor, he found himself at the center of controversy when some ill-intentioned individuals falsely reported him to the police for being a banned breed and offers of adoption came in from people who wanted to adopt him only so they could take him to the vets and put him to sleep - simply because of the way he looks.

The false accusation sent shockwaves through the rescue, leaving Buddy’s supporters confused and worried. Buddy doesn't understand why anyone would want to hurt him or prevent him from finding the loving home he so desperately craves.

Thankfully, Buddy's rescue came to his defense, providing evidence to prove that he doesn't belong to any banned breed category. The police investigated the matter thoroughly and confirmed Buddy's innocence, but the incident leaves its mark on Buddy's already tumultuous journey.

Despite the setback, Buddy remains resilient. His spirit unbroken by the cruelty of others who judge him on looks alone. He continues to wait patiently for his perfect match, his hope undiminished by the challenges he's faced.

Potential adopters will be informed about Buddy's ordeal and we hope they're moved by his story and inspired by his strength. Meet-and-greets can be arranged for those interested in giving Buddy the loving home he deserves, ensuring that he finds a family who will see past the false accusations and recognize the loyal and loving companion that he truly is.

Buddy would like people to spend time getting to know him, learning about his likes, dislikes, and unique quirks. Despite the sadness of his past, Buddy's gentle nature shines through, helped by the wonderful people who care for him in their amazing kennels and who have also never given up on him.

Buddy has his head held high and his heart full of hope and looks forward to embarking on the next chapter of his journey of finding his forever home and being surrounded by the warmth and love of a new family. Buddy knows that the challenges he's faced have only made him an even gentler soul.

If you think you have space in your heart and home for Buddy please fill in the application below.



Dear clients,
Please note that the practice is not open between the 19th and 22nd of February.
I'm taking my beautiful rescue XL bully girl to Scotland for a last big run around and socialising without leash and muzzle before the idiotic ban comes into effect there as well.
See you all soon once we're back!


Dear clients,
Please note that the practice is not open between the 19th and 22nd of February.
I'm taking my beautiful rescue XL bully girl to Scotland for a last big run around and socialising without leash and muzzle before the idiotistic ban comes into effect there as well.
See you all soon once we're back!


Holiday opening hours:
Monday to Friday 10-18.00, except for 16-26th December and 1st January (closed).
Merry Christmas to my dear clients and patients! 💙

Please donate to half way doghouse so that they can save bullies and take them to Ireland in time before the ban comes i...

Please donate to half way doghouse so that they can save bullies and take them to Ireland in time before the ban comes in!

We are supporting a local self funded dog rescue here in Norther… Megan McDonald needs your support for Help us buy 25 much needed kennels for rescue dogs


Same here, VetSetGO is not a butchers, exterminator or gun for hire, but a vet practice. Here we cherish and care about animals.

🎃 Spooky doesn't have to be dangerous 🎃 - Halloween hazards for pets and wildlifeThe ghoulish season is upon us, but don...

🎃 Spooky doesn't have to be dangerous 🎃 - Halloween hazards for pets and wildlife

The ghoulish season is upon us, but don't be afraid - here are a few tips you can use to make your fright fest animal friendly! 🦇

Safer indoors ➡️🚪
Keep pets indoors, as they might run away when the party kicks off outside, but also to prevent animal abuse and cruelty. Some people with twisted minds get more ideas around Halloween, especially about black cats 🐈‍⬛... Also make sure your animals are microchipped, the microchips are registered under your name with your contact details available, in case they do manage to sneak out. Equipping your furry friends with ID tags can also be a good idea.

Trick or treat 🍬🍫🍭
With trick or treating on full blast be aware of the dangers different sweet treats can pose to your pet. Don't leave the sweet goodies out unsupervised, accessible to your four-legged companion. Sweets containing xylitol, chocolate, raisins, candy wrappers (that can cause intestinal obstruction), alcohol are all potential sources of hazard.

Halloween decorations 👻🕯️🕸️💡
As with all seasonal decorations, we got to be mindful which ones could potentially cause harm to our pets. They don't think like us, and as inquisitive as they are, might not stop at admiring the decorations from afar... Small, loose parts, hanging lights and ornaments and things that light up, flash or are motion-activated are all potential targets for your dog or cat. Glow sticks are extremely bitter when accidentally chewed on. Tinsels and long wires, when ingested, can lead to the nastiest intestinal obstructions. Chewing on electric wiring or bulbs can also lead to electrocution. Candles should be placed carefully where they are safe from being knocked over or causing burn injury.

Nightmare on Elm Street 🧟
Festivities and the related noise and disruption of routine might be amusing to us, but it's not fun and games to our unsuspecting pets. The lots of people and activity on the streets, screaming, people coming to the door and knocking, costumes, scary masks and fireworks are all very alarming, confusing and unsettling for a creature that has no idea what's going on. Try to provide a calm environment, potential places to hide and be at peace, maybe turn the TV on or put on some music. You can also try calming products (sprays, diffusers) and relaxing essential oils (lavender, valerian) to soothe your scared pets' nerves. Oh and unless you have a chilled out couch potato or an avid socialite for a pet - please try not to dress them up and make them participate in the celebrations. Making the kids have a screaming laugh at their "funny" costume is not worth freaking your animals out for an entire evening.

The wild side 🦇🐦🦔
Halloween celebrations can, of course, have an impact on our wildlife as well. Here are the two most important aspects you need to consider:
- Please don't use fake spider webs 🕸️ as part of your Halloween decorations outside of your home. These webs can easily entangle and trap wild animals like birds and bats, and they will likely obtain severe injuries that, besides stress and starvation, will probably lead to their death. This is not the kind of horror you want to bring about when you are trying to get into the Halloween spirit.
- Don't dump your pumpkins 🎃 in forests once the festivities are passed - they can be dangerous to hedgehogs (they are already classified as vulnerable to extinction) and other wild animals. You can, however, offer and take them to shelters, farms, or riding schools, many animals do love pumpkins! 😊 Don't leave candles or wax in them though. Read more about this and other useful tips for alternative uses of your pumpkins here:

Stay safe and spooky out there folks. I'm already looking forward to this Samhain! 💀🕯️


Please share far and wide - sign this petition against the banning of the XL bully breed. It would lead to the confiscation and destruction of countless innocent animals. How's this different from racial segregation and genocide in humans?


For the XL bully owners:
If the police come for your dog..DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING!! They may try to trick you into signing like: 'Just sign this to say you understand why we are taking your dog.' Don’t!! You’ll be signing for them to put your dog to sleep.
I feel for you all. This is a disgrace!

Attention dear Clients and Pets!As my summer holiday dates are getting closer I just wanted to give you a heads up so th...

Attention dear Clients and Pets!
As my summer holiday dates are getting closer I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you can plan ahead comfortably any foreseeable visit you might need in the upcoming weeks.
Looking forward to seeing you, have a lovely summer! ⛱️ 🌞

Kennels 🐕 and catteries 🐈‍⬛- how do I choose one?We are in the middle of the summer holiday season 🌞 and if you are plan...

Kennels 🐕 and catteries 🐈‍⬛- how do I choose one?

We are in the middle of the summer holiday season 🌞 and if you are planning to go on yours soon, but considering leaving your pet with a kennel or cattery, the following tips might be useful to you. We know it is stressful to trust someone else with the care of your furry friend 😱, and it makes it even harder to compose a checklist with a cool head, so let us help you out.

What to consider when choosing a kennel or cattery and how to prepare?

1️⃣) first and foremost - is boarding the best option for your pet? 🤷 The stress and the unknown factor is considerable for both you and your furry friend. Especially if your cat or dog suffers from anxiety or is not good with new situations or people, asking a friend or family member to look after them, or hiring a pet sitter that comes to their home might be a more suitable option for them.

2️⃣) ask around - as with every other issue that requires a great amount of trust on your end, it's best to go by recommendation. 👍 Do you know anyone that has used a kennel or cattery before for their pet? Ask them about their experience!

3️⃣) is your pet up to date with their vaccinations? 💉 If not, you will need to plan ahead, as you are going to need reminder boosters and a couple of / few weeks even after them before your cat or dog is ready to be admitted to a boarding facility.

4️⃣) you will need to personally inspect the facility so that you can fully assess what kind of conditions the kennel or cattery provides. 👀
Ask if you can look at the place's license and insurance documents, ask them to explain what is covered. Look out for odours and cleanliness. Make sure that each pet is separated from each other (except for the ones that come from the same household), their living spaces are safe, secure, dry and warm (not too hot in the summer of course). Best if they also have an outdoor (but similarly separated) area to enjoy. Talk to the people that would be admitting and looking after your animal, take note of how interested they are in their individual likes, dislikes, possible medical conditions, grooming and feeding regimes, etc. Ask about how often they check on animals, if they keep records of input and output (if you catch my drift) and in general, how they interact with them.
And remember, 'vibes' are important. If you don't get a good feeling for any reason, listen to your gut and look at other places too.

5️⃣) tell the boarding facility about your pet's needs and quirks, as well as their medical conditions and necessities. 🩺💊 Make sure the staff are compliant with administering any medication your pet needs (if there is any he/she takes). Ideally provide them with the contact details of your veterinarian, should your animal need any medical attention while you are away.

6️⃣) leave things with your pet that provide them with comfort - toys, blankets, an item with your scent on it, you name it. 🧸You know your pet more than anybody. In case they get scared, lonely or homesick, it will be comforting for them to have something around that reminds them of home.

7️⃣) distance 🚘 - try to choose something nearby, especially if your pet is stressed out by travelling.

8️⃣) and finally, run a trial, if you can. ✅ Try the facility for a couple of days - a weekend, to see how you all get on. Then you will be able to make a more informed decision before you leave the four legged member of your family there for a longer period of time.

Stay safe this Easter! Happy holidays to you and your pets! 😊🐱🐶🐰🐹🐥🐍

Stay safe this Easter! Happy holidays to you and your pets! 😊🐱🐶🐰🐹🐥🐍

Just give us a shout, looking forward to meeting you and your fur baby this spring! 🪻❤️

Just give us a shout, looking forward to meeting you and your fur baby this spring! 🪻❤️

VetSetGO in S40 and S41 magazines' Winter Edition! ❤️❄️

VetSetGO in S40 and S41 magazines' Winter Edition! ❤️❄️


This week our Winter editions are out for delivery but in case you're outside our area, or simply can't wait ... you can always take a look online ... and also see every copy we've ever done!

Andy don't forget to check out S41 Local as well, our sister publication.

Happy reading folks.

S41 Local Magazine
Destination Chesterfield
Independent Chesterfield

Follow the link below to go to the online copy of S40 Local

Follow the link below to go to the online copy of S41 Local Magazine

Chesterfield Borough Council
Adorn Jewellers Chesterfield
Vanishing Point Records
The Cheese Factor - Chesterfield
Pizza Pi
IAM Chesterfield
Brookfield Community School, Chesterfield
Jack Jerram
Laterliving now - The Equity Release Specialists
Transition Chesterfield
Michael South Photography

This beautiful picture of Derbyshire's gem, Chatsworth House, was gifted to me by a lovely client as a token of apprecia...

This beautiful picture of Derbyshire's gem, Chatsworth House, was gifted to me by a lovely client as a token of appreciation after I helped his best furry friend recover.
Please visit his website to rest your eyes upon the beauties of Derbyshire he paints in support of cancer research. He merely asks anyone that can donate just 50p to this cause to do so using any charity pot in any shop.

The start of a new adventure ❤️Make sure your new fur baby is safe to take on the world and explore all its wonders prot...

The start of a new adventure ❤️
Make sure your new fur baby is safe to take on the world and explore all its wonders protected from dangerous infections.
Book your vaccination using the below contacts.
Hoping to meet you soon: Bori Vaczy, VetSetGo
[email protected]

On this gloomy day let's cheer each other up with some summer.Share your pets' holiday pictures and bring a little bit o...

On this gloomy day let's cheer each other up with some summer.
Share your pets' holiday pictures and bring a little bit of the beloved sunshine back. ☀️⛱️🍹🕶️

3 siblings got their second booster on the same day today. 🩺🩹🐶If your dog, cat or rabbit need their vaccinations boosted...

3 siblings got their second booster on the same day today. 🩺🩹🐶
If your dog, cat or rabbit need their vaccinations boosted or restarted, contact us on, [email protected] or call 07494227028.
Amazing to see how much these beautiful, cheeky, healthy cocker spaniel puppies have grown since I gave them their first vaccine just 3 weeks ago. Soon they are ready to go and explore the world.

What you can do in the summer heat for the safety and comfort of your petsPlease share below your tips for making summer...

What you can do in the summer heat for the safety and comfort of your pets
Please share below your tips for making summertime safe and fun for your furry, feathery or scaly friend! 😁🌞

- Provide shade
- Provide fresh water, take some on walks too
- Don't walk your dogs on hot concrete
- Avoid heavy exercise
- Don't leave your animals in cars
- Don't let your cats out unsupervised, or at least make sure they are able to come back in anytime
- Provide cooling mats or cold surfaces to lay on, like kitchen tiles
- Use fans, air conditioning
- Sprinkle cool water on them or into a fan directed at them
- You can offer them ice cubes
- Pay special attention to the young and the elderly, as well as the health compromised (pets with spinal or nerve compression, epilepsy, short noses, respiratory or heart disease) - their heat intolerance and sensitivity to weather fronts might be greater than that of others
- Have fun! Warm weather and summer are fun if you take the necessary precautions. 😊

How to provide first aid to baby birds in critical condition 🐣Your intervention could mean the difference between life a...

How to provide first aid to baby birds in critical condition 🐣

Your intervention could mean the difference between life and death.
Lucifer (the fallen angel) is a sparrow nestling 🐦, and was found laying on his side on the floor of a barn, stone cold, gasping for air, right next to his already dead sibling. He was clearly dying.
In these instances you have to act immediately, you don't have much time to save a little life! (I am sure I was just a couple of minutes late from being able to save his sibling too, as his rigor set in soon after I found them.)

1) Please provide a warm environment. 🌡️
You can use a hot water bottle or the so called 'hot hands' (disposable gloves filled with warm - not hot, as it is gonna burst the gloves - water). Please wrap hot substances in towels or paper towels to avoid scolding of the rescue animal.

2) Rehydrate and provide energy source 💦🍴
Whilst nestlings usually don't need to drink water, in Lucifer's case he was unable to feed on his own when he was found, so I needed to rehydrate him with some sugar water first - just mix some sugar or honey in water (only put the solution - water - in the baby bird's beak, not the sugar granules or the honey itself). You can do this with a syringe, but this time I could only use a teaspoon, as I did not have any of my medical equipment on me. Just be inventive! Open their beaks gently and let a couple of drops flow in. Be careful not to overdo it, as they might aspirate while half conscious. Try to wait for the swallowing reflex and just go drop by drop.
When he came to consciousness and was able to take food by himself, I switched to cat food instead. Mush some pouch food with a fork or spoon and feed small pieces at a time. Moisten if you feel necessary.
You can use a spoon or tweezers.

3) Check for injuries. 🩹
It is always a good idea to keep some iodine solution (preferably not soap) at home. You can use it for a variety of surfaces, it can even touch eyes, mouth, open wounds, even open fractures, abdominal or chest cavity. It can be used as a desinfectant basically anywhere on the body.
You can dilute it with lukewarm water until yellow and gently clean dirty, worrisome looking injuries with it as a first aid, then wrap the rescue in a clean, soft blanket. Make sure you don't perform painful procedures like this often and not to be too vigorous when touching sensitive areas. Be very gentle.
Also, the smaller the patient the more care you want to take not to soak them - they can get hypothermic very quickly.

If you don't feel comfortable treating wounds the above way, please leave it to professionals and take the rescue to a shelter or rescue center ASAP. You already helped a lot by providing warmth, rehydration and some nutrition.

4) Finally, please be aware that taking care of baby animals, especially birds is extremely exhausting and needs some expertise. Some nestlings need feeding every 20-40 minutes, and you might not have the knowledge required to decide what their appropriate diet should be. Therefore, it's always best to take rescues to shelters and rescue centres after you are done providing first aid. If they are not anymore recumbent, stuporous, are fairly warm and got some fluids and energy in them, they are ready to travel. It is always better to reach a stable clinical state like that though before you set off to the shelter. As mentioned above, minutes can make the difference between life and death and if you don't stabilize these fragile creatures first, you might deliver a dead baby to the rescue. 😥

Please note that not all little birds need saving. If they look bright and alert, move fine, look symmetrical (eg without a drooping wing or a limp) and look almost like an adult bird, but without the ability to fly, they might be a fledgling that has just left it's nest, but is still being fed by its parents. Please only move these babies if they are in a dangerous place. Best to call a wildlife rescue for advice if you are in doubt.

They just keep finding me. This little guy just came in the house and curled up in my lap 🥰 a nice reward for an exhaust...

They just keep finding me. This little guy just came in the house and curled up in my lap 🥰 a nice reward for an exhausting week



Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm


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