⭐️ Short Story Post ⭐️
Mine and Alfie’s 10 year Anniversary 💍
What a journey this little lad has taken me on!
Alfie was my first bird and 10 years on he’s still my left hand man 🦅
He was breed on the Isle of Wight and come to me at 17 weeks old, very nervous and confused 🤔
After a couple of days he was starting to feel more comfortable and started excepting the treats I was offering him 🐭
But by far the most scary part for 12 year old me was after a few weeks of training the moment come to let him fly free 😧
Of course in true Alfie style he was perfect and from that day I flew him every day after school and he slowly learnt that I got home from school at 3pm and he would start calling for me and off we would go ❤️
Alfie has bought me so much joy over the years and he still continues to brighten my day and everyone that comes to see us and all the other gorgeous birds at Robin Hill🌳
Without Alfie my falconry career may never have started, I owe this bird more than you could ever know 🥰