Pressure and release is not a reward!
Release of Pressure is NOT a Reward!
I need to get this off my chest. I still read this so often everywhere, 2 days ago I even received an email from another horse trainer writing about how 82% of horse professionals say that release of pressure is the best reward for horses.
How can release of pressure be reward? Because it is NOT AT ALL a reward.
Yes, it lets the horse know he found the right response - but:
What is the definition of "reward"?
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary it is:
"a stimulus (such as food) that is administered to an organism and serves to reinforce a desired response"
Reward is if you GIVE something to your horse after a desired response.
Release of pressure means just that pressure is released, taken away.
Let's look at the scientific terms of equine learning theory:
Positive and negative reinforcement.
Both will cause a behaviour to be more likely to appear.
Positive and negative doesn't mean good or bad - it's to be seen in a mathematical sense. Taking away or adding something.
Positive reinforcement means to GIVE/ADD something the horse desires after the correct response. THIS is a reward.
Negative reinforcement means that you are TAKING away pressure/feel as soon as the horse gives the right answer. This is release of pressure. It's NOT reward.
Don't get me wrong. Using pressure/release does’t automatically mean to escalate pressure or to use it in ways that cause the horse to get scared.
Yet, release of pressure is a very important tool of training. It is crucial that we get the timing of release right so that the horse knows where to find the answer and can quickly learn the correct response.
But it isn't a reward. Only if you give your horse a treat, scratches, allow some grazing - then you are rewarding your horse.
Of course we have to release pressure/feel. This can be very subtle and you might not even be aware about it.
Releasing your leg cue when the horse steps forward. Releasing the leadrope when your horse follows you. Releasing the feel on your horse's side after you asked him to step over on the grooming place. And the list goes on.
And horses will learn to move away from pressure/feel and get pretty good at figuring out puzzles once they understand the principle of it. And honestly, any horse should know how to find the release.
If we work with pressure/release, the horse will learn to work AWAY from something.
If we start to work with reward, aka positive reinforcement, the horse will more and more start to work TOWARDS something he desires to have. And the motivation will kick in.
Horse training is mostly, if we want it or not, a combination of both.
Release of pressure/feel (aka negative reinforcement) and reward (aka positive reinforcement). Just be aware about what you are using and know the terms.