A group of vastly mixed abilities saw some interesting dog work in the beet today. Some very young dogs showed us that they were keen as mustard, & tried so very hard to find their marks in the dense sea of identical green leaves! They really gave their all, so we gently stretched them to produce some startling results as the day wore on. The broad smile on one handler’s face told the story…his youngster surpassed all expectations & had us all cheering our encouragement.
Before the walk up commenced, we ran the dogs through a trio of static retrieves, involving a blind in the beet, a long diagonal mark out of the beet, over a track & into a stubble field, & a blind in the corner of a wood. Three different terrains, all presenting their own challenges. The long mark in the stubble proved a big ask for most dogs, although a couple of experienced open dogs made it look easy!
We then proceeded with the usual walked up format, sending the youngsters back for some short memories in the beet. All the dogs made a good job of picking a series of launcher marks, interspersed with blinds of varying lengths. We then tested the open dogs by having them leave the beet, run through a tree belt & pick hidden blinds out on a stubble field, out of sight of the handlers. All managed to pick, but substantial handling was sometimes required.
After lunch we showed the puppies how to negotiate a log jump, then sent them all back for a mark over the jump, all picking nicely. For the open dogs we required them to run through the fall area, go over a second jump, then cross the grassy head-land & pick blinds out on the stubble. We progressively lengthened this scenario until these talented dogs were being sent from ridiculously far out! Their handlers only had a small window in which to keep their dogs in sight, so they had to take a straight line. Congratulatory cheers were heard when one dog pulled it off in a single cast…hugely impressive!
Double marks which landed down in the dip were efficiently picked despite the dogs not always seeing the fall. More launcher marks were all dealt with in most efficient fashion, even by the younger dogs.
Some long launcher balls which landed in a thick hedge proved tough to pick, as a strong back wind gave the dogs no help whatsoever in scenting them. Lovely to watch them figure it out.
Alternate blinds & marks in a grassy dell ended a challenging afternoon session, with some memorable retrieves. A good day’s work for many, but with the tricky nature of the retrieves showing up the occasional crack.
Well done overall to this strong group of handlers, you all raised your game as required. And to the puppies, bravo little guys, you did good!