This little pup is Winnie. She wriggles so much it’s almost impossible to even pick her up and watching her eat her dinner is hilarious because she is still wriggling all over the place🥰
So lucky to have seen this today with Mac, but not to have been in the torrential rain and sleet storm that preceded it five minutes earlier. Hard to believe the sky was black and the rain so heavy, looking at this now. And so cold!
Early morning walk over Felmingham Heath this morning with Buz and the crew☺️🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Frosty fun in the field this morning with Bella, Nelly, Roni and Oscar, woohooo!
A good frolic in the field with Frankie, Daisy, Ebony and Bodhi ☺️
Mac’s Greatest (Unsuccessful) Mouse Hunt ever caught on record….and he never dropped his precious yellow ball👏👏👏👏👏👏🙄
The business of balls is a very serious business indeed…..temper tantrums, snarky comments, sneaky nips, Buz has the right idea - got MY ball and keeping well away from you lot!
Daisy doing all the work and Mac doing….well nothing much😆😆
Post dinner crash… last some peace and quiet….they all stalk me for a good hour beforehand🙄🙏
Our morning walk in the woods couldn’t have been more gorgeous ☺️
Look what I saw on my morning walk with my crew in Bacton Woods! So pretty, a Fritillary but which one, seem to be three. I think they are Silver Washed Fritillary ☺️
Got Mac a different new ball to keep him amused and busy. He is such a big, strong , fast and powerful dog when running after a Chuck It ball he often damages the skin on his feet. Being a LabXGreyhound he seems to have the thin skin of a Greyhound which tears easily and takes a good while to heal, hence looking for new ways to keep him happy and active yet safe ☺️