The temperatures are rising quickly this week 🌡️ ☀️ Our pets are at high risk of heatstroke which can be fatal. Remember 1,2,3...
1. Recognise it
The signs of heatstroke include but are not limited to:
🔴 Heavy panting and difficulty breathing
🔴 Excessively drooling/foaming at the mouth
🔴 The dog appears lethargic, drowsy, confused or uncoordinated
🔴 They have collapsed or are vomiting
🔴 Their gums are bright red or pale
🔴 They are shaking or having a seizure
2. Cool them
🔵 Move them to a shaded area or somewhere cool
🔵 Offer sips of water
🔵 Lay them on top of cool wet towels
🔵 Pour cool water over them or if possible (and for young healthy dogs), immerse their body (not head or face) in cool water
🔵 Create a breeze (ideally with a fan)
⚠️ Once you have started these steps, call for veterinary advice!
3. Transport them
Cooling your pet is the imminent priority as they can continue to warm as they travel to the vet.
To avoid heatstroke, ensure you walk your pets at cooler times of the day, restrict exercise, and provide access to water and shade at all times. Remember to check garages, conservatories and greenhouses for cats who may become trapped in warm places. Finally, small furries who are outside in 'runs' will also need shade created as the sun moves throughout the day.