Did something a bit different 😂
For many dogs firework night is an extremely stressful night with the flashing lights, loud noises and unusual smells.
-Keep water topped up as anxious dogs drink more.
-Creating a den with a blanket draped over a table can help them to feel safe. The den can be filled with toys, chews, blankets and clothing that smells familiar. If they are happy in the den then don’t try and take them out as this can make them feel uncomfortable. Although they maybe happy in their own space, don’t confine because this may make them more stressed and they might injure themselves trying to get out.
-Keeping there mind off of the fireworks by playing or practicing training with treats are helpful. Long lasting chews, like antlers and yak chews, or a snuffle mats or a licki mat (pictured above) can be a good distraction,
-Stay with your dog to help them feel more relaxed. Dogs are very perceptive of our body language so showing that you’re not worried about the fireworks can help them to calm down. Don’t smother them by being overly affectionate (more than normal) though as this may confuse them. It is also important not to tell them off for how they react to the fireworks.
-A ‘Happy Hood’ or snood creates a swaddling effect that comforts and the gentle compression around the ears muffles sound which can help to calm them.
-Taking your dog out for walkies during the day, avoids getting caught outside in the dark and tires them out when the fireworks start. Try to let your dog out for their business before and after the fireworks as they may try to escape if they are out during.
-If your dog is particularly scared then it would be a good idea to feed them earlier as a stressed dog may not want to eat. A larger meal could encourage them to sleep.
-To muffle the sound of the fireworks, you can play music or watch the TV to cover the sudden loud noises. Closing the curtains and windows can also help to cover the sound of the fireworks and hide their flashes of light. Keeping t
Had a Sealyham morning in the salon 🐾
Bringing back this reel as Taylor Swift is in the UK. I wonder what dog would represent Tortured Poets? 🐾
Minnie living her best emo life 🖤
Thinking of going to Manchester soon with your dog? @jaegerbaumboi had a great time last week 💜
Please remember to write down your appointments when they’re made. Tuft send automatic reminders but if you don’t have a signal where you are then you might not see them.
When people ask me what my role is at Müttley Crüe 😂 I’m a one woman band apart from Wednesday and Friday when my apprentice baths and drys!
Congratulations to Bryn and Ann for winning the Alpet poundies raffle for Simba! You can still donate to them in the salon if you missed the raffle 🐾
Congratulations to Bryn and Ann for winning the Alpet poundies raffle for Simba!
You can still donate to them in the salon if you missed the raffle 🐾
Jaeger being in his own music video in the rain 😂🌧️🐾
You have till the end of the month to buy raffle tickets for Alpets poundies. It’s £1 for one ticket or £4 for a strip of five. We’ve already made enough to sponsor Simba for a year so lets keep going to help the other animals at the rescue 🐶