**Attention Rabbit Owners**
There has been a rise in a new variant of RHD2 cases reported nationally. The new variant isn't covered by the current Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus vaccination.
As with most of the RHD variants, there often are no Clinical signs, just a sudden death which often goes unreported and undiagnosed, so we are not in a position to say how common this is locally. This is not something we want people to panic about but we felt we ought to try and offer some further information on the subject.
There is a new vaccination which has only become available in the past few weeks that does cover the new variants. The new vaccination is used as well as the current vaccinations rather than instead of.
**edit - disappointingly, the vaccine is now out of stock until mid/late Feb, we will start a waiting list**
For more information please see;
Β From 2018 medical and press articles highlighted the emergence of RHD2 (VHD-2 or RvHD-2), a variant strain of haemorrhagic diahorrea in rabbits that is rapidly fatal and was not covered by the standard vaccines commonly used in the UK. New vaccinations were developed and a single annual vaccinati...