I spent wayyyyy too long editing this (not a single duplicated clip) but my gosh, it’s soooooo worth it. I think this boy was a foal or kid in a previous life, these leaps are just legendary! Spot my fave, the little kick out of his toes, such a dude! (I reversed it too for extra effect 😂).
Note: these are dog safe bubbles (BBQ chicken flavour, my face did not enjoy the splash back on windier days!) 😅
Hopefully this brings everyone joy on this horribly rainy day! 🌧 Now, onto something productive 🤭
Some people think doggy TV is a bit of a gimmick, but for some dogs it's a welcome distraction from the grooming process! 🥰 Yes, some aren't bothered, they prefer to watch the birds, people passing by & have a bark at the postman... But some love movie time! 😍😅
I always vow to work at the pace & comfort of dogs! They always deserve the world from us humans!
Despite working up to feeling comfortable on the grooming table over recent visits, little Scoobie just wasn’t feeling it yesterday. Don’t worry Scoobie, we all have off days!
I moved the table to the side & we chilled on the floor to complete her groom. Instantly, she’s much happier (& she previously wasn’t a fan of the dryer AT ALL which is why I’m using it without a nozzle). Stopping for kiss breaks in between!
I’d say she’s super content & now, along with being squeaky clean & fresh as a daisy. 😍
Fun times with floofy Teddy 🥰
Tiny bathtime Mohawk for Milly 😅 #doggroomer
From goofy fluffpot to dapper gent! What a lovely, lovely boy! My heart melts ❤️🐾