Winner of the second doggy hamper...193
Marian King!
Winner of the first Doggy Hamper ...
Number 95, Fiona and Brian Armstrong!!
Christmas is just around the corner (I'm sorry, its just creeping up so quickly!) We are not in anyway organised yet!! 🤣🤣
It's always great to support local business, and you all support us so much, so we thought, why not start a wee thread, where people can tag their business, (or those of loved ones!) that people can buy their Christmas gifts from?!
Please tag away with a brief description of what you sell!
I'm hoping this will be the last one for today 😪
The very handsome Domino's family contacted me today to let me know that he had passed back in June.
They shared this brilliant video with me, and with their permission, I wanted to share it with you lovely lot.
We have to hold on to the memories of the love our pets shared and the times where they make us laugh!
I know your family will be missing you massively, Domino, I hope there is lots of mischief for you to be getting up to in doggy heaven!!
Cleaning all the mud off the floors this afternoon and realised I could hear the birds singing! Lots of sleepy puppies. 😴
To make up for lack of doggy photos yesterday I took over 100 today! I'm editing them now, so they will be up shortly. Meanwhile, here is Mabel having a zoomie 😍
LOTS of surface water out there today, please be careful on the B1377 that joins Ballencrieff to Mungowells as there is a lot of flooding!!! Almost at the Point of rating the waves now.
Feel free to have a giggle if you are passing and see me looking like a drowned rat, the doggies still need to go out! 🤣🤣
The B1377, just outside our entrance, like many other roads, is pretty bad today! Take care out there folks!
Roxy is hilariously goofy!! How can anyone be sad when you have the happiest, silliest face looking at you?! 🤣
Brilliant birds eye view of Caroline throwing the ball for Milo in the paddock!
Thank you to Richard Burns for the footage!
Eddie loving stretching his legs!!