Vet Physio Dissertation Day
A full day of horses on treadmills yesterday for Meg Carter university assignment ‘The biomechanical analysis of joint angles and range of motion in horses’ this was measured before, during and after a water treadmill session. Thank you to all the clients and their horses that came to help. Next one Tuesday 🎉 #equinewatertreadmill #HarperAdamsUniversity #megcartervetphysio #equinewatertreadmill
Introducing Rookery Equine's newest latest electrotherapy to add to our extensive range 😍
Already a firm favourite with the staff and horses, this latest innovative TECAR therapy from WINBACK will be sure to be a popular option for any horses as part of their rehabilitation process.
Here is Penny having her first session, we have never seen this horse looking so relaxed 🥹
To book or for more information on how this therapy can help your horse during their rehabilitation process please click on the link below ⬇️ or give us a call.
Equine Water Treadmill benefits are endless
Water treadmills are quickly becoming an integral part of the competition horse’s training and development. With the added feature of the incline we can really get your horse working stronger in a non-concussive environment.
Bringing measurable benefits including
✅ All-over suppleness
✅ Increased stride length
✅ Better muscle tone
✅ Increased core strength
✅ cardiovascular fitness
This not only maximises performance and training, but helps to reduce risk of future injury.
This therapy has been backed by endless scientific works and studies.
Studies have also found measurable findings in the following
Regular training in a water treadmill can develop a horses stride length in walk 🐴
After just 4/5 sessions a young horse will noticeably improve its body balance and stability 🐴
When a horse is worked in walk, it shows more muscle activity than in trot in the water 🐴
Muscle volume and strength can be developed 3 to 4 times faster with aqua training compared to hand walking 🐴
The development of back muscles is greatly improved, showing significant strength increase with a daily 20 minute training plan 🐴
Adding hydrotherapy training sessions after canter work seemed to decrease the lactic acid in the horses muscles 🐴
In addition, there are many more benefits observed 👀
Older horses improve overall body condition and muscle tone, the reduced impact from water treadmill allowed them to stay in competition for longer during their later years. 🐴
It can also be used in the rehabilitation of tendon and ligament injuries as well as common back related injuries 🐴
The added incline function improves stamina and fitness and all programmes tailor made to horses individual needs. 🐴
Suitable for horses of all shapes, sizes and disciplines. 🐴
Water Treadmill
EMS + BOX REST = an extremely overweight horse at risk of laminitis.
Start weight 617Kgs
End Weight 566Kgs
Total weight loss = 51kgs 🎉
Result - EMS reversal and happy horse and owner 🐴
“I just wanted to bring you up to date with Quigley, he has had two blood tests since he left Rookery. Once before he went back on the grass and once on the grass. Both were back to normal - so thanks again for all your help with him - it has given us a whole new start xx”
#equinemetabolicsyndrome #WeightLoss #equinefitness
For less than £90 for 3 treatments, this natural, non invasive treatment can help alleviate skin and respiratory conditions #saltchamber #halotherapy #EquineAsthma #equineallergies
Our clients come in all shapes and sizes ❤️
And if you need a water tray we have a 2ft and 6ft 💦🦈
Salt therapy for equine asthma, skin conditions and general health
This treatment for horses is a natural approach that involves introducing dry mineral salts into the horse's respiratory system and coat in a controlled manner.
The purpose of this treatment is to replenish depleted mineral salts, revitalize cells, alleviate mucus congestion, and address various skin conditions such as dermatitis, mud fever, mallanders, sallenders, and overall wound care.
It has been observed that this treatment is beneficial in accelerating the recovery of horses from travel sickness and anxiety. The underlying principle of this treatment is similar to the therapy used for humans, known as halo therapy, but it is specifically applied to horses.
#salttherapy #equineasthma #halotherapy
💦Water Treadmill Study💦
'The vast majority of horses present no problems and quickly habituate to the exercise. Once habituated, horses show a high constancy in stride variables.
The movement of the belt makes it difficult for an exuberant horse to buck or rear and so the horse is more constrained than during in-hand walking or on a horse walker.'
#equinerehabilitation #equinewatertreadmill #rehabilitationliveryuk #equinefitness
We are thrilled that our client’s are now confirming insurance payouts on this machine and vet’s are calling to ask which setting’s would benefit specific issues. #watchthisspace #limfa #scienceneversleeps