Come and take a look at this one - part of a clearance sale now live at Elimar Pigeon Auctions. 💎
Click the link to go straight to the live auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90656
Micky Collins VDB Hen
2024 Blue Hen - Brazilian Babe - Only purchased at Xmas off Excelsior Auctions from Micky Collins Birmingham sale I paid £580 for this Young Van Den Bulck Hen she is superb in every way with outstanding bloodlines.
Spectacular bloodlines here. She's Direct from "VALE BRAZIL" when he was mated to a proven daughter of "THE MATRIARCH GOLDEN LEO 976"
Sire: "Vale Brazil C**k" B13-6000000
This c**k was unrung and bred by Dirk Van Den
Direct from a FULL SISTER to the one and only
"KITTEL" this c**k is a phenomenal breeder of winners
He's the G.Sire of "RED SONIA"
"RED SONIA" (Sold for over £15,000)
Ace Winner of :
Best bird in the Fed 2020 and 2021, Best Bird in the NEHU 2021
Dam: "Blauwe Princess" 17E26115
Fantastic Hen
Responsible for birds to win Club, Federation, and Section winners in the UNC
Mother to the Best bird in the Fed and Section
2,554 birds
Also 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Section for D Baxter
She's a direct Daughter of "MUSKETEER 1" x
MUSKETEER 1 - Same way bred as "GOLDEN LEO 976", "PITHIVIERSKE 998", "GOLDEN LEO 999" and "GOLDEN LEO 40000"
"RED SONIA" (Sold for over £15,000)
Ace Winner of :
Best bird in the Fed 2020 and 2021, Best Bird in the NEHU 2021
1st Wetherby 360 birds, 1st Fed Wetherby 958 birds, 4th Section 3310 birds
1st Worksop 346 birds, 1st Fed 847 birds, 15th Section 3,526 birds
1st Huntingdon 120 birds, 5th Fed 279 birds
1st Chelmsford 185 birds, 2nd Federation 246 birds
1st Worksop 406 birds, 1st Fed 1,321 birds, 4th Section 3,452 birds, 27th Group 7,152 birds 4th Newark 369 birds, 8th Fed 976 birds, 16th Section 2,600 birds, 21st Group 5,787 birds 1st Huntingdon 359 birds, 15th Fed 1,050 birds
1st Worksop 291 birds, 1st Fed 862 birds, 3rd Section 2,237 birds, 3rd Group 5,081 birds 1st Chelmsford 339 birds, 1st Fed 993 birds, 1st Section 2,714 birds, 3rd Group 4,483 birds, 14th Open UNC 14,007 birds
3rd Folkestone 231 birds, 14th Fed 669 birds
3rd Plumpton 203 birds, 11th Fed 528 birds
9th Folkestone 142 birds
4th Huntingdon 184 birds, 7th Fed 609 birds
1st Pollington 354 birds, 1st Fed 1,184 birds, 4th Section 2,735 birds
3rd Grantham 368 birds, 13th Fed 1,146 birds, 23rd Section 2,575 birds
3rd Huntingdon 207 birds, 8th Fed 538 birds, 8th Section
4th Grantham 226 birds, 5th Fed 570 birds, 9th Section 1,149 birds
Some recent examples of the potency here in the UK from the "THE MATRIARCH GOLDEN LEO 976"
J.Richardson bought a son of "GOLDEN LEO 976" - It's bred this season 1st club, Fed and Section 4, also the fastest bird on the day in UNC. It is the best bird in the club and Fed, 2023 D.Baxter has a G.Daughter of "GOLDEN LEO 976" wins 1st club, fed and 1st section, 3 x 1st, best bird o/b in the club, fed and 2nd best in section.
Gordon Hodgson, Newcastle has a G.Daughter of "GOLDEN LEO 976", in 2023 wins 3 x 1st club,
2x1st fed, 2nd and 3rd Open WDA
K.Homer & Son win £3200 in a b/buyer off a g/son of "GOLDEN LEO 976". They also win 1st club, fed, and combine Guernsey off another g/ child
P.Catherwood bought a g/daughter "GOLDEN LEO 976" 464/20 it has bred him 5 x 1st federation winners, 2022 & 2023
P.Beck of Oldham has a fantastic season of racing, winning £3000 in the b/buyer. gold rings, many feds and amals won, with birds bred by Gary Leigh, from the lines "DONKERE LEO" x "GOLDEN LEO 976"
Mick Bundy wins feds and open many out of "GOLDEN LEO 976" lines
J.Clarke 3 x times the 1st 20 in the fed, O/birds many out of the "GOLDEN LEO 976" line, Together with her 3 sisters "PITHIVIERSKE 998", "GOLDEN LEO 999" and "GOLDEN LEO 40000" these lines represent THE very beating heart of everything that's great about the Bulcks.
You name me any famous Van Den Bulck pigeon that you want to, I bet it'll have at least one of these famous sisters in the pedigree This line of pigeon, the "GOLDEN LEO" line is ROCK SOLID GOLD.