Well a more stressful day today than I planned!
Lorry started, screeched then stopped and wouldn't start again! Breakdown called but wasn't going to make the spook busting clinic at Smugglers. Melissa to the rescue and thanks so much to Gwen who swopped to my 11.45 session so I could have 1.30!
Rachael Law to the rescue too allowing me to borrow her lovely lorry as fuel pump gone on mine!!
Arrived at Smugglers by the skin of my teeth but really enjoyed the Equi nine spook busting clinic, paws was a bit stressed as she could hear horses outside but not see them but coped with the obstacles well. Less sure about the curtain and pool noodles but still coped.
Lots to practise but really pleased with her!
Thank you to everyone who helped sort my day out!!
More water treadmill, this is the deepest she has had the water, you can really see how much her back and whole body moves.
Paws has a weaker left hind but the resistance of the water means she has to use her limbs evenly so helping to strengthen her weaker leg and massively improve her straightness.
Hugely thankful we have such a great machine so local.
Another trip this afternoon to Venture Sports Horses in Usk to use the Venture water treadmill. Paws has had a few sessions now and seems to really enjoy it, she even loads herself onto the treadmill! Kat and Kazia have been great gently increasing the time of the sessions and the depth of the water to aid her rehab and increase her strength and straightness. Paws is improving her muscle structure and losing weight which is an added benefit!! I schooled her a few days ago and it's the first time she felt level into both reins taking a positive even contact which felt awesome. I truly believe that without the water treadmill we wouldn't be having these results.
I cannot recommend the Venture water treadmill enough whether for rehab, strength and conditioning or even weight loss its a great piece of kit for all horses!
Busy weekend....
Wonderful 5hrs pole dancing in the sunshine at Castle farm
Then a session on the water treadmill at Venture Sports Horses in usk, wow what a piece of kit!! Can't wait to see how it helps Paws rehabilitation.
Sunday saw more pole dancing at Smugglers Equestrian - Events Centre and a gorgeous hack this evening in the sunshine 🌞.
Hope you all had a fab weekend too!!
Pawsie puddle!!
Paws has spent the whole week with a light rug on to keep her clean so this was her treat for being a really good girl!
I am still regretting my choices! To brush or just wash is the question!!