We have been involved with successfully showing, breeding and working dogs to a high standard for many years. We provide a personal and confidential service and attend many of the top breeding kennels in Norfolk and Suffolk. Our reputation and service speaks for itself with many loyal customers and often being highly recommended, which is great to hear.We have a wealth of experience scanning Chihu
ahuas to Great Danes, professional breeders & pet owners welcome. Scanning available 30 days from mating in most breeds, stress free in the comfort of your own home.
*Disclaimer :- We carry out scanning as a guide only. We do not and cannot give 100% assurances. The information we provide is purely a guide and our opinion is based on the results seen from the scan at the time. Our service is NOT a replacement or substitute for veterinary care and advice. Any indication of numbers is an estimate as re absorption can occur and not all foetuses may be seen. It's common for one puppy to be obscured by another. Ultrasound is 'real time' imagery, the bitch is moving, the puppies are moving and the transducer is moving. Knowing which sac you have already seen and counted is extremely difficult, and with large litters, virtually impossible! Scanning around the 30 day mark, where the sacs are smaller and it's easier to discern one from the next is the best time to scan. We are usually comfortable in advising that you can expect “more than 3” or “between 4-6,” for example. It’s important to realise that it is an estimate given at the time as in the early stages, it’s perfectly normal for a bitch to reabsorb, so that all the puppies seen at the first scan may not continue to progress. The foetal bones start to calcify around day 45, but can sometimes be seen earlier. The further along the pregnancy the better the images, but the less likely you can see more than one or two puppies at any one time due to the size of the foetus. Having your dog scanned gives you the opportunity to plan ahead. Our scanning service will not only confirm pregnancy, but will also identify a phantom pregnancy. You will want to know if you need to increase your bitch's food, restrict her exercise with other dogs, and maybe even plan show entries and events. Scanning can also identify if puppies are being absorbed after a pregnancy has been confirmed. Please get in touch for a quote, to book or for more information. Please advise of your dogs breed, the date/s your dog was mated and your postcode when booking. PLEASE NOTE payment is required upfront before your dog is actually scanned.