Love the growl as it can prevent the bite, if you listen and take heed…..
Being on the receiving end of growling is no fun, and can actually be quite a scary experience, even when it is our own dog doing the growling. When we love and care for them so much, it can be difficult not to take it personally when it happens.
In this blog, I look at the feelings we might experience, what the growling may mean, how it can help us, and how best to respond:
There is a common saying that we should reward the behaviour we like and ignore what we don’t like, but we need to realise that growling isn’t disobedience or poor behaviour; it is a reflection of how they are feeling, and it is vital communication which should be heeded and acted upon. Often, all that is needed is some distance from a trigger in order to help them feel better.
Attempting to suppress the behaviour through punishment in the form of a telling off is never the answer, as it does nothing to address the emotions at the root of an issue. It does, however, make it increasingly likely that the dog will escalate his efforts to make himself understood, and is more likely to skip the growling stage and go straight to a bite. Growling is actually one of the last communications on the “Canine Ladder of Aggression”, so we should be very careful to respect the growl and treat it as a gift, rather than trying to stamp it out. We need as much of an early warning system as we can get!
Learning how to recognise and understand canine body language is an essential skill for guardians and professionals alike. If we can spot the more subtle signs of worry and stress, we can take action to remove our dogs from any situations in which they feel pressured or uncomfortable, reducing the need for them to escalate their behaviour.
You can read more about canine stress here:
© Trailie Paws For Thought
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