Elimar Pigeon Services Limited

Elimar Pigeon Services Limited Elimar Pigeon Services Limited, online pigeon auctions and much more...

🚨 Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 🚨Come and take a look at this one 👀 - only 2 days left!!Click here to g...

🚨 Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 🚨

Come and take a look at this one 👀 - only 2 days left!!

Click here to go straight to the Auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90952

*Bordeaux Special* - 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux X 1st Open BICC Bordeaux

2024 - Sept Latebred C**k, (2023 ring but bred in Sept 2024) - GB23V46985 (ready now for Pairing)

Sire: 20C47817 - A direct son of the “One & Only” “Lady B” - 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 564 miles & Fontwell Flash Harry (sold for 27,000 euros) (please see pedigree & images attached):
Dam: 22N23461 – A direct daughter of “No Doubt” 1st Open BICC Bordeaux 408 miles & “Dear John” 1st Section 3rd Open NFC Fougeres, 9594p (please see pedigree & images attached):

Please click on links below for further details:
Success with the Midlands National Flying Club for descendents of pigeons bought on P**A! | P**A
A report on the British International Championship Club race from Bordeaux on 2nd August 2020 | P**A

Please Note:
- This Bold Late bred C**k has been vaccinated, wormed & one spotted.
- Buyer to arrange carriage.
- Happy Bidding

Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 👉 https://www.elimarpigeons.com/auctions⭐️ A VERY SPECIAL SALE - DIRECT M...

Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 👉 https://www.elimarpigeons.com/auctions


Coming up we have a very special draft of Direct Marcel Wellemans birds these were bought in direct to form a new family but time and space dictate that they will have to be let go !!.

This very select draft of 2022 youngsters were some of the last to leave Marcel's lofts before the principle stock was all sold. These are already making their mark all over Ireland & the UK since being introduced by Herbie Thorpe.

Pierre Beyl is a long time friend of Marcel & he used the Wellermans birds, crossed with the Dirk Van den Bulck's at the base foundation to his strain !!

To quote Pierre Beyl from an article in De Duif;

Another important contribution comes from the loft of Marcel Wellemans, Schepdaal. The B11/2059838 and the B11/2059831 are the great-grandparents of the “Blizzard King Kittel” or the 1st National Ace Pigeon Speed Young Pigeons.

So if you are a Van den Bulck enthusiast and are looking for something special to pair back into them these could well be what you are looking for !!

🚨With only 1 day to go, come and take a look at this Cracker. 🚨https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90747Entire Clearance Sale of a...

🚨With only 1 day to go, come and take a look at this Cracker. 🚨


Entire Clearance Sale of all our Stock Pigeons
ill health and an impending house move has forced a clearance of all Pigeons nothing is to be kept back & Lofts. These birds would not be for sale otherwise.

# This is One of the best breeders of Winners at our lofts ! #
Superstar 500 - Blue Hen -
Dam of 15 x 1sts with one having 5 x 1sts - 1st Prize Winner in 2024 for my Friend Steve Price from Stourport & 1st Federation, 2nd Open New North Amalgamation Tonbridge National 2024 - She is also Dam of Bird of the Year in Section 2024 - G/Dam of 20 x 1sts with multiple Children breeding many winners in UK & Ireland -
1/2 Sister to our Durham Combine Bird of the Year 2013
Superstar 500 is one of the best breeding hens we have for breeding winners very fast sprint lines !!
Sire - Bob - Sire of 3 x 1st Fed + 2nd & 5th Combine also Bird of the Year in Durham Combine 2013 & Sire of 5th,7th,10th,14th West Durham Amalgamation - These are very fast Sprint lines
Dam - Magic - 6 x 1sts Racing - Absolute Golden breeding hen for us Dam of 90 our 5 x 1sts Hen & many other top winning pigeons Top lines from Soderlund & Maddison

Without going into too much detail We have won 8 x 1st Combines over the years our last season racing we won 5 x 1st Fed & 5 x 2nd Fed & We have also supplied many winners and top pigeons throughout the UK & Ireland upto Combine level 2 x 1sts Up North Combine have been won through our pigeons

Quarry Lofts Entire Clearance Sale - Available now at Elimar Pigeon AuctionsClick here to go straight to the live auctio...

Quarry Lofts Entire Clearance Sale - Available now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions

Click here to go straight to the live auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90688

Entire Clearance Sale of all our Stock Pigeons

ill health and an impending house move has forced a clearance of all Pigeons, nothing is to be kept back. These birds would not be for sale otherwise

# Number 1 Stock C**k #

Red Bull 124 - Paul Janssens - Bred by Jimmy Richardson , Awesome pigeon both in the hand and in the breeding loft - Sire of many winners upto Federation level He is Sire of Blue Chip Top racing & Breeding hen & Dam of Jimmy Richardsons 1st Up North Combine Eastbourne National - 5351 birds & 1st NEHU 6359 Pigeons 2024 He is also G/Sire of another pigeon what won 17th Up North Combine Eastbourne National 6641 birds 2024

He has bred 5 pigeons to breed 1st Federation Steve Price Stourport has a G/Son of Red Bull 124 it has 2 x 1st Federation & 1 x 2nd Federation

Sire is Champion Cracker bred by Jimmy Richardson probably one of the best Breeding C**ks in the UK - Sire & G/Sire of over 20 x 1st Federation inc 2 x 1st Up North Combine , 3 x 2nd Up North Combine , 5 x 3rd Up North Combine & upto 20,000 Pigeons

Dam - 581 - No 1 Stock Hen - Jimmy Richardson - 1 x 1st Fed & 2 x 3rd Fed Racing her first nest produced 2 Federation & Up North Combine Section Winners plus many more

Photo of Pedigree supplied

Without going into too much detail We have won 8 x 1st Combines over the years our last season racing we won 5 x 1st Fed & 5 x 2nd Fed & We have also supplied many winners and top pigeons throughout the UK & Ireland upto Combine level 2 x 1sts Up North Combine have been won through our pigeons

Auction 90742 - Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions.Click here to for direct link to the Live Auction 👉 https...

Auction 90742 - Available online now at Elimar Pigeon Auctions.

Click here to for direct link to the Live Auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90742

Blue C**k GB21R30934.Direct from P&D. Son AWESOME KITTEL (winner 7x1st & 5x2nd) & MISS LIGHTFAST BLAU ( OLYMPIC RICO, WITTEMAN)

Direct half brother in Poland has bred well over 17 x 1st
Breeding high lights
1st 2,994 pigeons
1st 1,420 pigeons
1st 3,117 pigeons
1st 3,032 pigeons
1st 4,895 pigeons
1st 2,612 pigeons
1st 1,844 pigeons

Come and take a look at this one - part of a clearance sale now live at Elimar Pigeon Auctions. 💎Click the link to go st...

Come and take a look at this one - part of a clearance sale now live at Elimar Pigeon Auctions. 💎

Click the link to go straight to the live auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90656

Micky Collins VDB Hen

2024 Blue Hen - Brazilian Babe - Only purchased at Xmas off Excelsior Auctions from Micky Collins Birmingham sale I paid £580 for this Young Van Den Bulck Hen she is superb in every way with outstanding bloodlines.

Spectacular bloodlines here. She's Direct from "VALE BRAZIL" when he was mated to a proven daughter of "THE MATRIARCH GOLDEN LEO 976"

Sire: "Vale Brazil C**k" B13-6000000
This c**k was unrung and bred by Dirk Van Den
Direct from a FULL SISTER to the one and only
"KITTEL" this c**k is a phenomenal breeder of winners

He's the G.Sire of "RED SONIA"
"RED SONIA" (Sold for over £15,000)
Ace Winner of :
Best bird in the Fed 2020 and 2021, Best Bird in the NEHU 2021

Dam: "Blauwe Princess" 17E26115
Fantastic Hen
Responsible for birds to win Club, Federation, and Section winners in the UNC
Mother to the Best bird in the Fed and Section
2,554 birds
Also 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Section for D Baxter
She's a direct Daughter of "MUSKETEER 1" x
MUSKETEER 1 - Same way bred as "GOLDEN LEO 976", "PITHIVIERSKE 998", "GOLDEN LEO 999" and "GOLDEN LEO 40000"

"RED SONIA" (Sold for over £15,000)
Ace Winner of :
Best bird in the Fed 2020 and 2021, Best Bird in the NEHU 2021
1st Wetherby 360 birds, 1st Fed Wetherby 958 birds, 4th Section 3310 birds
1st Worksop 346 birds, 1st Fed 847 birds, 15th Section 3,526 birds
1st Huntingdon 120 birds, 5th Fed 279 birds
1st Chelmsford 185 birds, 2nd Federation 246 birds
1st Worksop 406 birds, 1st Fed 1,321 birds, 4th Section 3,452 birds, 27th Group 7,152 birds 4th Newark 369 birds, 8th Fed 976 birds, 16th Section 2,600 birds, 21st Group 5,787 birds 1st Huntingdon 359 birds, 15th Fed 1,050 birds
1st Worksop 291 birds, 1st Fed 862 birds, 3rd Section 2,237 birds, 3rd Group 5,081 birds 1st Chelmsford 339 birds, 1st Fed 993 birds, 1st Section 2,714 birds, 3rd Group 4,483 birds, 14th Open UNC 14,007 birds
3rd Folkestone 231 birds, 14th Fed 669 birds
3rd Plumpton 203 birds, 11th Fed 528 birds
9th Folkestone 142 birds
4th Huntingdon 184 birds, 7th Fed 609 birds
1st Pollington 354 birds, 1st Fed 1,184 birds, 4th Section 2,735 birds
3rd Grantham 368 birds, 13th Fed 1,146 birds, 23rd Section 2,575 birds
3rd Huntingdon 207 birds, 8th Fed 538 birds, 8th Section
4th Grantham 226 birds, 5th Fed 570 birds, 9th Section 1,149 birds

Some recent examples of the potency here in the UK from the "THE MATRIARCH GOLDEN LEO 976"
J.Richardson bought a son of "GOLDEN LEO 976" - It's bred this season 1st club, Fed and Section 4, also the fastest bird on the day in UNC. It is the best bird in the club and Fed, 2023 D.Baxter has a G.Daughter of "GOLDEN LEO 976" wins 1st club, fed and 1st section, 3 x 1st, best bird o/b in the club, fed and 2nd best in section.
Gordon Hodgson, Newcastle has a G.Daughter of "GOLDEN LEO 976", in 2023 wins 3 x 1st club,
2x1st fed, 2nd and 3rd Open WDA

K.Homer & Son win £3200 in a b/buyer off a g/son of "GOLDEN LEO 976". They also win 1st club, fed, and combine Guernsey off another g/ child

P.Catherwood bought a g/daughter "GOLDEN LEO 976" 464/20 it has bred him 5 x 1st federation winners, 2022 & 2023

P.Beck of Oldham has a fantastic season of racing, winning £3000 in the b/buyer. gold rings, many feds and amals won, with birds bred by Gary Leigh, from the lines "DONKERE LEO" x "GOLDEN LEO 976"

Mick Bundy wins feds and open many out of "GOLDEN LEO 976" lines

J.Clarke 3 x times the 1st 20 in the fed, O/birds many out of the "GOLDEN LEO 976" line, Together with her 3 sisters "PITHIVIERSKE 998", "GOLDEN LEO 999" and "GOLDEN LEO 40000" these lines represent THE very beating heart of everything that's great about the Bulcks.

You name me any famous Van Den Bulck pigeon that you want to, I bet it'll have at least one of these famous sisters in the pedigree This line of pigeon, the "GOLDEN LEO" line is ROCK SOLID GOLD.

Come and take a look at this one. This is your chance to get your hands on a cracker. Click here to go straight to the l...

Come and take a look at this one. This is your chance to get your hands on a cracker.

Click here to go straight to the live auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90528

Proven In**ed son of Better Than Bolt

A chance to grab a proven in**ed son of Premier Stud's Better Than Bolt when he was paired back to his own daughter.

This c**k was purchased with one loft racing in mind by a friend, but due to his work and family commitments, very few babies have been taken from him and was only raced locally with winning success when paired to GB21V38497 which is also listed for sale.

only for sale as my friend didn't bother to pair up at all last season and hasn't got time to pair again this season so he is just going to waste sat on a perch.

He was purchased for a lot more than the starting price.

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions Now - https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90545PORSCHE's 911 brothers son. Original PEC...

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions Now - https://tinyurl.com/Elimar90545

PORSCHE's 911 brothers son. Original PEC

It did not take long for the Wacko Freddy x Lieve pairing to show their potential. They became the parents of two phenomenal birds in their very first year: Porsche 911 and Boxster. And as it turns out, their youngsters and the brothers and sisters of Posche 911 have proven to be among the strongest yearlings of this year's team as well.

Porsche 911 BE14-2230911 won the title of 5th Nat. Ace Pigeon Longer Middle Distance KBDB in 2015, before joining the breeding team. More on that later.

Boxster BE14-2230972
8th Nat. Ace Pigeon Long Distance YL KBDB 2015
2nd Best YL of Belgium over 3 long distance races in 2015 – P**A ranking
11th Nat Brive 9,049 p. ’15 (1st Prov)
42nd Nat Jarnac 4,167 p. ’16 (1st Intprov)
46th Nat Brive 5,952 p. ’16
72nd Nat Tulle 8,621 p. ’15
Boxster was basketed for the long distance every week, with as much as 4 consecutive weeks of racing in 2016. She was basketed on Wednesday to complete 600 to 700 km on Saturday. She usually arrived home not looking very tired, and the same goes for her brother Porsche, who would look nearly the same as before he was basketed. This is something most of their brothers and sisters had in common. They are the type of racing birds that can be basketed on a weekly basis to compete for the win in a variety of weather conditions, and it is with this type of bird that the PEC would like to further develop its pigeon breed.
Boxster is a full sister of Porsche 911.
Is it excellent feel, extensive knowledge or a combination of both? In any case, the pairing of the New Freddy bloodline with the best pigeons of the Geerinckx breed has led to numerous talented racing and breeding birds.

A future proof loft thanks to Porsche 911
-Porsche 911 BE14-2230911
5th Nat Ace Pigeon Longer Middle Distance YLs KBDB ’15
7th Nat Chateauroux 25,710 p.
11th Nat Bourges 21,522 p.
52nd Nat Montluçon 16,982 p.
38th N.Zone Argenton 5,327 p.

He is a son of the PEC's stock pair Wacko Freddy x Lieve.
Porsche 911 joined the PEC breeding loft after a memorable 2015 racing season. His partner Louise was left on her own in the lofts in Houwaert, where she had been paired to Porsche 911 for quite some time. Her own living box was the thing that reminded her the most of her male partner, and it explains why she did everything she could to scare off intruders, even potential new partners. Perhaps Louise for some reason knew that if she ever wanted to see her beloved Porsche 911 again, she would have to deliver an exceptional performance. It could explain her impressive feat in the very first race of 2016, where she claimed a national first prize from Bourges, in hot weather and a north-easterly wind.

Click here to go straight to the Live Auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89660B18-6113179 Blue C**k a FANTASTIC DIRECT ...

Click here to go straight to the Live Auction 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89660

B18-6113179 Blue C**k a FANTASTIC DIRECT SON of “SAGAN” + “RED ALERT” 8 x 1sts Fed. “JOHN JAMES” 5 x 1sts + The “KITTEL DYNASTY”

Sire “SAGAN” sire of the “SAGAN DYNASTY”


1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and Old Birds and Yearlings 2013

1st Noyon 1,042 birds

1st Noyon 524 birds

1st Noyon 446 birds

G-Son of the super sire of the


Well; it was a direct son of “BLAUWE LEO” that bred these superstars!


1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and Old Birds and Yearlings 2013

1st Noyon 1,042 birds

1st Noyon 524 birds

1st Noyon 446 birds


1st Quievrain 2,061 birds

2nd Quievrain 2,121 birds

“NOVA SAGAN” being the G/Father to

"RED ALERT" winner of

8 x 1st federations

The dam of “SAGAN” is


1st Momignies 1138b

7th 685b

11th 948b

In turn out of


1st Asduif Soissons

“SAGAN is the sire of

“PATRICK” a very good stock c**k being responsible for many winners including


2nd sec 3rd open National FC

4th open BICC National

1st sec 5th open BBC National

5 x 1sts

Many 2nd 3rds 4ts club etc

Dam is a direct daughter of super racer/breeder

“BROER GOEDE RODE” reported as the best breeding c**k ever and himself a winner of

7 x 1sts

“BROER GOEDE RODE” offspring include.

1st National Ace KBDB 2015

1st National Ace KBDB 2013

2nd National Ace KBDB 2013

4th National Ace KBDB 2012

6th National Ace KBDB 2013

9th National Ace KBDB 2015

“BROER GOEDE RODE” a top-class stock c**k responsible for generations of winners.

This is the line of such SUPERSTARS as.










All incredible pigeons.

🚨 Come and take a look at this Cracker 🚨Available at Elimar Pigeon Auctions now - https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89455GB16Z79...

🚨 Come and take a look at this Cracker 🚨

Available at Elimar Pigeon Auctions now - https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89455

GB16Z79829 Pencil Blue Pied C**k “ZLATAN” An absolute STAR for sale. Winner of 2 x RPRA Awards at nearly 700mls, what a pigeon.


A true star in the world of racing pigeons.

Winner of 2 x RPRA Awards at Pau & Tarbes nearly 700mls

As a youngster he prized regulally including 8th NW Section MNFC chale

The following week to the North Staffs 4B Classic from Carentan being 2nd as the longest flier winning £850 in a very hard race.

As a yearling prized often on the land winning 10th section 25th Open MNFC Tours over 3000 birds in a very hard rcae.

A Pencil Blue Pied c**k who has won many prizes including

1st Eccles 2B Tarbes 694mls.

1st Eccles 2B Pau 686mls.

1st Section L 51st Open Pau.

1st Section L 36th Open Tarbes National.

8th Section MNFC Chale.

Only reason this CHAMPION is for sale, Brian has resigned from the National and Classic club and intends to only race down to the coast.

He was named "ZLATAN" because whatever distance he went to he prized.

Sire is a Blue Pied C**k from the Astbury Ace Roger Sutton’s and goes back to the “Kilshaw C**k”

He is sire of winners including
The very good Blue Hen winner of.

4th sec 5th open NWCC Picauville.

2nd sec 9th open National Tarbes.

1st sec 2nd open NFC Old Hens Fougeres.

4th sec 101st open National Fougeres.

36th sec 250th open Midland National Alencon.

13th sec 281st open National Saintes.

18th sec 288th open Poitiers National200th sec 266th open National Saintes

21st sec 171st open National Cholet

plus wins in the club.

This is an extremely good winning line.

The sire is also a grandson of Roger’s excellent racer “Awesome” winner of many prizes including


1st sec 51st open National Poitiers.

21st Eccles 2B Saintes.

2nd sec 63rd open Saintes National plus many more positions.

Dam of "Zlatan" was gifted to Brian Lee by Brian Littlewood from his

"Midnight Gambler" National winning lines racing 700mls out of Tarbes and Pau, these being the Roger Florizoone family.

The dam is a daughter of

20th sec L 373rd Open Tarbes National 2182 birds

who is a son of


2nd Sec L Tarbes 708ms

The dam is also out ofa winner of

2nd sec L 41st open Tarbes

Her sire being a winner of 3 x section prizes from Tarbes 708mls.

There are other prize cards which Brian is going to look for.

Don't be put off by the starting price it will be money well spent.

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89168GB21L05959 Blue C**k "BONANZA" 21L05959 an a...

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar89168

GB21L05959 Blue C**k "BONANZA" 21L05959 an absolute stunning Super direct son of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" x The Majestic No.1 Hen "IN**ED KITTEL"

Again a super stock c**k who is only for sale because our vendor is overstocked in the stock loft. These are genuine pigeons that have bred winners, and no expense was spared when they have been purchased.

Sire is the prominent breeder

"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is now responsible for at least 100 x 1st prize-winners such as

1st Club Worksop 146 birds,

1st Open West Essex Federation Worksop against 751 birds

1st Club Aycliffe (221 miles)

1st Station Aycliffe 150 birds

1st Club, 1st Section, 1st Combine 2,609 birds

1st Far West Section in the Welsh South Road National Eastbourne

1st Rhondda Valley Federation Swindon 1,041 birds for Silver & Eaves

1st Club, 1st Fed, 9th combine

1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773 birds

1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841 birds

1st club 379 birds

1st Club 184 birds Littlehampton 23rd Fed 604 birds only sent 3 birds

1st Club 166 birds Purbeck 8th Fed 1273 birds

1st Club 15th Federation

1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773 birds

1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841 birds

1st club 379 birds

2nd Section F, 2nd Open NIPA Roscrea 4,810 birds (beaten by loftmate)

2nd Open London North Road Combine Darlington

2nd club 293 birds, 6th Fed 773 birds

2nd Club Hythe BBLM 6th Section 206 birds 9th Fed 560 birds


More "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" references in tough competition include:

5th Roscrea 3,166 birds

5th Federation Aycliffe 600+ birds

7th Open London North Road Combine 1,050 birds (221 miles)

11th Section F 984 birds, 224th Open NIPA Fermoy 14,581 birds

18th Section F NIPA Fernmoy 1,018 birds

12th Section EDC Navan 3,058 birds

12th Open EDC Nsvan 4,394 birds

12th Section F 984 birds NIPA Fermoy

17th Section EDC Navan 3,058 birds

17th Open EDC Navan 4,394 birds

75th Open NIPA Roscrea 4,810 birds

225th Open NIPA Fermoy 14,581 birds

7th Section 3,058 birds, 7th Open 4,394 birds

11th Section 3,058 birds, 12th Open 4,394 birds

16th Section 3,058 birds, 17th Open 4,394 birds

9th Club Abingdon 26th Sec 626 birds

7th section 3058 birds 7th Open 4394 Navan

37th Section F Corrin 221 birds

77th Open Nipa Roscrea 4810 birds

6th Section F 984 birds 215th Open Fermoy 14,581 birds

80th Open Roscrea Nipa 4810 Birds

"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is a DIRECT SON of the world famous "KITTEL" c**k.

Bred and raced by Dirk Van Den Bulck and now owned by The Flanders Collection.

Interestingly though, the mother of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is

"SAGANNA" an absolute top class breeding hen.

"SAGANNA" is the G.Dam of "THE SAGAN DYNASTY" of Patrick Boeckx

Her offspring include


1st National Ace Speed Old Birds and Yearlings KBDB 2013


1st 2,061 birds, 2nd 2,121 birds etc


1st 2,121 birds, 2nd 1,863 birds etc

As you can see as "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is a DIRECT SON of

"KITTEL" x "SAGANNA" we have nothing but KBDB Champions running through his veins!

Dam is "IN**ED KITTEL" B16-6245057. She was a HUGE purchase from Les Green's sale on P**A. Is she the best Bulck breeding hen in the UK? You decide

She's 24 carat GOLD that's what she is!

Recently bred 2nd Open NIPA almost 13,000 birds

She's bred Federation, Combine, RPRA Region, RPRA Overall Champion winners

Her children are breeding Fed winners all over the UK and her G.Children are breeding them too

The "Big Barnsley Federation" was won the other week. That was bred off a daughter of "UK KITTEL"

Since breeding winners starting with.

G.Dam of

1st European Masters One Loft Race in Romania (454km)

"IN**ED KITTEL" She's the Mother of


1st North West Region Sprint Champion 2019

1st RPRA Sprint Champion of the UK 2019

1st Club, 1st Fed, 1st Combine Frome 4,168 birds

1st Club, 1st Fed, 3rd Combine Tewkesbury 1,701 birds

1st club 7th Fed Tewkesbury 1,701 birds

6th Combine Hullavington 2,345 birds

8th Combine Hullavington 4,509 birds

Half Brother to AT LEAST 14 x 1st prize-winners

"IN**ED KITTEL" has also bred

"HARRIET" (Now also owned by Central Lofts)

4 x 1st Federation winner!

1st Combine 4,509 birds

2nd Combine

3rd Combine

6th Combine

"IN**ED KITTEL" has also bred


6th Combine 4,168 birds

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions – Part of the David Coward-Talbott Entire Clearance Sale – Click 👉 https://ti...

Available online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions – Part of the David Coward-Talbott Entire Clearance Sale – Click 👉 https://tinyurl.com/Elimar88663 to go straight to the auction.

Lot 22. GB18D47650 Blue C**k ***** A to quality double g-son of “Sagan” 1st National Ace KBDB 2013 Old Birds and yearlings. Winner after winner here.

Selected for stock for 2025 a cracker

Sire B17-6093507 in**ed son of
1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and Old Birds and Yearlings 2013
1st Noyon 1,042 birds
1st Noyon 524 birds
1st Noyon 446 birds
G-Son of the super sire of the
Well; it was a direct son of “BLAUWE LEO” that bred these superstars!
1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and Old Birds and Yearlings 2013
1st Noyon 1,042 birds
1st Noyon 524 birds
1st Noyon 446 birds
1st Quievrain 2,061 birds
2nd Quievrain 2,121 birds
“NOVA SAGAN” being the G/Father to
"RED ALERT" winner of
8 x 1st federations

The dam of the sire is BE16 6277377 a top breeding hen and direct daughter of SAGAN, National Ace KBDB 2013 Old Birds and Yearlings.

One not to be missed.

Dam B16-6277377 is also a direct daughter of
1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and Old Birds and Yearlings 2013
1st Noyon 1,042 birds
1st Noyon 524 birds
1st Noyon 446 birds
More details above.

On the other side of the dam, we have super breeder
“BROTHER GOEDE RODE” & “GOLDEN LEO 40000” whose offspring include.
1st National Ace KBDB 2015
1st National Ace KBDB 2013
2nd National Ace KBDB 2013
4th National Ace KBDB 2012
6th National Ace KBDB 2013
9th National Ace KBDB 2015

We also have such ACE’S as

That means that we have all the best of the “CHAMPION KITTEL” Dynasty.
"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" Responsible for 87 x 1st all over the UK

Here's one of his daughter's bred in 2020

In 2021 4 Youngsters from this daughter of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" have won 18 x TOP 10 Federation positions as well 3rd National, 5th National, 7th National, 10th National and 12th National

Now THAT'S a good hen - and she's DIRECT from the one and only "BLACKPOOL KITTEL"

News of another good daughter has just come through

In 2022 a son of hers in 6 races wins 3 x 1st and 2 x 2nd

To breed this c**k she was paired to her 1/2 brother (Again Direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL)

20L23296 also bred winners with 2 other c**ks in 2021 as well.

🎉🐦 FULL CLEARANCE PIGEON SALE – DAVID COWARD-TALBOTT 🐦🎉📢 Attention pigeon fanciers! Starting Saturday, 23rd November, El...

📢 Attention pigeon fanciers! Starting Saturday, 23rd November, Elimar Pigeon Auctions is proud to host the Full Clearance Sale for David Coward-Talbott.
🏆 This is a rare opportunity to own pigeons from one of the most renowned names in the sport. Don’t miss your chance to bid on these top-quality birds!
📍 Where? Online at Elimar Pigeon Auctions
🗓 When? Bidding opens Saturday, 23rd November
🔥 These pigeons are the best of the best – don’t wait! Visit Elimar Pigeon Auctions on Saturday 23rd November to see what is available and place your bids.
📬 Spread the word and tag your fellow pigeon fanciers – this is an event you can’t afford to miss!

Click here to go straight to Elimar Pigeon Autions;https://tinyurl.com/Elimar87700Lot.15. GB24D69287 Blue Hen direct dgt...

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Lot.15. GB24D69287 Blue Hen direct dgt of the fantastic “MR MAGIC” 11 x 1sts & Titan Games Ace Champion x “JENNA” 2 x 1sts fed etc.

Sire is the fantastic winning and breeding c**k

“MR MAGIC” a fantastic racer who was bred in 2019 so who knows how many more wins and winners he can breed.

His wins include.

1st 124 birds

1st 226 birds

1st 268 birds

1st 298 birds

1st 899 birds

1st 1,868 birds

1st 1,439 birds

1st 1,652 birds

1st 1,698 birds

1st 2,781 birds

1st 1,144 birds

2nd 665 birds

4th 869 birds

10th 1,474 birds

4th 3,117 birds

He is also sire of winners including.

20N878 winner of

2 x 1sts Fed Etc.

2 x 1sts Combine Etc.


2 x1sts Fed Etc

“MR MAGIC” is a son of “Jackson” a top breeder and a brother to 3rd Ace Bird Vitesse.

While the dam of “MR MAGIC” is the ever impressive.

“LOLA” an exceptional hen already dam of top winners including.

Dam “JENNA” excellent racer/breeder, herself being a winner of.

1st Fed Mangotsfield 1005b

1st Fed Cheltenham 240b

3rd Fed Yeovil 776b

She is the nest mate to

“CLASSY LADY” winner of

1st Club 1st section 1st NWCC Carentan.

“CLASSY LADY” being a dgt of breeding pair


We have a draft of pigeons from Enfield lofts of CWL and as expected they are all well-bred to winners and breeders. In 2024 racing with the Mid cheshire Fed they took 1st 2nd 3rd 4th no fewer than 8 times plus 3-4-5-6 / 3rd 5th 6th 7th / 3rd 4th 5th / 1st 2nd 3rd. On a Gentleman’s agreement the members of the fed only put the first 4 from their loft forward. S*x of young birds is not 100% guaranteed.




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