Unless you have been living on Mars you cannot have missed the shocking news reports on dog attacks. Nearly ever week it was reported that someone had been savaged. And I quote ' 22,000 cases of out-of-control dog attacks was reported over the past 5 years. Resulting in fatalities and serious injuries'. These dogs are not dogs that roam around causing havoc, these dogs are our fluffy bundles of fun which we house, feed and love. So, who is responsible for these crimes because crimes are what they are. The world and its wife propose to know how to train a dog and its these people that contribute to this shocking revelation. I have been a dog trainer for 30 years. And I do know that it only takes two weeks to turn a dog around. It cannot be done in a day, and it does not take months. Dog training is not policed, and I think it should be especially when lives are at stake. If you need a dog trainer do your research. Let us give the dog Shelters a break and our dogs a chance.