S9me of our new fancy goldfish, they will be available for sale this weekend. Medium multi colour Oranda and some Large short tail A grade panda oranda. Stunning.
15% off everything this weekend ends sunday. Blink, and you will miss our splash tetra spawning. They jump out the tank to deposit their eggs on the glas sliders. In nature, they would use the underside of low hanging leaves.
How stunning are these Zebra acara in Davids display tank at Fishkeeper Coatbridge. And the Corydoras duplicareus ain't bad either 😊
Buy one, get one free on our large goldfish at Fishkeeper Coatbridge.
Stunning trio of the Bearded Cory (scleromystax barbatus) at Fishkeeper Coatbridge. Best kept in groups in a well-maintained aquarium with a sandy substrate. They do prefer cooler temperatures around 18-20oC, but can live within a 18-25oC temperature range. They grow up to 10cm
Our male gold Macmaters Dwarf Cichlid is looking at his best for the ladies. A stunning Cichlid well suited to a community tropical aquarium. Give around 60L per pair as they can be territorial whilst breeding.
Whilst jamie was doing a water change on his Aqua Oak display tank, one of his amano shrimps wanted to come up and say hello, and thank him for his loving care ❤️
The stunning Golden -Eyed Dwarf Cichlid (
nannacara anomala).
Our beautiful little Dwarf cichlids are really starting to come into their own now, this stunning male displays in front of several females.
Distribution. South America: Aruka River in Guyana, east to the lower Marowijne River in Suriname.
Maximum Size. 7cm
Temperature . 22-25°C
Water Parameters. Soft, slightly acidic conditions are best long-term. pH: 6.0-7.2, dH: up to 8 degrees.
Lighting. No special requirements
Sexual Dimorphism . Males are usually larger and more colourful, often showing metallic blue on the head and flanks. Mature males generally also possess elongated unpaired fins. Females are yellow with a black band along the lateral line, but showing a checkerboard pattern when ready to spawn. Both sexes look similar as juveniles.
Feeding. Flake, granules, and frozen foods
These Albino Hoplo Catfish are extremely sociable and, in the wild, will often congregate in their thousands🫠
We would recommend keeping a group of at least 5, in a large tank with medium-sized tankmates.
For more information, pop in and speak to a member of staff 🙂
Lots and lots of colourful goldfish available for the weekend as well as koi and orfe.
We have a few larger cichlids looking for their forever homes including these loved up Electric Blue Acaras 💙
We're open everyday (including bank holidays) from 9:30 till 5:30
These lovely Daisy's Blue Ricefish are great little peaceful fish suitable for mature aquariums.
They are best kept in groups of at least 6 but more if possible. They also appreciate plenty of dark shady areas as well as lots of plants and even some wood such as sumatra