Thanks all for your patience and your work, we at Black Arts truly appreciate it. Our work load had tripled since January and we've had a bit of a rocky ride working all days and all hours to keep up. We are now happily in a better place! I'm writing today to keep as many as I can informed of progress here and because of an email I've just received that I take very seriously.
I've just had a client request their moulds back as they felt that we may not be in a position to deal with Christmas (surge) orders. I'd like to say that we are aware as you can tell from our last post that this business has struggled to meet 1 of the 3 trusts that we feel a client should have with a caster, and they are the ideas that drive our doctrine here. Those trust being that we will not copy or share images of your work for anyone but you, that we will do the best we can possibly do with your work and that we will do what you ask when you ask us to do it.
We have struggled with the last one due to the huge influx of work we have had. However I am pleased say that we have been aware of this since the beginning and have taken great measures to ensure that we have the ability to live up to our and your expectations. Black Arts have invested in a comprehensive online based order generation, track and order status update software suite so that you will be able to generate your order and see it's progress through our work flow with a simple online login. We have also taken on new premises and concentrated our business solely on cast, finish and plating. We still offer modelling and printing via our 3rd party colleagues.
All of our engineering, chain making and sheet wire manufacture has been mothballed into a new building to allow us to concentrate on our core business of keeping you fed with high speed and high quality castings. Our growth is through your growth.
Our team has gone from a cottage industry of 3 at the end of last year to us just signing on a full time administrator and our 10th member of staff. Our administrator will manage the order generation track and trace suite, book in your jobs, answer your questions and post your work back to you allowing our core staff to concentrate on moulding, injecting, casting and finishing to the highest standards as effectively as modern order tracking and production management can provide. This represents an investment of about £140k and I hope that gives the understanding that we are scaling up, heading in the same direction our clients needs and that we will be able to offer progressively higher levels of service as our new team bed in.
Thanks! Jon and the team at Black Arts