Molly Moo Moo
15 next week and so deserves to be hand fed
❤️ Molly ❤️
It's that end of the year time again .......
This year has been interesting again and we've hopefully, paws crossed, eyes crossed, legs crossed and fingers crossed found our furever home for a few years
A house that isn't damp or have leaking issues, that has an efficient heating system that we can actually afford to run and is great for the kids - they are all toasty and snug now too
We've shed lots of tears losing Lou Lou, Meria, Granny and Dizzy but also had lots of love and cuddles
MOuse is now fully recovered and you amazing people took the worry out of his vet bill - thank you
To Shirley who as ever has been my rock and is always there for me. She does the most amazing job running and organising the fundraising group - I love you Aunty Shirley n so do the kids
To every single one of you have who supported us and continue to do so, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts ❤
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year
Sue, Dave and the Kids
This wasn't forecast !!
Clever Freddie stood in the door watching it :)
Windel T Woofer Esq ❤️
We're both a bit stunned that there is no perfect home out there for him 😭😭
Windel .....
Such an amazing boy who just loves his hoomans ❤️
Feed me ....
As you can see, Mr I'm Hungry Mummy is now post op day 6 and is being his normal self apart from the donut and I've put a small dressing over his wound as it's leaking a little bit which is perfectly normal
He's feeling much better as he's found he can open the door into the downstairs loo area and can get the lid of the metal bin by the back door .... turd ! 🐁
Daddy's home !
They've not seen him for 10 days as he's been at the old place
Huge smiles from Freddie
Daddy's not coming in either 🤣🤣🤣