Stu🤎-Stu’s first hack in the UK with no other horse or human on the floor, he was a very very good boy! Just plodded along with not a care in the world 😍 we did have 1 small blip where he did try to turn round and head back home 🤣 but as soon as i turned him back round he just continued walking as if nothing happened 🙈🤣! Clever boy stu ☺️
Daphne🖤🤍- after months of hard work we finally had a canter!😍😍😍 so so so proud of Daphne today!!!! Daphne didn’t have the greatest start in life and was somewhere along the line used as a carting horse so as many would know it’s very difficult to get a canter from a horse that has carted before as they just super fast trot 🤣! Not only this Daphne is a very nervous girl and most things in her life are absolutely terrifying due to not have a great start so to get a canter FIRST TIME! And multiple times is absolutely amazing! It really shows that not only is she starting to trust me a lot more but also she’s really listening and working hard ☺️ what an amazing mare! It wasn’t for long and it isn’t the perfect canter but it’s a start and we can only build on it and go up from here 🤞🏼
Talli🤍- My 2nd ride on Tallie and he was absolutely amazing! I didn’t even need my reins 🤣! This time we went out completely by ourselves, no mum waking with us and he was actually much better 🙈 last time he was very stop, start and very spooky today he just plodded along at the end of the buckle like he’d been doing it forever!😍 we had a really good ride together and I’m looking forward to his mum being able to get on and enjoy her ride too 🥰
When you want to roll but food is life 😋🤣
Daphne🖤🤍- a different ride on daph today, due to the wet weather and the field we usually school in being quite squelchy 😩 we headed out for a hack, daph is usually quite nappy on her own and she did start of a little nappy but once we were off she was loving it and just plodded/ trotted along with no problem at all 🥰
Bert had his very first trot under saddle and off the lunge this morning!😍 he was a very very good boy and only had 1 small spook, I honestly didn’t expect it to go as well as it did😅 espically as we haven’t done much work off the lunge however he showed us how much of a grown up boy he’s becoming now!🥰 very proud of him well done Bert😍
Bertie🤎- PLEASE NOTE THIS HORSE HAD 2 SETS OF REINS ON, 1 PAIR BEING ATTACHED TO PIECES OF STRING WHICH WERE ATTACHED TO HIS HEADCOLLAR WHICH WERE THE ONES I WAS USING MAINLY AS CURRENTLY THIS IS HOW HE UNDERSTANDS AIDS FROM THE REINS SO HIS MOUTH WAS NOT BEING YANKED ON ☺️ Next up was Bertie who reminded me backing youngsters isn’t always easy 🫣🤣! Bless his heart he had been spot on and such a good boy the whole time! Learning to accept my leg, contact and how to steer as well as going on the lunge away from mum as he is understandably very attached to his mum🥰! I had leant forward to give him a pat and it scared the living day lights out of him 🤣 I think he forgot I was actually up there 🤣! I’ve definitely kept that noted in my head for next time 🙈🤣
Hads first lunge in 4 months and well it was rather eventful…. If somebody could actually remind my horse I’m paying £1000’s of pounds on vet bills at the moment as he’s crippling lame that would be great 🤦🏼♀️🤣Always your own bloody horses that give you the most grief 🙈
On the bright side no lameness in the front! ☺️ still some lameness in the back but much better than before 🤞🏼
And that’s a wrap for 2024 what an absolute amazing year it’s been!😍 started off my journey in January with 1 client to now having 30+!
I’m so so grateful to each and everyone one of my clients for supporting me whether it be with riding, clipping or looking after your horses when you’re not there!
Here’s to a fabulous and even busier 2025☺️
Daphne🖤🤍- another fab ride on Daphne 😍! She felt insane today! Contract in walk + trot and she is moving so much better, you can actually feel her pushing from behind me rather than just running 24/7 super proud of this little mare, shes improving so much every ride ☺️
Another morning of yard cover for MA equestrian🥰 one of the livery pony’s could just not wait to lay down after having a fresh bed put in!🥹🤣