Purrs and Furr Gosforth

Purrs and Furr Gosforth Professional Cat grooming / Cat whispering for professional shedding of fur, the health and hygiene of your cat. Longhair or shorthair.

Bath and Blowdry on an out growing Lion Cut.Golden shaded persian one of the hardest cat coats to look after.She’s a sen...

Bath and Blowdry on an out growing Lion Cut.

Golden shaded persian one of the hardest cat coats to look after.

She’s a senior and very spicy as are many of the Silver and Golden Shaded Persians. She however wasn’t solialised properly as a kitten by breeder.

Gabapentin prevents her stress at being handled.

I am not taking on new clients.

When potential clients said “but I don’t want my cats claws trimmed!”  No claw trim, no groom.Yeah you have 10 front cla...

When potential clients said “but I don’t want my cats claws trimmed!” No claw trim, no groom.

Yeah you have 10 front claws dug in and gripping your arm and the back 10 bunny kicking the hell out of your forearm!! Very painful and infectious!!!

Do you cut your own nails or just let them keep growing? This is no different and not painful to the cat.

I’m not taking on any new clients, hence lack of posts…

I am unable to take any new clients. I’m really sorry I can’t help you all.Please contact your vet if your cat is matted...

I am unable to take any new clients.
I’m really sorry I can’t help you all.

Please contact your vet if your cat is matted.

Kind regards
Sonia and the Fluffies ❤️🐈🐈🐈🐾


Our four bundles of fun, so much bigger in just three weeks, got a resounding clear bill of health with our head vet Sam at Vets4Pets Kingston Park and can leave for new homes in 7 days!

We are going to miss them but excited that they have a future they were destined not to have. Their spayed Mum and her son are going from strength to strength.

Thank you to all of you who donated to their fund.

I can’t tell you what this litter of kittens has brought to us, particularly me. As Winston by big Blue Baby left this world, these little kitties arrived in our life.

These are “Winston’s Orphans “ my son and daughter in law say. Brought to safety by him we believe. Love you Winston Redpath 🐈‍⬛😻❤️


Our Fosters have their second injection Saturday. This really is the best therapy, listen to him purr 😻 ❤️

So far the vets have complimented on how socialised they are and how well behaved they are. My son and daughter-in-law have to take the biggest credit having done the bulk of this.

It will be hard seeing them go but pride as well to how far they have come from an awful start in life.
They hav stories to tell their families and now we just need one more for this little guy ❤️❤️❤️🐈

We have made progress with our foster kittens. Health checks went well and first vaccinations given. Microchip’s in plac...

We have made progress with our foster kittens. Health checks went well and first vaccinations given. Microchip’s in place too.

As well as Mummy cat can’t get pregnant again and her older son is neutered and can’t cause litters of kittens elsewhere.

They’re having their check ups Monday.

I can’t thank you enough supporting us with this unexpected little bundle of love and joy. Even if you have £1 it will help them.

Another 4 weeks before homes are settled. This will be the hardest bit!


I rarely share items for other people through my business page but I am helping in the foster of these four kittens.As a...

I rarely share items for other people through my business page but I am helping in the foster of these four kittens.

As always it’s a sad story of mistreatment and lack of care but thank goodness Mummy cat, her older son and her 4 current kittens are all safe.

We need to neuter and spay them and one of the kittens needs further vet appointments.

Please help if you feel it’s appropriate, even a pound is more than they have.

Thank you for reading
Sonia and The Two Fluffies 🐈🐈💕😊

Hi, everyone. We're reaching out for support in helping a sweet, r… willow Redpath needs your support for Trixie, Pickle, and Bolt a Healthier, Happier Future

So this is Naughty Nora.  Winston’s niece.  She’s 2 1/2 years old and suffers from IBD.  We also adopted her Grandmother...

So this is Naughty Nora. Winston’s niece. She’s 2 1/2 years old and suffers from IBD. We also adopted her Grandmother and she also has IBD.

In my training in America, they recommended senior cats and cats with underlying conditions, to have bloods taken yearly by vets. This keeps a close eye on organs function.

In Winston’s case nothing could have changed the outcome it’s so rare.

Due to the cats being related, Winston having an abnormally small gallbladder and him passing, I took the decision to get the girls bloods checked.

Everything normal. What a relief!

You get comfortable that there’s nothing wrong with your cats especially as Nora is young and I forgot to do these yearly checks. My senior cats had yearly blood taken and it saved one’s life.

Vets will tell you cats hide illnesses and by the time you notice it’s too late. This wasn’t a waste of money, it was well spent as I know they are fine.

*If your pet is over 9 years old, it’s a senior.
*If your pet is overweight, it could be a hormone issue not just overeating.
*If your cat has arthritis and regular medication, it can affect kidneys. Check.
*If your cat drinks excessive amounts of water, bloods can check liver and kidney function.

Don’t wait. In cats that can be too late.
Sonia and the Two Fluffies. 😻🐈🐈😊💕

This is the hardest post I’ve had to write and one none of us expected.  I’m putting it here because I just can’t talk a...

This is the hardest post I’ve had to write and one none of us expected. I’m putting it here because I just can’t talk about him right now and it’s why im quiet.

Our big Boy Winston became very poorly Friday and by Monday despite every effort by our vet, he’d lost a kg in weight and wasn’t eating.

Tuesday morning he had an emergency scan and it showed he had a fibrous shell around an abnormally small gallbladder. Cancer. Total of 5 days illness, cats always hide it well.

This cancer is so rare and vets were looking for it but sure it wouldn’t be this cause as usually in old cats and so rare only 1-3% chance it would be.

Winston was crashing and they phoned me to get there asap.

I walked the floor holding him to my chest and he passed away in my arms.
Vet said that he was waiting for me and heard my voice.

I’ve never cried so much and the pain is unbearable. If you see me, don’t mention it because I really can’t cope with it right now.

Sonia 😪❤️

Winston we all miss you so much, rest easy Big Man ❤️

I can’t tell you how many calls in the last month have been can I do a flea bath because the cat has fleas and they them...

I can’t tell you how many calls in the last month have been can I do a flea bath because the cat has fleas and they themselves are now being bitten.
My vet has said to a client that fleas are higher levels this year.

I don’t offer flea baths as some flea shampoos are designed for dogs and ingredients can cause epileptic fits. So be careful if you choose this route, check it is specifically safe for cats. Pet safe does not mean this.

Number one is treat the cat with a veterinarian flea treatment. Please worm your cat as well because worms and fleas can go hand in hand. Both will eventually make your cat very poorly. Your vet has a care plan that spreads cost monthly and some send to your address. Mine pays for itself within 4 months if I paid individually.

Next strip cushions and soft furnishings and wash at 60 degrees. Buy an appropriate household flea spray from a reputable pet store. Put your cats in their carriers outside or in a garage and remove children.
Spray every room, carpet and skirtings. Don’t forget to spray sofa creases by pulling up your cushions. You are trying to kill both dormant eggs and existing fleas.
Close all the doors and go out. Wait the recommended time on the product. Now thoroughly hoover including those skirtings and sofa.

It can take up-to 3x one monthly treatments on your cat to stop seeing fleas. Be patient. Each month you are dealing with the fleas and eggs cycle.

Once treated, you should not have further issues as long as you continue regular monthly flea tablets. I’ve never found a flea on mine yet.

I treat my home twice a year no matter what.

Love Sonia and the Fluffies 🐈‍⬛😻🐈😊


Fleas can cause problems even in the cleanest homes. Find out how to spot if your pet has fleas and follow our steps to a flea-free home today.

I am so sorry I can’t take new clients.  It breaks my heart not being able to help all the new enquiries, there have lit...

I am so sorry I can’t take new clients. It breaks my heart not being able to help all the new enquiries, there have literally been hundreds and it’s stressful for me keep saying no.

This is American dog article but it’s the same here, no legislation! I see horrible things and stories.

My message on reply has always been as a “ Feline Specific Trained Master Groomer “ , ask for the following if visiting another groomer:

1. Read this full article attached!
Read everything below!

2. Ask to see their Feline Education Qualifications. They should be displayed loud and proud. Feline handling is different to dogs.

And never ever let them use a neck loop on your cat! They are for dogs only. If a cat crocodile rolls to get away it will break its neck!!!

3. Check their Animal first aid certificate and that it includes Feline CPR. Animals carry hidden conditions, we need to recognise them and react fast.

4. Check they have insurance for working with your cat.

5. Go on personal recommendations, ie. their cat goes regularly and is happy and safe. Don’t rely on just this, it’s how I became a cat groomer because despite the recommendation my cat was traumatised and his coat never grew back!

6. Always speak to your vet. I make sure vets are aware of what’s involved in my services. Cats are super complicated. If you can’t tick off everything in this list, see your vet for help.

7. Your cat should be vaccinated and have a recent health check in place. If they don’t ask you this, it’s a problem. It’s about the cats health and well being, it’s about infection control and cross infection to your cat. Some diseases live in environments not just in the cat. Bio security.

8. Good groomers hate that there is no legislation for our industry, one of the biggest out there especially since lockdowns and the thousands of new pets people got.
I would welcome inspection and checks, I’ve nothing to hide. £15,000 between my U.K Master Grooming and my National Cat Groomers Institute training in Arizona!

9. We need more cat groomers but trained ones.
You need to love cats, love studying and being brave. It’s a dangerous job but very rewarding and heart breaking at the same time when they leave us. Refer to The National Cat Groomers Institute for training. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done!

Stay safe, Love Sonia and The Fluffies 🐈🐈‍⬛😻😊❤️

Did you know that pet grooming is a completely unregulated industry? There is no requirement for formal education, no required continuing education, and no required testing or certification?

Anyone and everyone can just pick up a pair of clippers and start advertising themselves as a groomer and charge people for a service they aren’t trained to perform.

It’s completely up to you, the owner, to do your research and make sure the person you are trusting with the health and safety of your pet is qualified to care for them.

Every groomer should be trained, and that very basic training takes months.

It takes years to truly master the ins and outs of grooming and everything that goes along with it.

Pet grooming is so much more than just a hair style.

*It’s knowing dog behavior and how to safely handle all the different personalities and quirks.

*It’s recognizing health conditions that would be better suited seeing a vet such as skin or ear infections.

*It’s being prepared for any and all emergencies that can happen, from seizures to allergic reactions, to nicks and cuts and quicked toenails without panicking.

*It’s knowing how to best deal with a variety of coat types properly.

*It’s being able to know when to stop a service on a particular dog due to behavior or health.

*It’s having the knowledge and patience to handle a different species while holding razor sharp clippers or 8 inch long scissors.

At the very least, the groomer you use should seek out continuing education to make sure they are current on the changes in the industry, from upgrades in products to tools that make the process easier for the pet and them.

They should be current on their pet cpr/first aid certification which needs repeated every couple of years.

They should be able to answer your grooming related questions with knowledge and confidence and if they don’t know the answer they should know where to find it.

They should have an emergency plan in place with a local veterinarian in case anything happens, because when working with animals it’s not a matter of if something happens, but when.

They should come recommended by other pet owners and pet professionals.

And it’s worth noting that there is nothing wrong with using a groomer that is still in training, but they should be working alongside an experienced groomer and under their direct supervision.

Ask the questions, after all you are paying them for a service. A groomer who has spent time and money to be as educated as possible is excited to share their knowledge!

I have been very quiet as taking time out to care for Hubby who just had hip replacement surgery.Our Nora joined the com...

I have been very quiet as taking time out to care for Hubby who just had hip replacement surgery.

Our Nora joined the come cut club yesterday. It’s not a decision taken lightly. I offer this to senior cats and cats that hate grooming to such a level it minimises risk of mats.

A cat licks to cool down, can be up to 25% reduction.

However the fur can only go down the throat and into stomach and colon because of the backwards facing papilla.

Three huge finger size fur-balls in 24 hours, so I clipped her coat down and bathed her.

I clipped my her down to prevent her swallowing any more and getting a blockage. She had stopped eating and this can be a sign of a blockage.

Luckily she’s back to normal within hours. Eating, went to the toilet and playing again 😊❤️


Food enrichment is so good for cats mental health and wellbeing. I volunteered at Cats Protection and they teach lots of this when cats are rescued and going through stress and changes.

This is actually a dog puzzle feeder and I have about 5 different ones 🫣

But it doesn’t need to cost money. Newspapers screwed up in a cardboard box and hide food in it, egg boxes and scatter feeding are just as good.

Really helps cats that bolt their food and sick it back up 🤢. Greedy cats like Jinx here who would constantly eat and yowl for more.

It helps exhaust natural need to forage for food and this relaxes cats. My IBD cat always has a scatter feed to slow her eating up and ease her digestion of food.

Love Sonia and The Fluffies 😻🐈🐈‍⬛😊❤️

This pattern of mats is classic signs of less flexibility and age.  She can’t reach to help herself.She’s been with me f...

This pattern of mats is classic signs of less flexibility and age. She can’t reach to help herself.

She’s been with me from the start of my business and very special. However we are monitoring her grooms as she been more vocal.

This can be travel anxiety that starts it and continues into the grooming appointment.

Without changing the grooming appointment content you’re in a repeat cycle.

She’s 12 now approaching upper seniors. Their skin is thinner and less elastic.
They get a little more anxious and can start having sore back ankles from age.

Love Sonia and The Fluffies 😻🐈‍⬛🐈😊❤️

Some cute smoosh faces ❤️Happy Hoodies protect their ears and help sound sensitive cats.Sometimes they wear two, sometim...

Some cute smoosh faces ❤️

Happy Hoodies protect their ears and help sound sensitive cats.

Sometimes they wear two, sometimes I pop cotton wool pads in ear as well.

We’ll discuss why I bath cats in another post 🥰😻

Love Sonia and the Fluffies 🥰😻🐈🐈‍⬛❤️


If a longhair cat is bathed it must be dried. Wet cats are matted cats!

Happy Hoodies protect their ears and some have cotton balls padding for extra protection.

I’ve been told after 22 years of hairdressing career that I have slight tinnitus so to wear ear protection!

We use cool dryers on cat’s as the skin is thin and their core body temperature is higher than other species. We don’t want them overheating.

I’d rather push the dead loose fur out from skin level than keep combing her, creating static and peeing her off. Cats hate lots of combing.

Now there’s a lower level of combing at the end. It’s about as much as she wants to offer in tolerance time and respecting this prevents her hating grooming.

These fine silky dilute coats are very static which I use specialist product for. They tangle super easy and she needs a comb out at home 2x a week.

Love Sonia and The Fluffies 🥰😻🐈🐈‍⬛❤️

Bio Security.  What is it and why is it important to my grooming business?Bio security is the term applied to protocols ...

Bio Security. What is it and why is it important to my grooming business?

Bio security is the term applied to protocols and procedures to prevent the spread of disease.

Animals regularly carry viruses and not all are dangerous to our health or their health. However this doesn’t mean we can relax our vigilance.

My exams to be a CFMG included an extensive disease and health module. It made us aware of how to recognise each in felines, how to prevent them and cleaning procedures. I had to get 85% to pass this exam along with 8 other exams.

Part of the prevention includes specific disinfectants to prevent my clinic being infected. I use Anigene effective against fungus, viruses, bacteria and spores.
I clean floors, tools, blades and surfaces with this product diluted correctly.
I change my uniform for every cat grooming session and air the room. All dirty linen is removed and in washing machine before the next cat can enter.

These are all the measures I can control to maintain the health well-being of your pet.

I also only accept cats with vaccinations in place. This protects your cat and other cats to minimise the risk of unwell or unprotected cats into my clinic. Your vet can explain what vaccination offers. All my cats I have ever owned have been vaccinated and healthy.

I have only had a couple of people not agree to vaccinations and this is a personal choice. However , on discussion with my own vet, who said nobody can say they are 100% risk free, it will reduce or minimise the risks. Having volunteered at Cats Protection who are super strict on protocols, I have seen very poorly cats being rescued. It’s so sad and preventable.

I also have to consider my clinic is in my home and I have pets. I pride myself on never having an issue but that doesn’t mean I can relax as I said earlier. It proves what I do is working. Failure to do so can result in transmission of disease.

I hope this explains why this is prerequisite for treatment in my clinic.
I don’t accept unvaccinated cats for all the above reasons.

Love Sonia and The Fluffies 🥰😻🐈🐈‍⬛❤️


Hi Everyone

I wish I could help you all I really do but I’m just not able to presently.

Cat groomers according to my clients are like finding hen’s teeth!🫣

If you do approach a groomer ask to see their qualifications in specific feline grooming, insurance and pet first aid.

Contact your vet if your cat has mats adhered to the skin. Do not try to comb out, use a furminator , bladed deshedders or use scissors. Shaving is the only safe option.

Also massaging coconut oil into mats will only make more mats and your cat will lick more, causing more mats and skin damage!

It’s the best advice I can give you.

I became a cat groomer because I had a longhair cat and had a not very good experience and wanted to do myself. The rest is history, they persuaded me to qualify 😹

I don’t have any qualified cat groomers to pass you to.
Please contact your vet.

View a previous post and discuss the options of your cat being shaved with gabapentin on board in your vets if they think it’s appropriate.

I will keep posting useful information for cats care and welfare.

Love Sonia and The Fluffies 😻🥰🐈🐈‍⬛❤️


Featherstone Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm




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