One of my BEST days every 5 weeks!
I ADORE these girls and their crazy but loveable Mum!
Mitzi Mouse and Ruby Roo have been a massive learning curve for me the last 12 months Plus! I rarely get a 'challenge' groom with a highly critical, but, supportive owner (on the grounds that they love me so much and the owner wouldn't trust anyone but their daughter or ME to groom her babies!) At college we got taught skills/patience for awkward or quite frankly naughty dogs, unless you specialise in a breed pedigree groom you don't normally get the chance to work and practice more technical grooms whilst being paid! Some people might think "that looks so basic and easy to do!" ...... you try it once every 5 weeks and see how you do!
Mitzi and Ruby's owner and I hit it off from day one! Instant click!
This is another reason I love my job! Making friends as well as earning a living
To follow the little beauties..... https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGf7eSAiUtA/?igsh=MTB2YWZqYmp0OHJqcw==