Reopening on June 1st please get in touch if you require any dog walking and or day care.
COVID-19 Update - we are still open as usual. As a very small business I intend to stay open for as long as the government allows. I also want to make sure that your dogs still have a safe and welcoming environment to come when you need. That being said we can all just take extra precautions to make sure we are safe.
If you want to drop your dogs off outside for day crèche to minimise contact please let me know in advance so we can do that.
If you are concerned please pay via bank transfer rather than cash.
Walking dogs is still fine, we can keep a safe distance from other walkers, avoid areas with gates, keep hand sanitiser on us avoid touching our face and wash our hands with soap and water when we get back. Please let us know if you are working at home and or self isolating so we can set up boundaries and all be safe.
Your dogs are not at risk from the virus. The best thing we can do is make sure we wash our hands with soap and water regularly. Please leave out supplies for your walker. We do have latex gloves which we will use(changing on each visit, until supplies run out).
If you have any questions, concerns, or requests please message or call me. I will keep this page up to date with any further developments but for now it's business as usual.
Thank you and if we all work together we can all get through this. Xx