The winter chill has hit us hard over the last few days and it looks like it is in to stay for a while longer.
With this is mind, here are our top tips for your equine friends during this period - they feel it too!
1. Water - It might seem obvious, but make sure there is adequate access to water. Hydration is crucial to a horse’s health. Horses don’t tend to drink very cold water, so try and make sure it is lukewarm by adding warm water regularly. Putting a ball or a water bottle in their buckets also helps prevent it freezing over. Try to keep track of how much they drink as impaction colic can happen with reduced water intake.
2. Rugging - It can be really tempting to over rug horses to keep them warm based on how we feel the cold. However, horses will naturally grow a thick winter coat (unless they have been clipped), so it’s important to assess whether rugging is necessary. If left un-rugged, try not to over-groom horses as this can strip the coat of natural oils which help with waterproofing. It’s important to remove any mud from areas where tack will be applied to prevent rubbing. Also make sure rugs fit well and they do not develop rubs from the rugs slipping back.
3. Skin- Check them over regularly, especially in the wetter periods as the risk of Mud Fever or Rain scald increases as skin which gets wet can allow bacteria to enter and start infections.
4. Feed - Try to avoid overfeeding in winter. Horses naturally should lose some weight over the winter months, so always feed according to the amount of work the horse is doing and its current condition. Adding water to feeds can help keep your horse hydrated and reduce the risk of impaction colic.
5. Teeth - In winter we often feed more hay or haylage to our horses instead of a mainly grass diet in summer. Horse with dental problems may struggle with this to keep an eye out for any dropping of hay or not eating as much. Loose droppings or firm fibrous droppings can also indicate they are not chewing properly. Dental check-ups each year are recommended but older horses may need more frequent checks.
If you need any advice about caring for your horses in the winter, you can get in touch with us on 01834 860871 and we would be happy to help.