Good luck to everyone who is having their trail assessment today, with Rachel from @nosetotrailuk and @thecanineschooloftrailing. You’re all going to do amazing and I wish everybody and the teams the best of luck.
Rebecca 😊🐾
#newcastledogtrainer #assessments #canineschooloftrailing #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogassessments #trail #mantrailingdog #mantrailing
This is a shoutout to all the dog dads out there. You all do an amazing job with your dog !!
🐕 This week, I am down south doing @thecanineschooloftrailing instructor course. But before I came down, I needed to do a little bit of shopping so that my dog was fully prepared for the week.
🐩 I visited one of my local pet stores @doghoose_tynemouth to grab a few little goodies for my dog. So here is my @doghoose_tynemouth haul:
🐶Tasty Treats
🐶Ear Wipes - @bugalugspetcare
🐶Natural Chews
🐶Honey Pot Food Toy - @sodapup_uk
🐶Furr boost - @furr_boost
🐶Banana and Peanut butter treats - @soopapets
🐶Portable dishes
👏 A huge thank you to The Dog Hoose all these amazing products to help me and my dog have a successful trip
#smallbusiness #dogshop #doghaul #thedoghoosetynemouth #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtraıner #dogtrainerslife #dogtrainerlife #dogtrainersofig #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #newcastledogtrainer #newcastledogtrainers
🐶 Sunday 28th at 7pm , I will be hosting an online workshop with Joe from Dog Training for Essex and Suffolk and there are only a few spots left!!. Here are 4 benefits of doing Canine Fitness with your dog.
1️⃣Helps create new brain cells which help with learning and long-term memory
2️⃣Research shows that fitness and exercise boots dogs’ brain function too!
3️⃣These new brain cells are known to reduce canine cognitive decline, also known as doggy dementia
4️⃣Can be a great way to build your dog’s confidence and Muscle Strength
If you are free at 7-8pm on the 28th and would like to try something new with your dog click on the link below to book your spot:
#dogtraining #dogtrainingisfun #caninefitness #dogfitness #dogfitnesstraining #newcastle #newcastledogtrainer #newcastleupontyne
🐶 next Sunday at 9 am , I will be hosting a rally workshop with Chris from Ruff Dimond and there are only 2 spots left!!. Here are 4 benefits of doing Rally with your dog.
1️⃣Quality time spent with your dog practicing useful everyday skills (such as sit, wait, ignoring distractions and recall
2️⃣It will improve your loose lead walking
3️⃣Accessible to all dogs and handlers. Any disabilities, of both the dog and handler are catered for
4️⃣Focuses on natural movement and maintaining balance having the dogs working on both left and right sides
If you are free at 9-12pm and would like to try something new with your dog click on the link below to book your spot:
#dogtraining #dogtrainingisfun #rally #dogrally #talkingdogsrally #newcastle #newcastledogtrainer #bewcastleupontyne
🐶Dog bite prevention week🐶
this this week is Dog bike prevention week. Dog bites are on the rise in the UK so it is really important that we educate ourselves spot signs of our dog being stressed and behaviours they may do which could possibly result in a bite.
🐕Kendal Shepherd 🐕
Kendall Shepherd designed the ladder of communication/aggression which is a great little diagram to help you understand these basically little signs of your dog feeling stress and a situation and how they move up that ladder with their behaviour and how it could endup biting some thing or someone.
🐕🦺Staircase of communication 🐕🦺
here is my own version of that ladder of aggression/communication. Here I show you different behaviours your dog expresses when they are feeling stress moving up the staircase.
if you would like your own PDF of the staircase of communication which you can print off at home and keep as a very useful resource. Comment the word staircase.
#dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtraıner #dogtrainerslife #dogtrainerlife #dogtrainerlife #dogtrainersofig #dogtraineruk #dogtrainernewcastle #newcastleupontyne #dogbodylanguage #dogbiteprevention #dogbitepreventionweek #dogbitepreventiontips
📦 If you or younger members of your family receive lots of Easter eggs, instead of throwing the boxes out, save them to create this great little Easter egg hunt.
🐥All you need to do is fill the Easter egg boxes with anything and everything your dog loves it could be treats, their food, chews or even small toys like a ball. Once you have placed these items into the box, hide them around the room, then let your dog try to find them.
When dogs do a behaviour where they are ripping things apart i.e. being destructive. This is a perfectly normal and natural behaviour. By given an outlet for this behaviour it encourages our dogs and puppies to be destructive on the boxes instead of on our favourite furniture or shoes
❗️Don’t forget, we always need to supervise just to make sure that: 1) our puppies and dogs are enjoying the activity 2) that the game is safe for them.
🥚Stay tuned for more fun Easter activities you can do with your dog
#dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtraıner #dogtrainerslife #dogtrainerlife #dogtrainersofig #easter #eastereggs #eastereggchallenge #easteregghunt #ᴇᴀsᴛᴇʀᴇɢɢhunt #dogactivity #newcastle #newcatleupontyne #newcastledogtrainer #dogtrainernewcastle