Calling all The London Vet Show attendees! An exclusive range of free lab diagnostic presentations are on offer at the MiLab Diagnostics www.milabsupplies.com stand P10 throughout the show.
🐴Investigation of Equine Intestinal Disease in Adult Horses: Getting the Most Out of Lab Diagnostics. Zoë Gratwick BVSc MSc MMedVet DipECEIM MRCVS. Zoë will investigate the cause of intestinal disease, the role of haematology and biochemistry in detecting intestinal disease, and how to get the most out of lab diagnostics.
🐶Life Stage Diagnostic Screening in Heathy Dogs and Cats. Sheila Brennan MVB DipECVIM-CA MRCVS. Sheila will discuss how to; define life stages in cats and dogs; and, create plans to monitor healthy patients - to evaluate individual reference intervals and balance the discovery of early/occult disease with unnecessary/over testing.
🐶When Should I use C-reactive protein in dogs. Guy Davies BSC BVetMed MVM MRSB FRCPath DACVP MRCVS. Guy looks at c-reactive protein in diagnosing and monitoring inflammatory diseases - covering its physiology and wider acute phase response, available laboratory testing, and scenarios where it can provide additional benefit to clinical assessments.
🐱Feline Hyperthyroidism: Monitoring medical management. Ellie Mardell MA VetMB DSAM(fel) MRCVS. Ellie discusses how to monitor feline hyperthyroid cats when on medical management - covering the drugs available, which tests to use, and how to interpret them - to support you in optimally monitoring your patients.
Visit stand P10 to see the daily schedule and attend the presentation of your choice.
Look forward to seeing you there!
[Visual description: A collage of dogs, cats and a horse]