ALL Animals inc Exotics Zoology FACTS of Disease and Heredity Conditions

ALL Animals inc Exotics Zoology FACTS of Disease and Heredity Conditions This is a PAGE that supports SCIENCE OVER owners. We FIRMLY believe that breeding CAN be done CORRECTLY and with care and compassion.

WE also DO NOT SUPPORT ANY Individual Rhetoric that does not wholly support the LATEST RESEARCH .....Buying from any breeder that breeds for profit supports farming of ANY SPECIES - Pedigrees give insight. Rumours Spread Quickly In the Small World Of Animal Breeding, Breeders SHOULD ALWAYS DECLARE DISEASE without Fear of being part of some wicked witch hunt by those who would use anything to gain

financially ... Namely puppy farmers that breed to sell....
This page is designed to assist breeders to become betterment breeders and deter falsehoods by those who breed for profit or animal gifts and nothing more . It should also set straight prevarications by those with a grudge to bear because they HAVE a pup with a health issue, not everything is the fault of YOUR SPECIFIC breeder !


Pups first walk
Socialisation begins

Southern France, Northern Spain, Southern Spain, Europe.Processionary Caterpillarslike an invading army of illegals cros...

Southern France, Northern Spain, Southern Spain, Europe.
Processionary Caterpillars
like an invading army of illegals crossing borders
BEWARE all dog owners.

If the dog comes in contact with the caterpillar or its nests and the hairs get into the nose/mouth, reactions such as drooling, swelling of the tongue, inflammation of the conjunctiva, vomiting, breathing difficulties and swollen mouth may occur. If the hair gets into the lungs, various lung problems can occur

What effects do processionary caterpillars have on humans?
They can cause inflammatory reactions, mainly affecting the skin (redness, itching, skin pain, localised oedema, hives and sometimes small blisters), eyes (conjunctivitis, eye watering, eye pain) and respiratory tract (coughing, respiratory discomfort), which can sometimes be serious in the exposed people or animals.


Please read if travelling to countries with a rabies risk.


How to determine the gestational age of a still born litter pup(s)
When a puppy dies before birth, this is known as a stillborn death. The death will take place within the womb and can affect the whole litter or just one individual. When a dog miscarries, this is defined as the termination of pregnancy. A miscarriage will terminate a dog’s whole pregnancy whereas the number of puppies born stillborn in a litter may vary. However, a miscarriage will still lead to all the puppies birthed being known as stillborn. To clarify, all miscarriages produce stillborn dogs, only some stillborn deaths originate from miscarriages.
Stillborn dogs may die or be birthed at any time during the pregnancy. The death of a puppy could be within the first week of pregnancy or could be during birth. Stillborn puppies in a womb of otherwise healthy individuals can be hugely detrimental for the litter and mothers’ health. Furthermore, when the puppy dies, this timing can influence the pregnancy birth date and lead to an undeveloped litter. These then may pass or be born as weakened premature puppies. The prevention of stillborn births, therefore, could save the remaining litter and the mother’s life. Hence why the knowledge for breeders is so crucial.

Some Causes of Still Birth

Puppies and pregnancies can be terminated biologically due to the female not being able to carry the pregnancy or if it puts her own life at risk. When a female dog is older, she will struggle to carry extra weight due to energy, her mobility may be lessened, and she may not be able to birth the puppies due to the amount of energy required. Therefore, the body the probability of there being stillborn in an older dog is much higher than a younger because she will not be able to physically support a pregnancy
Assessing Foetal Gestational age

There are several situations when assessment of gestational age and foetal maturation is necessary; most arise when there is either inadequate or no ovulation timing to allow determination of an accurate due date.
Bi***es that will be allowed to deliver naturally, but may require veterinary care during parturition. This allows the breeder and veterinarian to be prepared and available for the onset of labour.

Bi***es where an elective C-section is desired, i.e. singleton foetuses, giant breed bi***es with small litters and consequently very large puppies, bi***es with very large litters where uterine inertia is a concern due to anticipated extended duration of labour, or bi***es with a history of prior dystocia or primary uterine inertia. In singleton pregnancies, there may be inadequate cortisol release from the foetus to initiate prostaglandin F production by the endometrium which causes luteolysis, which in turn initiates parturition.

Bi***es with high-risk pregnancies, including gestational diabetes mellitus or pregnancy toxaemia, or in bi***es requiring progesterone supplementation due to luteal failure as a result of chronic endometritis, stress, partial abortion, or idiopathic luteal insufficiency. In cases of high-risk pregnancy, the bitch is often supported as far into the pregnancy as possible, in an attempt to get foetuses to term. In some cases, it may not be possible to continue, due to failing health status of the bitch; in these cases, the foetuses may not survive if they must be delivered pre-term. In other cases of high-risk pregnancy due to chronic inflammation, concurrent pyometra, or other stressor, the bitch may be given supplemental progesterone to maintain the pregnancy until term if progesterone concentrations decline prematurely.

Bi***es that enter pre-term labour due to abnormalities or defects in the myometrium, that are due to nutritional, environmental, traumatic or inflammatory causes, or in cases where labour is interrupted through the use of tocolytic agents (terbutaline and/or progesterone).
Age in Days Crown to Rump in mm External Foetal Characteristics
20 8 First and second branchial arches present
30 20 Eyelids forming; grooves between digits; pinnae cover external acoustic meatus; five pairs of mammary primordia present; intestines herniate into umbilical cord
35 35 Eyelids partly cover eyes; pinnae covers acoustic meatus digits separated distally; external ge***alia differentiated
38 55 Tactile hairs appear on upper lip and above eyes
40 60 Eyelids fused; intestines returned to abdominal cavity claws formed
45 80 Body hair forming; colour markings appear; digits widely separated
50 118
53 140 Hair covering complete; digital pads present
57 160
57–63 160–185 Gestation complete; birth

(Table extrapolated from graphical data presented in, Evans HE and Sack WO, Prenatal Development of Domestic and Laboratory Mammals: Growth Curves, External Features and Selected References, Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2:11–45, 1973.)

Developmental period I canine foetus
The o**m period
The first period of puppy development in the womb is the shortest phase of a puppy's development; it takes place immediately after the o**m is fertilized. The cell forms an outer coating that prevents other s***m from entering the egg; after 12 hours, a cell division occurs. Cells continue to divide every 12 hours as the o**m makes its way toward the uterus, forming a bundle of cells known as a blastocyst. Around day 14, the cells will implant in the uterus and begin the embryonic phase.
The embryonic period
In the approximately 30-day embryonic phase, the cells continue to divide into three main layers that in time will become everything from hair and teeth to internal organs: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. The ectoderm will form the hair, skin, nervous system, and sensory organs. The mesoderm will become the muscles, bone, circulatory system, and reproductive system. The endoderm will develop into the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
After implantation, the placenta develops, providing all the nutrients a puppy will need throughout the pregnancy and maintaining separation between the mother's and puppy's circulatory systems. The nervous system will begin to form around day 16. Around day 22, the puppy's heart will begin beating; by day 24 the limb buds will start to form. As puppy development in the womb progresses, the foetus will start looking more like a puppy, forming proportional limbs and tail by day 34.
The foetal period
The foetal period will last from around day 34 until delivery. During this stage, the organs and nervous system will finish developing. The joints, paws, and separate toes will form, and the bones will begin to harden. This is also the stage during which puppies' reproductive systems form. Around day 55, foetal puppies will begin growing fur.


How to determine the gestational age of still-born litter

When someone or something responsible for the death of a litter or it is an elective C section required,

How to determine the gestational age of a still born litter pup(s)
When a puppy dies before birth, this is known as a stillborn death. The death will take place within the womb and can affect the whole litter or just one individual. When a dog miscarries, this is defined as the termination of pregnancy. A miscarriage will terminate a dog’s whole pregnancy whereas the number of puppies born stillborn in a litter may vary. However, a miscarriage will still lead to all the puppies birthed being known as stillborn. To clarify, all miscarriages produce stillborn dogs, only some stillborn deaths originate from miscarriages.
Stillborn dogs may die or be birthed at any time during the pregnancy. The death of a puppy could be within the first week of pregnancy or could be during birth. Stillborn puppies in a womb of otherwise healthy individuals can be hugely detrimental for the litter and mothers’ health. Furthermore, when the puppy dies, this timing can influence the pregnancy birth date and lead to an undeveloped litter. These then may pass or be born as weakened premature puppies. The prevention of stillborn births, therefore, could save the remaining litter and the mother’s life. Hence why the knowledge for breeders is so crucial.

Some Causes of Still Birth

Puppies and pregnancies can be terminated biologically due to the female not being able to carry the pregnancy or if it puts her own life at risk. When a female dog is older, she will struggle to carry extra weight due to energy, her mobility may be lessened, and she may not be able to birth the puppies due to the amount of energy required. Therefore, the body the probability of there being stillborn in an older dog is much higher than a younger because she will not be able to physically support a pregnancy
Assessing Foetal Gestational age

There are several situations when assessment of gestational age and foetal maturation is necessary; most arise when there is either inadequate or no ovulation timing to allow determination of an accurate due date.
Bi***es that will be allowed to deliver naturally, but may require veterinary care during parturition. This allows the breeder and veterinarian to be prepared and available for the onset of labour.

Bi***es where an elective C-section is desired, i.e. singleton foetuses, giant breed bi***es with small litters and consequently very large puppies, bi***es with very large litters where uterine inertia is a concern due to anticipated extended duration of labour, or bi***es with a history of prior dystocia or primary uterine inertia. In singleton pregnancies, there may be inadequate cortisol release from the foetus to initiate prostaglandin F production by the endometrium which causes luteolysis, which in turn initiates parturition.

Bi***es with high-risk pregnancies, including gestational diabetes mellitus or pregnancy toxaemia, or in bi***es requiring progesterone supplementation due to luteal failure as a result of chronic endometritis, stress, partial abortion, or idiopathic luteal insufficiency. In cases of high-risk pregnancy, the bitch is often supported as far into the pregnancy as possible, in an attempt to get foetuses to term. In some cases, it may not be possible to continue, due to failing health status of the bitch; in these cases, the foetuses may not survive if they must be delivered pre-term. In other cases of high-risk pregnancy due to chronic inflammation, concurrent pyometra, or other stressor, the bitch may be given supplemental progesterone to maintain the pregnancy until term if progesterone concentrations decline prematurely.

Bi***es that enter pre-term labour due to abnormalities or defects in the myometrium, that are due to nutritional, environmental, traumatic or inflammatory causes, or in cases where labour is interrupted through the use of tocolytic agents (terbutaline and/or progesterone).
Age in Days Crown to Rump in mm External Foetal Characteristics
20 8 First and second branchial arches present
30 20 Eyelids forming; grooves between digits; pinnae cover external acoustic meatus; five pairs of mammary primordia present; intestines herniate into umbilical cord
35 35 Eyelids partly cover eyes; pinnae covers acoustic meatus digits separated distally; external ge***alia differentiated
38 55 Tactile hairs appear on upper lip and above eyes
40 60 Eyelids fused; intestines returned to abdominal cavity claws formed
45 80 Body hair forming; colour markings appear; digits widely separated
50 118
53 140 Hair covering complete; digital pads present
57 160
57–63 160–185 Gestation complete; birth

(Table extrapolated from graphical data presented in, Evans HE and Sack WO, Prenatal Development of Domestic and Laboratory Mammals: Growth Curves, External Features and Selected References, Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2:11–45, 1973.)

Developmental period I canine foetus
The o**m period
The first period of puppy development in the womb is the shortest phase of a puppy's development; it takes place immediately after the o**m is fertilized. The cell forms an outer coating that prevents other s***m from entering the egg; after 12 hours, a cell division occurs. Cells continue to divide every 12 hours as the o**m makes its way toward the uterus, forming a bundle of cells known as a blastocyst. Around day 14, the cells will implant in the uterus and begin the embryonic phase.
The embryonic period
In the approximately 30-day embryonic phase, the cells continue to divide into three main layers that in time will become everything from hair and teeth to internal organs: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. The ectoderm will form the hair, skin, nervous system, and sensory organs. The mesoderm will become the muscles, bone, circulatory system, and reproductive system. The endoderm will develop into the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
After implantation, the placenta develops, providing all the nutrients a puppy will need throughout the pregnancy and maintaining separation between the mother's and puppy's circulatory systems. The nervous system will begin to form around day 16. Around day 22, the puppy's heart will begin beating; by day 24 the limb buds will start to form. As puppy development in the womb progresses, the foetus will start looking more like a puppy, forming proportional limbs and tail by day 34.
The foetal period
The foetal period will last from around day 34 until delivery. During this stage, the organs and nervous system will finish developing. The joints, paws, and separate toes will form, and the bones will begin to harden. This is also the stage during which puppies' reproductive systems form. Around day 55, foetal puppies will begin growing fur.

When a simple OTC antacid can save the life of your lactating post partum bitch.

When a simple OTC antacid can save the life of your lactating post partum bitch.

Calcium carbonate is a good choice because of its high percentage of elemental calcium, general availability in drugstores in the form of antacids, low cost, and lack of gastric irritation. The dosage of calcium can be gradually tapered to avoid unnecessary treatment; commercial pet food usually contains sufficient calcium to meet the needs of dogs and cats. However, oral calcium supplementation should continue throughout lactation to avoid acute problems of hypocalcemic tetany. I have advised these after each pup is delivered for more than 40 years because it's easy to access, light on the tum, and has excellent uptake. It is also great for dogs with Cushings at a rate of about 1/4 tablet daily each day

Learn about the veterinary topic of Eclampsia in Small Animals. Find specific details on this topic and related topics from the MSD Vet Manual.


How much calcium should I give my dog with eclampsia?
In dogs, the dosage is usually 1–4 g/day, in divided doses. In cats, the dosage of calcium is ~0.5–1 g/day, in divided doses. Longterm maintenance treatment with oral vitamin D and oral calcium supplementation usually requires a minimum of 24–96 hours before an effect is achieved.
please note that is G not MG


Phases of the Dog's Heat Cycle
The cycle is divided into four distinct phases explained below.

This is when the dog's reproductive tissues swell and appear puffy. A bloody discharge will take place as the female carefully licks herself quite often in order to keep herself clean. Loss of appetite and irritability are not very uncommon. Male dogs may be interested in the female but she will not be interested as of yet. This phase generally lasts seven to 10 days.

This phase is also known by breeders as ''standing heat'' because this phase is actually when the female dog will stand still for the male to breed. Gradually the bloody discharge seen in proestrus will be replaced by a pink- or straw-colored discharge signaling this important phase. This phase generally lasts 4 to 14 days.

This phase concludes the mating process, as most females at this point will no longer be interested in males. Males, however, may still stick around. This phase if the dog has been impregnated lasts generally from the end of the estrus until the birth of the puppies, averaging therefore 60 days. If the dog has not been impregnated, the diestrus phase will not be any different from the anaestrus stage.

This is the longest phase of a dog's heat cycle, indeed it ranges from 100 to 150 days. It appears to be a quiet time for the dog's reproductive organs, however, the dog's pituitary gland and ovaries are in reality getting ready for the next proestrus cycle.

Heat Abnormalities
Split Heat
In this case, the dog's heat is interrupted and then continued at a later time. Basically, a female dog will exhibit signs of proestrus (including the typical bleeding), but then once estrus approaches the symptoms disappear for some time.

Induced Estrus
It appears that in some cases, the presence of a female in heat may awaken the heat cycle in other females as well.

Silent Heats
In this case, the heat is silent, meaning that there are hardly any outward signs to suggest that the heat has occurred.

Common Questions About Dog Breeding
How Often Does a Dog Come Into Heat?
Most dogs generally go into heat every six months, or better said, twice a year. However, Basenjis and wolf hybrids tend to go only once a year.

What Are Common Breeding Difficulties?
Picky Females: While males seem to have no problem breeding with the female in heat, females on the other hand may be selective at times.

The Complete Book of Dog Breeding by Dan Rice DVM


Canine pregnancy facts
Eggs are released (ovulated) 44 hours (2 days) after the LH surge, on average. The eggs are viable for about 3 – 4 days after this (5 – 6 days after the LH surge). 6. Breeding the bitch on days 3 and 5 (or 4 and 6) after the LH surge ensures the maximum conception rate and largest litter sizes.
Canine s***matozoa may remain motile and even fertile for up to 11 days in the female ge***al tract . There is evidence that canine s***m are stored in the utero-tubal junction and the uterine glands
There's a relatively small window when your dog is most fertile during the heat cycle; it may begin about nine or ten days after she goes into heat and lasts about five days. However, she can become pregnant until the end of the cycle.
Animals like dogs and rodents are polyovulatory species. Peri ovulatory species are those species where poly-ovulation takes place. Polyouvlation means the releasing of more than one egg at single ovulation.
There are two possible situations by which female dog can give rise to six puppies:
The female dog must-have releases six eggs from the ovaries. Each of these six eggs gets fertilised and becomes zygotes. Finally, these zygotes developed into the babies (puppies). Therefore the female dog released six eggs, to give birth to six puppies.
Another possible situation is that, if the fertilisation has taken place, which is followed by the fission. The fission can divide the single egg into six fertile zygotes which can develop into the puppies. Similar happens in case of human’s identical twins. The single egg is divided into two zygotes and gives rise to an identical twin.
Both situations are possible in this case. But a dog is a polyovulatory animal so the first situation is more possible in this case.
Additional Information: In a dog, the sexual maturity or puberty occur around 9-10 months of the age. This may differ from breed to breed. The smaller breed dog undergoes earlier in estrus as compared to larger breed dogs. The estrus occurs every six months. The interval between each estrus is about 4 -12 months and it lasts for about two to three weeks. Mostly the dog ovulates during the eleventh day of estrus.
Note: In mammals, the ovulation phase is activated by Luteinizing hormones (LH). The female dog ovulated within 48 hours of LH surge or post LH (day 2). The most important hormone is estrogen. When the LH surge the estrogen level decreases and progesterone level increases.



The current expectation of breeding management clients includes supplemental services including client education and evaluation of breeding outcome or pregnancy, including pregnancy detection, confirmation of normal gestation, estimation of litter size, and accurate estimation of day of gestation. T...


Please folks do not jump straight to vetoryl if Fido is diagnosed with cushings. Please read this first

I used this method for my old dog and she lived a further 4 years after diagnosis, Longer than her vet said she would. The ONLY reason she died was due to her VET burning her bones with calcium.


There has been an increase in B canis Brucella likely due to increase in imports from Ukraine, Eastern Europe etc
BEFORE accepting any import please get it tested for Canine Brucellosis . OR
YOU risk losing all your animals and becoming infected as it is zoonotic.

Hip issues ARE GENETIC Update of a Retrospective Cohort Study of Changes in Hip JointPhenotype of Dogs Evaluated by the ...

Hip issues ARE GENETIC
Update of a Retrospective Cohort Study of Changes in Hip JointPhenotype of Dogs Evaluated by the OFA in the United States,1989–2003

If YOUR breeder tries to deflect from this and refuses to BVA Score hips they must and should be avoided as they are hiding the reality their litters could be affected.

Update of a Retrospective Cohort Study of Changes in Hip Joint Phenotype of Dogs Evaluated by the OFA in the United States, 1989-2003


This is how your pet is safely euthanised and avoids stress in both your pet or YOu
Please take time to read this

Why it is important not to assume aggression is fundamental I  canine genetics. Dogs exhibit striking parallels to trait...

Why it is important not to assume aggression is fundamental I canine genetics.
Dogs exhibit striking parallels to traits in humans," the study reads.
Researchers at four American universities analyzed genetic information and behaviour logs for 14,000 dogs from 101 breeds and determined that 60 to 70 per cent of the differences in personality traits between breeds can be explained by the genes they inherited from their parents.

Genetics were found to contribute most strongly to traits such as trainability, aggression toward strangers and attention-seeking. This fits with the idea that these were some of the most or least sought-after attributes during the early stages of breeding, making them essentially hard-wired into the breeds' DNA.

Because most of these breeds have only been in existence for 300 years or less, they have not had enough time to develop the sort of genetic diversity seen in species with longer histories.

This helps explain why greyhounds and Siberian huskies are some of the least aggressive dogs toward strangers, for example, or why Yorkshire terriers and toy poodles have trouble coping with separation.

The researchers were also able to find 131 genetic variations that appear to be linked to breed behaviour. They say this suggests that no individual gene is solely responsible for dogs' personality traits, and instead the relationships between genes come into play – just as they do with humans.

Even some of the genes located by the researchers as being associated with dogs' neurological development mirror similar genes that have been found in humans.

A new study confirms something many pet owners have long suspected: Dog behaviours are largely based on the animals' genetic makeup.


I will NEVER just wish good luck to exhibitors who CHOOSE to ignore canine health. That would congratulate and perpetuate mass scale puppy farming.
I warned 2 decades ago about how the Havanese would follow its breed cousins into poorer health, poor breed club management and the breed like so many others would suffer.

Crufts this year will see a large number of dogs that have qualified which are NOT a good example of their respective breeds. These breeder exhibitors will reap rewards they truly should not have because judges do not withhold the awards and they can. This will have a detrimental effect on canine health for generations to come. BUYER BEWARE A CRUFTS WIN DOES NOT MEAN THE DOGS GOOD! ESPECIALLY THIS YEAR!

To those breeders that choose to health test and only show their quality dogs I hope you get the rewards of your hard work and you continue to protect and preserve the very best qualities of your breeds.

Crufts 2022 a year the dog came 2nd to greed , fewer health tests, poor management, deception and future puppy farming.

Dog owners must be made aware that some people that breed and show dogs do it purely for money and not the welfare health or love of dogs.



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FROLOVA ELENA 65088, Ukraine,region Odeska,city Odesa,street Shyshkina,building 52,Housing 1,flat 70


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Qualified For Success

Rumours Spread Quickly In the Small World Of Animal Breeding and Nothing more so than with a jealous dodgy breeder and sadly they usually go for as many accolades as possible as that is a marketing tool ! Marketing tools are used by those involved in any relations field whether national or international !

This week I was reminded of the importance to keep INFORMING owners and who they may mingle, of qualifications and why I have spent over 30 years researching, educating and becoming educated so that only quality correct information is passed on.

I have to work with humans, that often frustrates me with their lack of knowledge concerning the animals they own. They give diets that are inappropriate for well being for whatever species they have domestic or exotic. They will lie cheat steal animals to further their criminality that has proven consistent with animal ownership. They are self promoting and NEVER GIVE BACK - to them it is all about making money from their mistreated animals. What is worse are those that openly support and engage them , they perpetuate animal cruelty because they too grow on from basic abuse to fundamental continual abuse !


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