Getting to the bottom of behaviour issues is generally split into 3 sections. Management, re-conditioning our dog’s response and addressing any underlying health issues.
We look at all 3 in our reactive dog programme to start seeing long-lasting progress.
We are now taking clients for Jan 2025. Drop us a message if you’d like to chat through how we can help with your dog’s behaviour.
#reactivedog #hollisticdogtraining #dogbehaviour #dogtrainer #forcefree
5 things every dog owner should know:
- Your dog is not being dominant, bossy, pushy or difficult.
- Your dog is having a hard time.
- Health issues such as gut and joint pain are likely to be playing a big part.
- Repeatedly exposing your dog to triggers will not help.
- Use treats in your training and lots of them!
#reactivedogtraining #reactivedogtips #reactivitytraining #forcefree #dogtrainingnewbury
Sometimes our dog’s behaviour suddenly gets worse and this is very normal.
There is usually a reason why. Here are some prompts to think about:
- have your walks changed at all or have they been longer or shorter than normal?
- is you dog getting their usual amount of sleep and rest?
- have you changed their diet or treats?
- have there been any recent scary experiences?
Have a think about what has changed recently, this is likely to be at least a contributing factor in your dogs change in behaviour.
#dogtrainingtipsandadvice #dogtrainingnewbury #dogbehaviourtraining
Don’t miss your chance to join our fun classes in 2025! They are getting booked up already so don’t miss your spot.
Advanced level
Saturday mornings in Newbury.
Link 🔗 in bio or drop us a message to book.
#trainingclassesnewbury #puppyclasses #dogtrainingclassesnewbury #newburywestberkshire
The 'Cheese Rain Cloud' is a game that I play to help prevent resource guarding. Guarding stems from a fear of a resource being taken away, so practicing taking things away from your dog can make things worse. This game helps your dog to learn that your approach means that nothing gets taken - and even better - more great stuff comes!
#resourceguardingpreventing #resourceguarding #puppytraining #trainingtips #dogtraining101 #westberkshire #puppytrainingberkshire
Flashback to two Bully boys strolling in the woods. 🌲
How engaged are you with your dog? How engaged are they with you?
No, we don’t need our dogs to be robots but if there is little to no communication between you then this makes training really hard.
If walks are a struggle and you have little engagement from your dog, then step one is to figure out why.
#dogtrainingtips #dogtraining #recall #dogrecall #dogengagement #newburyberkshire #westberkshiredogs
Say it with me - “Good dog training looks boring”.
Charlie spends a lot of his walks in a heightened state and at the end of his lead. For dogs like this, these things are key:
- setting up in the right location.
- good long line handling skills.
- easy to achieve engagement training.
We’ve slowed everything right down, given Charlie the skills he needs to succeed and we are now working up to busier environments.
Really enjoyed my walk with him this morning.
P.s. please excuse my finger!
P.p.s. We’re chatting about where to buy pilchards from to make pilchards treats!
This is Ralphie. He’s a superstar and is having some follow on sessions after my reactive dog course.
Ralphie’s reactivity is starting to turn into frustration (which is a good sign) because he is building in confidence around wanting to greet other dogs. His prey drive is also kicking in.
So, today we practiced watching and moving away.
I love seeing dogs start to forget their fear and new ‘normal’ behaviours shine through. It’s a sign that things are continuing in the right direction.
Success Story!
This little man is such a superstar. He’s on my reactive dog programme and cooed with walking around a field with off road dogs like a pro. So proud.