Some very useful information about noseband fit and fascial anatomy from Equine Bitting Solutions. Many important points raised that are often overlooked.
Recently the equestrian press has been awash with the impending new noseband rules for competing. So lets talk about tight nosebands and uncomfortable bits in regards to horse welfare and how they physically and physiologically affect the horse.
This topic can be contentious as different opinions exist regarding comfort and function, especially nosebands. As an experienced bit fitter, my primary focus is assessing the horse's comfort, welfare and rider safety by assessing the bit, current bridle, its fit, function and whether it suits the horse. In consultations, I sometimes encounter riders who have been advised to tighten the noseband and add a flash strap to reduce mouth movement, which is done in an effort to reduce bit evasions. However, this approach can lead to unintended problems and welfare issues. If you’re faced with this scenario, please consider: Is tightening the noseband going to teach/train the horse to relax, or just create even more tension?
It is also crucial to ensure that the bit itself is not causing the issue, as using a tight noseband to prevent mouth opening fails to address the root cause. A tightly fastened noseband and unsuitable bit can cause significant discomfort for the horse. It can induce stress, result in mouth damage, bruises and injure the face, elevate heart rate, increase eye temperature, compress veins and nerves, impede natural chewing and swallowing actions, and restrict physical performance.
When horses experience stress, they exhibit certain responses that may not be immediately visible. Their heart rate and cortisol (stress hormone) production can increase, as can eye temperature. However, studies have indicated that facial temperature can decrease when the arteries are constricted and unable to regulate blood flow. Additionally, tight nosebands can harm delicate cranial nerves, leading to numbness and potential dysfunction of the facial muscles.
Some signs of discomfort are readily observable. Rubs and sores can develop where the noseband rests, while bruising, although less conspicuous, can still be noticeable with slight swelling. Inside the mouth, injuries like cheek ulcers and damage from the cheeks being pressed against the teeth can occur. This is frequently observed when a horse wears a tight noseband, as even a slight opening of the mouth causes the cheeks to fill the space, trapping them between the teeth. Excessive saliva or dribbling may also be seen as the horse struggles to swallow. The shape of the horse's nostrils may change, becoming more flared and pronounced.
Physically, we may observe tail swishing and decreased performance. The horse may become stiffer and less responsive when ridden. Horses need the freedom to move their jaw to chew, lift their tongue to swallow and lick their lips, without this, you may experience other issues such as open mouth, lack of forward motion, becoming less supple, and bracing, amongst other issues. So with that in mind, let’s delve a little deeper into how tight nosebands and an uncomfortable bit can affect the horse.
Nosebands, Bits and the Hyoid Apparatus.
When tight nosebands restricts the natural actions of chewing and swallowing, it can also have a detrimental impact on not only their natural behaviour, but also the hyoid apparatus.
Restricted function of the hyoid due to uncomfortable bits and tight nosebands can affect the horse's locomotory system, leading to shorter strides, limited lateral movement, and tension throughout the body. Horses may also become stronger in the contact as they brace against the pressure exerted by the noseband.
The hyoid is a small yet crucial and intricate bone in the horse's head that supports the tongue, regulates balance and breathing, amongst other imperative functions. It is connected to the tongue, pharynx, poll, and an important group of muscles that govern foreleg movement, namely the sternohyoideus and sternothyrodeus. These muscles are located in the neck, and connect from the hyoid to the pectoral muscles in the chest, and thus the forelegs. Then through a chain of associated muscles and fascia they are interconnected to the hind leg, right down to the placement of the hind feet.
One of the main functions of the hyoid is supporting the horses tongue. So a bit that causes discomfort can also change the way the rest of the body responds. Some horse may present with a frame that travels hollow, and in turn they can’t utilise top line muscles, some may brace their jaw and neck and not be willing or able to offer true connection and engagement. Sometimes if an uncomfortable bit is used, the horse may try to open their mouth, and this is usually when a rider may perhaps over tighten the noseband/flash to prevent this, and then we enter what I call ‘The Evasion Vicious Circle’…..but more on that on another post…
So, how tight is too tight? A general guide for a cavesson noseband is a two finger/two inch gap between the noseband and the front of the nasal plane. When using a drop noseband, it should not impinge on the lips, not cause friction on the skin, and have at least a two finger gap all round. This looseness gives the horse enough room to be able to lick and chew without any threat of the cheeks or the lips becoming trapped between the teeth. This is especially important on male horses who have tushes. It won’t then then compress any blood vessels, arteries or nerves to cause discomfort or pain.
If you are utilising a flash strap, this should also be done up loose enough so the horse can chew. It should not pull the cavesson noseband downwards, nor indent on the delicate skin around the mouth.
In the near future there will be new rule changes announced for many equestrian disciplines in the UK, all filtering down from the FEI. Some will encompass bit and noseband changes, whereby stewards will be instructed to utilise a new tool to measure noseband tightness in a fair and uniformed way across all equestrian sport.
So if you are not sure about how tight your noseband is, or whether your bit is causing any problems, now is a good time to find out how you can improve your horses comfort and responsiveness, even if you don’t compete.
The comfort your horse should always be paramount, they will thank you for it.
Equine Bitting Solutions is always here to help with ensuring your horse is happy and comfortable Creating Harmony and Connection with Your Horse