Hello furry friends and their favourite humans!
My name is Molly Dogason (Molly Moo to my besties) and I have a problem digesting cereal based food and snacks so Mum & Dad have put me on a strict natural based snack diet and I thought you might like to try some of the nibbles I have.
All of our natural dog treats are healthy, full of flavour, crunch and chew to distract, reward and calm active minds.
These are complementary to any diet, including a raw dog food diet.
Anyway, that's enough of my "tails".....🐶
If you have any questions or would like to order anything, just drop us a message.
Just like me, we are growing so watch out for for regular PUP-dates 🐶
We offer FREE delivery to Newark and surrounding areas or we can post to your lucky furry friends 🐕