When you are enjoying a peaceful cup of tea and you swivel round to see 5 peaceful dogs
Fun on the beach this morning
Frankie isn't usually interested in balls, but she found one in the field this morning and has discovered it's rather fun..
Scruffy however is obviously used to his owner being able to throw much further than me 🤣
Drop the ball then run off to the appropriate distance (or when on his hols with us, a very optimistic but unlikely distance)
Love this, a mad zoomy moment, a bit of mad play and then a pause to calm themselves before starting again. Good polite playing from both of them
So I'm doing a daily Squat Challenge this month. 145 squats today, the dogs were a great help... (the video is speeded up!)
Morning all,
Rainy, squishy and chilly walk along the river today.
Note the 2 very different style of dog today. We have energetic swimming dogs loving the weather and river. Then we have our two who are oblivious to anything else when there are any morsels to be scavenged.
Morning, The Boss is out training again and has left me in charge - so this morning we went on a woody walk through some of the heaps of gorgeous woodland here in rural Norfolk.
I have (hopefully) added a video as I wandered round - what a completely adorable bunch we have with us at the moment. You can see they are calm, inquisitive, enjoying each others company, and generally getting on with each other regardless of differences in colour, size and breed (us humans have so much to learn), and they make a walk in the woods a delight.
Its tough out there at the moment - take care of yourself and those around you.
Remember - be more dog, be kind.
This is why I love my job and caring for your pups..
We've been working with Kobe and his recall, he's earning his off lead stripes... Then Rufus arrives and takes ages...... to settle in
❤️love them all
Day 4 of my Advent Calender Challenge... Dogs are still enjoying it!
Day one of an Advent fitness challenge #nicelifefitnessandwellbeing
10 press ups today.. I had some help!
Lovely day out there!
Why do i never get dogs who don't want to go out in the rain?
People often ask how we cope with a houseful of doggie guests... Its hard i tell you....
Taking advantage of possibly the last hot day by taking a dip with the dogs. Obviously this is not an activity that can be done without a non swimmer on the bank, so thanks to Sky and Ella's owner for being that responsible adult!
Fun and games in the field!
A little swimble with the dogs 😁
Frankie has learnt to swim, she can't wait for some more friends to come swimming with her....