The barn ready for a wet morning tomorrow…
We must learn from our mistakes...
We must learn from our mistakes…
We all make mistakes, and I mean all of us… the most important thing is that we learn from it!
People wonder why I am so passionate about backing horses too young, and the reason is because I have made that very mistake myself before. My horse Charlie is living proof of that!
He was a placid 4yo at the time, he appeared fully grown and everyone else was backing a 4yo if not sooner… So I started with my groundwork, backed him and he was so easy to back, eager to please and seemed to be coping well with the work at the time. That summer he completed his first UABE90 and jumped a double clear, with a nice dressage test. I did a few dressage tests and cubbed him that autumn, everything went really well… he had an easy winter just hacking, and then started up jumping again in the spring, again all went well… When everything is going well and the horse appears to be coping with the work, we assume he/she can cope...but they can't!
Then bam! 6 years old and I had a nappy, rearing beast who would no longer take the contact forward and would rather have me in a ditch out hacking than go where I wanted. I allowed people to tell me he was “naughty” and I had to battle him through this behaviour. I tried this for a certain period, but when taking 2 schooling whips and a lead horse was failing it finally dawned on me that there was more wrong than just simple bad behaviour.
I gave him some time off, about 18 months and just let his body settle. He had become aggressive on the ground also and was screaming to me that he was unhappy, I just hadn’t been listening.
After his time off I started with gentle groundwork, concentrating on quality of movement rather than high intensity work. When I got back on he felt so much better… I concentrated on large circles and straight lines schooling in the field, as I already knew hacking would be a mental blockage for him. He was happier to take the contact forward but I had to be so
Are you struggling for something for a horsie obsessed loved one this Christmas.... please get in touch for a tailored package.
Ideal for all horses and owners but especially good for:
- Horses or riders lacking confidence
- Horses with behavioural issues
- Horses with physical issues
- Horses undergoing rehabilitation.
Gift vouchers include:
- Nutrition Assessment / Plan
- Groundwork Lessons
- Ridden Lessons (jump or flat)
- Saddle/Tack check
- Rider & Horse Symmetry Assessment
- Address any problems/worries
- Written Notes
- Ongoing Support
Prices start from £30
For more information please contact Katie on 07920 578088 or [email protected].