Cumbrian Heavy Horses

Cumbrian Heavy Horses Shire, Clydesdale, Suffolk Punch and Ardennes beauties. Ride with us! ☺️❤️ No Pony Trek here...this is REAL riding, on REALLY BIG HORSES!!!!

We are a BHS Approved Heavy Horse Riding and Rare Breed Centre in Cumbria, the Lake District National Park ❤️
We produce horses to high standards and live for our beautiful horses! An Award Winning business run - since conception back in 1997 - by Annie Rose, whose passion for these magnificent giants remains unabated!! Cumbrian Heavy Horses offers riders with various experience levels the opportu

nity to ride a forward going, well schooled and magnificent Heavy Horse in the scenic beauty of the National Park. Fabulous horses, fantastic riding, friendly and qualified staff make this an unrivalled outdoor riding experience. From shorter farm rides to week long holidays we offer something for everyone, with groups carefully managed to enable a high level of instruction on our rides. We look forward to meeting you!��

I recently read yet another advert by an unnamed large well known feed company extolling the value of the product they s...

I recently read yet another advert by an unnamed large well known feed company extolling the value of the product they sell, and how it will support/ systemically heal/balance/ reduce/ enhance/ help everyones horses.
Really, though? 🤔
My team here understand my own, researched, personal journey as regards autoimmune disease (in my case Hashimotos) and the direct effect on inflammation that diet and exercise can have - and how rapidly what we eat affects us. I cleaned up my act (very begrudgingly when it came to alcohol I might add!) 🤪 and apply those theories to my dogs and my gorgeous horses.
The dogs are on a raw food diet. Cheap. Easy. Healthy. Natural. My dogs look amazing, have done for years.
Horses - uncomplicated diets.
Please read on then do comment, I am always interested to hear what folk think.....

Our horse feeds have gone down the same route as our own diets, increasingly processed.
The equine food industry is big business.
They target their marketing to nice, normal folk wishing to give their horse the best of everything. The big companies encourage you to buy feedstuffs, some of which are, I suspect, causative factors in our horses ill health, encouraging us to feed what is marketed as healthy healing diets, yet some are processed food, some are even classifiable as UPF (ultra processed foods).
Some I totally understand are just different mixes, this isn't so bad I guess, but consider this... nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are not as bioavailable if added to feeds, these are man made.
So we are encouraged to feed every supplement under the sun, buy bags of feeds that are £50 plus for a 15kg bag because you've been told its 'the best' but somehow your horse isn't thriving.
You go to the vets (££££'s!). They run tests. Now the big pharma industries step in to 'help' heal your horse.
Horses these days have more ulcers, more stomach issues...tell me, please, what's wrong here, whats wrong with a natural diet? By natural I mean grass, grains, hay, herbs, these are what the horse evolved to naturally source, when for thousands of years horses have roamed the earth eating exactly that (as an aside, they were also eaten by sabre toothed tigers but hey, there have been obvious improvements in life expectancy!!)😄
They are also designed to go into winter plump and come out slimmer. A very real rise in laminitis has causative factors such as diet/condition. Horses should be slim coming out of winter then, as the grass comes in fresh full of nature's own sugars they can fatten up.
Mares foal, with grass for them.
Now we also encourage earlier foaling, no grass as yet, and we are supplying feedstuffs we hear work. Do they?
We have changed our horses way of existence, that ancient, tried and tested way of living is no longer freely available. Now we stick our horses in a stable and limit turnout and companionship and feed some hay/haylage, then oh-too-often processed feeds.
Have you ever stopped and wondered why?
That's what we should be asking ourselves, who benefits?
The food producers? The pharma companies?
Your bank balance? Your horse?

The old adage applies.
(keep it simple, stupid!!)

Spend your hard earned cash wisely! Check ingredients, check additives, try and feed as natural a diet as your research, folks, just be aware of powerful marketing and brand ambassadors carefully selected and paid by feed companies!
This is NOT aimed at any particular company, this is a personal opinion. I might be incorrect, or this might be common sense.
What do you think?
Ps what do we feed?
You want to know?
Is what we feed 100% perfect? No.
I am always learning.
Will film tomorrow and post so you understand my rationale, ok?!!!☺️❤️

Thought I would update horse info and realised I have not, as yet, told you all about our grey Shire Chester who went on...

Thought I would update horse info and realised I have not, as yet, told you all about our grey Shire Chester who went on our Off Season Loan last year, to lovely ex-forces gent Russ and his wife, Debbie.
Russ fell in love with our big gangly grey Shire, and found in Chester a wonderful friend, of huge benefit both mentally and physically. It was a match made in heaven! When it was time for Chester to come home to us, in late Spring, the sadness was palpable - the photos say it all.
Russ loved Chester, and Chester loved Russ.
I was struggling to part them, yet to offer our Riding Experiences we need horses. Good horses, reliable horses.
Anyhow to cut a long story short, we've coped, Chester isn't coming back, he's staying with Russ, his bestest human, his life buddy. They are gorgeous together. I just couldn't do it, so we talked, made a plan and here are some lovely pics of Chester and Russ. Gorgeous!!
Am I a big soft sh**e? Defo, and happy to be this way, this horse wants for nothing he is loved. Pampered. Adored!
Russ, thank you for giving him such an awesome home.
Chester we adored you, too, and miss you, but you are so chilled and content.
Wishing Russ and Chester a fantastic life ahead!! Love from us all at CHH!!❤️❤️

EXCITING NEWS!! New for 2025!!Am sitting here working out next year's Wild Weekend Dates, thats exciting enough...HOWEVE...

EXCITING NEWS!! New for 2025!!
Am sitting here working out next year's Wild Weekend Dates, thats exciting enough...
HOWEVER!! We are also offering you lovely peeps the opportunity to join us, on a slightly revamped Cumbrian Classic Riding Holiday. Yes, it returns!
More details to come, for now, I am looking at logistics, and have some questions for you, as the last time we ran this was in 2019.
(Yes!! Opinions are actually being asked for!!🤣)
In the past we have organised it all, and eaten out, with individually paid for meals. This seemed to work well, although we lost money a few times in non refundable, outsourced accommodation deposits.
My questions to you guys, tonight are regarding:
- Accommodation
- Food
How would YOU prefer this to be arranged!

1) In house. We arrange it all at a high price.
This could be a rented cottage, pub type hotel rooms, our Lodges...what appeals? Bear in mind we are very rural and choices can be limited.
Food. A chef? Go out for meals? Buy in? Ideas?
In house sounds expensive but in reality, costs the consumer the same. That high end price can put you lovely folk off tho', which we don't want!!

2) We arrange accommodation including breakfast
We do not supply the evening meal
(a) This can be an individual choice, folk can go their own way
(b) we book a pub/ restaurant and you pay individually.
In remote locations the choices are limited!!

3) Bogus question!!
As we move around the stunningly beautiful Lake District National Park with our beautiful horses do you want to stay where you are riding, or be transported back to 'our' accommodation.
Pros: No unpacking/ packing. You have all your kit at Base.
Cons: travel time, getting up earlier etc
We have to book accommodation outside of our control.
Short notice people, ie joining late, might find it impossible to find lodgings

These are my queries!
Help us get it right for you!
Am crazy excited to run this again!
PS pics from recent Beach Riding Experiences or Wild Weekends! Will find tantalising Cumbrian Classic photos when we announce finalised dates/ routes!!xx😁💯😍☺️


A short video for you from today of our horses and riders, all complete beginners, enjoying this awesome August weather!!
This lovely group - a fab gent called Chris and dad Neil with his/ friends four children aged from seven to 14 years old, arrived for a beginner Farm Riding Experience.
The forecast - OK till the afternoon, apparently...
NOTE TO SELF! It's not always accurate!!
We went over basics using 'Woody' our wooden demo horse, fitted hats, safety brief/ paperwork duly completed, they mounted up. We checked all directional commands in the yard then headed off to enjoy the farm and the countryside!
Oh boy!!!
Within 15 minutes the rain started, that definitely drenching, fine, piercing rain....delightful...(it is the West Coast, after all!!)
We laughed, we sheltered behind the horses, our riders each tried a carefully supervised trot to varying degrees of success/grimaces/ giggles and happily trundled onwards around the farm.
As Ride Lead I took us to the top of the field we called Big Mead. Views to die for, usually, of the fells, Black Combe, and down the valley to the sea. Great for group photos.....
Could we see a d**m thing?
Being cheery souls we took pics anyway, then, thoroughly soaked by now, we proceeded in a roundabout way back to base. Wee Joseph (aged seven!) was defo chilly, we arrived back via the campsite and tbh, despite the drenching, we all had a great time with good conversations along the way, and everyone did fabulously!
It's great seeing groups well matched to horses we trust, and actually riding them, steering them, stopping them, the basics if you like, but how good for building confidence.
Horses in the video are our special lad Ardennes Di**le, Clydesdales Darcy and Charlie, then Suffolk Punches Dragon and Drummer and lastly Clydesdale Deeks!
Thank you all for joining us, I am sure you'll all agree, the views are stupendous.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mutual grooming is a bonding activity which starts at a very young age.This years Suffolk Punch foals Harris (born 24/04...

Mutual grooming is a bonding activity which starts at a very young age.
This years Suffolk Punch foals Harris (born 24/04/24) and Bella (01/05/24) enjoying itching the places they cannot scratch themselves.
Horses mutually groom each other because they are highly social animals, grooming is often a communal activity. Horses in the same herd groom each other as a sign of bonding and mutual attraction, to establish and maintain social hierarchies within the group. It's also a hygienic habit removing dead skin/ hair and promoting cleanliness.
This is an initiated task and the relationship between the two horses must be one of trust!
These two have grown up together, they are best of friends! Lovely!!😍🧡🧡😍
❤️🐴 #


First thing this morning as we were bringing the horses to make everyones breakfast....
And you wonder where the money goes?!
We use colour coded buckets and can only find these easily (it seems!) trashed buckets....
Anyone have any options .. ..ideas are welcome! We've never found a bucket which will survive 800kgs of horse feet, and we won't use fixed water feeders because we share stables quite a lot ( it's much nicer for the horses mental well being) and prefer to know they are drinking,
Anyhow, that's another one bites the dust......🤣🤣👍🙄
Edit!! No metal or anything feathered horses (who can get mites and itch like crazy!) can rub on.
We rarely leave buckets in overnight - they can achieve high levels of trashing very rapidly!
Tyres - we do use these as some horses paw, but others will pick their bucket up and chuck around aka the windmill effect!!
Colour coding ideas - great, also loving Megs idea re a bucket challenge!
We use Gorilla trugs they are good but....this green one IS one. Broken!
Any other good bucket manufacturers???

We are embracing the history, the agricultural background, of these beautiful big horses the Shires and Clydesdales who ...

We are embracing the history, the agricultural background, of these beautiful big horses the Shires and Clydesdales who would have been used in Cumbria all those years ago!
Cumbria sits in between the areas Shires were used (in the south) and of course it's close to the borders, Clydesdale territory!
Flo, who in our development team for the pretty Cafe and Shop, has family who lived and worked here, these superb historical photos are to be seen in the shop.
Do pop in to have a look 😃
I can feel some cards in the making!!

A fantastic visit and Interview a couple of days ago with this lovely gentleman, Henk, who is the Communications Manager...

A fantastic visit and Interview a couple of days ago with this lovely gentleman, Henk, who is the Communications Manager for CLA North (CLA stands for the Country Land and Business Association). They promote farming throughout the UK, liasing at Governmental levels, encouraging good practice, Environmental awareness, diversification, offering advice and who assist small farm based businesses such as ours!.
Henk said he chose Baystone Bank Farm because the diversification here really piqued his interest!
We had a lot to talk about from our individual travelling days to our farming diversification ideas, the new Environmental Land Management Schemes and our community work with children, as he's also a stalwart supporter of the farm based Educational Visits which we have started and are diversifying into offering here.
My hair was having a real 'bad hair day' btw, so any photos are going to give that charming 'dragged thru a hedge backwards on a windy day' kinda look....🤣🤣
Here's Henk with our foals from our Breeding Programme, this is Bree our Clydesdale filly born on 15th June this year, with Mora the Suffolk filly foal in the background! Lucky him, no hair issues!!😁🤣
We had a quick tour around the campsite, the glamping Lodges, The Roundhouse, our sheep, cattle, shop, cafe and of course, the horses!!😍❤️
Looking forward to the write up!!
Thank you Henk for joining us, it was a pleasure to meet you, and look forward to potentially hosting a farm visit in future!
See you at the Westmorland Show on the CLA stand!!


I've been posting about riding/age/ ability recently, yet I have found that judging ability by age can be a misnomer.
These two young ladies on Clydesdales JZ and Darcy opted for a Private Beach Riding Experience, they are 13 and 14, and I will admit to being delighted at both the ability and careful understanding, the horsemanship at such a young age from these two cracking young riders. They were well taught, brave, and had that fabulous fearlessness that comes of youth!
Loving this clip as they canter thru the sea....
Wonderful 😍💯❤️
Thank you, Lilly and Laurie, and your families for joining us here! ❤️💯

My last post was all about children riding Heavy Horses.This lovely lady, Sheila, is at the other end of the age spectru...

My last post was all about children riding Heavy Horses.This lovely lady, Sheila, is at the other end of the age spectrum, at 80 years young she rode with us a few days ago on our Shire mare, Dolly! Inspirational!!
A fit lady who has ridden for many years she is where I certainly would love to be at 80. What a lovely interesting lady, thank you Sheila for joining us on your Fell Riding Experience!! 😍❤️
We won't all be privileged to have such good physical health but we can try....
Eat well.
Keep the weight off (easier said than done I know)☺️
Keep moving. Keep doing! An active lifestyle. She's out poo picking fields at home, helping at her local yard, she is a fantastic example of positive aging. Her bestie at home is 86 and still doing similar.
If you have older folk/ a friend/ relative/ yourself reading this and you're wishing to join us, we will consider each person, individually, taking into a count arthritic changes, physical health, eg diabetes, heart issues, your weight, the usual hips, joints...mobility.
What we do not want to do is give your much loved relatives (or you!) an issue you might not have had, ie create or exacerbate an illness/ joint pain.
Realistic is better.
We do run non riding experiences where visitors can spend time with the horses, without riding, please call us for these.
Thank you!!❤️

It's summer at last, folk are visiting the Lake District, possibly staying on our pretty campsite, and booking themselve...

It's summer at last, folk are visiting the Lake District, possibly staying on our pretty campsite, and booking themselves and children onto our Riding Experiences, Farm, Fells and Beaches.
I thought it might help to talk about taking children riding on Heavy Horses!
Age: we are insured from 5 years old, however, children can be overawed at the sheer size of these horses so please discuss this with them, be sure they will mount up!
At booking:
Your children's safety is paramount.
When you call to arrange your childs experience on our gorgeous Shire, Clydesdale and Suffolk Punch Heavy Horses we will ask a ton of questions. We are assessing your childs riding ability according to us!
Your opinion of your children's ability is probably based on ( a) your own knowledge base (b) your instructors opinion -who has probably never ridden here and doesn't know our horses and (c) your childs opinion, when the child is usually riding steadier ponies in an arena.
I cannot repeat this enough.......
A 13.2hh school pony in an arena is not the same experience as riding an 18hh Heavy Horse outdoors, up/ down hills, at a similar pace, it's a whole different experience!
A trek on a calm trekking pony, all in a line just hanging on does not mean your child is an experienced rider, it's not the same as riding an 18hh Heavy Horse under instruction. We manage our experiences carefully, choose appropriate horses,'s different!
These gorgeous horses are not ponies. They are wonderful ridden horses who are, by nature, kind and forgiving, but who are also large, strong, and responsive.
These horses are gentle, and we happily take children of a wide variety of experience levels, but to many children, introduced to our big guys and girls, they are huge!
Confidence levels can ebb. The movement of the horses is huge and surprising, and can cause a real dip in confidence.
If you have been realistic and honest about ability, all is good, but telling us your child is good enough to be riding for TeamGB in a few years then we are presented with a nervous, over pushed child who lacks confidence, who is close to tears, well, we have a lot of careful child and parent management to deal with. We then need to choose a sweet, kind, calm horse for that small person to build their confidence up.
We are trying to offer an appropriate ride for your child's confidence, ability, and experience.....
Right ride.
Right horse.
Right group - because group dynamics come into it.
These aspects of riding such giants is one of the reasons we book over the telephone, to enable us to get a true overview of ability.
Please give us your time, a brusque ' her instructor says she's fine' won't do.
Help us to help your child to have an awesome experience here!!
We love taking children out, experiencing these horses, they are the riders of tomorrow and whether they come as complete beginners or highly experienced youngsters born in the saddle we want them to LOVE being here. Adore it, and pester to return!
Whilst I am discussing children on our Riding Experiences, I must mention Beach Riding.
Yes, children can go on our Beach Rides, but we will insist on seeing your child (under 14yrs and possibly adults too!) ride on the farm before taking that child on one of our group Beach Riding Experiences. These horses are fast, they can get excited and strong. All riders should be capable up to gallop - that's a lot of power - and should be in full control at all paces.
Beach riding can be exhilarating, it can be fast, and these horses are often underestimated!
A Private Beach Riding Experience can be managed carefully, for anyone, from age 5 upwards on appropriate horses. Family groups, solo, friends, bucket listers etc we don't mind, but we charge slightly more for the increased staffing levels!
I hope it helps parents prepare for the questions, understand why we are careful.
A quick Q&A:
'Can I have a discount for my kids?'
No, we do not discount your children. They require more staff, paperwork, qualifications and courses than any other riders!
We welcome your children with open arms, it's a pleasure enabling them to ride with us, and we love that so many children return year after year! Thank you all!! ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

Our first ever summer HAF Course (Holiday Activity and Food Course, which is a funded course for children who are on Fre...

Our first ever summer HAF Course (Holiday Activity and Food Course, which is a funded course for children who are on Free School meals/ HAF1 or 2) has just finished, four glorious fun filled days with the children enjoying a wide variety of activities, crafts, enrichment activities, bushcraft, campfire cooking, farm walks, making seed bombs and orienteering too!! All the food was freshly prepared onsite by our wonderful chef Steve, and a fabulous time had by all!
Thanks to the families who supported our initiative, to Frith for organising it and Chris, Jen (volunteer) and Vicky for their amazing help.
Children, you were all awesome!!
We still have a few places left for this course, for HAF1 or HAF2 children... please share locally as we know there are families who are unaware of this wonderful initiative!!
The dates inclusively
August: 7th - 10th ; 14th-17th ; 20th - 23rd
[email protected]
With HAF Course in the subject line
We are enjoying watching these children make friends, understand farm life, learn all about where real food comes from, not processed food, and be in an outdoor environment.
Thanks everyone!!!
eating national

Our Clydesdale filly foal Bree (aka Lady Brienne of Tarth!) being adorable a week or so ago!!😍💯❤️Thank you for these gre...

Our Clydesdale filly foal Bree (aka Lady Brienne of Tarth!) being adorable a week or so ago!!😍💯❤️
Thank you for these great pics Mandy! 🤗
Bree is adorable, loves her scratches, loves attention, is getting very brave, and omg we love her! She's growing into a sweet filly, with no fear! It's interesting seeing her next to the Suffolk babies, who are noticeably chunkier! Enjoy these sweet foal photos!

A selection of photos for you from around d the farm this past few days: Suffolk Punch foals Tally and Connie heading ba...

A selection of photos for you from around d the farm this past few days: Suffolk Punch foals Tally and Connie heading back to their field, some of our 'Dream Team' of Jaz, Vicky, Simone and Kirsty riding ba****ck on the horses along to their field, Di**le enjoying a deeeeep wade, Conker on the Beach, JZ on the Beach, Darcy on a Farm Riding Experience, dropping off Baystone Bank itself, Duke on a Farm Riding Experience in the trees, Conker with Hector the Suffolk Punches butt ahead on one of our Fell Riding Experiences, and riding back fown 'Big Mead' field after a lovely Farm Riding Experience, Nemo having a hoolie, and a gaggle of Clydesdales on the beach today, a BTE photo...Little Prince, Darcy and JZ!! ! It's busy busy, we love it but the phones are a bit behind please forgive us.
We are such a small business, we will try and get back to everyone asap!
Our Farrier Chris is here tomorrow, Guiness is getting shod 'all round' ie on all four feet to help him progress. He's such a good lad!! Enjoy these pics!!
Thank you everyone for joining us!😍💯❤️
PS! Can anyone guess the four horses the Dream Team are sat on?!! Clues! They all live in the same field as you come up the drive.....three are Clydesdales, one is a Shire.....anyone?!! 🤫


It's not often I have the opportunity to film a gallop THEN see it through the riders eye!! JUST WOW!!!😍 Zoomies!!!
The same gallop as posted yesterday, but viewed from Kat's GoPro on our Shire Mare get a real feeling of speed, of the horses power on this, what great footage! Its worth looking at the post before this on our FB page...thank you!!
These big horses are really fast, surprisingly speedy, for such large animals. Great fun!
👏 Let's Go!!!! 😃 ❤️
Edit! You do need to be a really capable rider to handle 800kg's of lively horse for this experience.
For those just wishing to take it easy yet enjoy the beach, we occasionally run a steadier Beach Riding Experience but even then, you need to be capable.
We also offer Private Beach Experiences.
Please see the post pinned to the top of the Facebook Home Page for all the info.
Website is on its way, I promise!!💯


I cannot complain! 🤗
A warm day!☺️
It even felt like summer!!
Thank you everyone!! ❤️

Our foals, latest pics!!😍☺️🧡This gorgeous photo was sent to me by my good friend Mandy, thank you 🙏Harris was our first ...

Our foals, latest pics!!😍☺️🧡
This gorgeous photo was sent to me by my good friend Mandy, thank you 🙏
Harris was our first 2024 foal, born on the 24th April, a daylight birth (how considerate!!) our first of four birthd this year!
He's just over 3 months old.
His fluffy foal coat is disappearing, replaced by his true adult 'plumage' of a beautiful shade of chesnut.😍
His mum is Suffolk Punch Thornfield Honey, his father is Holbeache Seth one of the Suffolk Stallions at Bruce's Thorpeley Irish Draught and Rare Breed Stud.
As he grows we see his character, he's s brave, he's bold, and wonderfully, he trusts. He's very cuddly and loves his scratches.
Meet Harris at 3 months!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡


Baystone Bank Farm, Whicham Valley

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm





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