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Meet Gary a terrier mix, he is sure a little terror and is displaying a lot of terrier like behaviours, including biting, digging, high prey drive, stealing food, the list goes on.
Terrier breeds are bursting with energy and personality, making them some of the most lively companions you could ask for! Always ready for action, these spirited pups inject thrill and enthusiasm into any setting.
Forget about lazy lap dogs, terriers are full of life and need plenty of stimulation to thrive.
Without proper training and vigorous daily exercise, they might unleash their boundless energy in surprising and mischievous ways, turning your home into their personal playground!
Despite all Gary's unwanted behaviours, lunging at dogs to engage in play, jumping up, biting, not responding to known commands, ect he shown amazing potential and we had one happy owner I can't wait to work with him and get him to the best version of himself 😊🐾
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The pack 🦍
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Training with an E collar will shut down your dog, you shouldn't ever use an E collar on a dog as it will ruin your relationship, If you use an E collar you're a bad trainer, if you use an E collar, the list gose on and YES your 100% right if you don't know what your doing.
E-collar training can be a game changer when used correctly. Many people criticize E-collars without understanding their potential when used responsibly. The truth is E-collars can be an effective tool for off-leash training, especially for dogs with high prey drive or unreliable recall, although it's essential to approach E-collar training with knowledge and caution. E-collars do not teach your dog; the training does your dog must already respond to known commands and markers without an E-collar. No matter what people say or how they feel about it base it on your own research, and fair treatment of the E coller in use, formulate your own opinion of its use and not good old Karen's. E-collars can be absolutely life-changing when used correctly.
Moving forward, the only tool that can keep your dog reliably safe every single time off-leash is an E collar through proper E-collar training you can improve communication with your dog, build their drive to work and obey commands, and take their training to new heights,Daisy has a high prey drive, so without the E-collar, she would never be safely trusted off-leash. Daisy and her owner are very active and love to go on off-leash woodland walks, but Daisy can sometimes not do to well at recall. So, talking with the owner, she had mentioned she has an E-collar for Daisy and with that shown a good understanding of how it should be used so on Daisy's training session we worked on conditioning her to her E collar and going through it with the owner when Daisy feels this sensation, it indicates that something good is coming, If you return to the handler towards the end of the session she's having fun and having fun super important when you're conditioning an
Recall ✅️
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Luna the 4year old leash reactive German Shepherd.
Luna has been heavily socialized around high energy play with other dogs, luna is dog friendly, but hearing some recent news stating luna's previous owners allowed her to play with every dog she encountered.
We have to be aware of how our dogs brains work when it comes to generalizationin that essentially our dogs don't do well at which is why reactivity in particular, leash reactivity can become a really common issue for dogs this issue commonly arises in dogs that have been extensively socialized in high-energy or high-arousal environments like luna.
When we expose our dogs to specific stimuli, they learn about that stimulus in that particular context, therefore dogs that have only experienced high-energy play or high-arousal activities around other dogs will only associate the presence of other dogs with that specific context.
This has led to luna's unwanted behaviours with the new owners, she becomes frustrated, lunging barking at the sight of another dog when on leash all luna wonts to do is play.
So if you're well socialized dog sees another dog across the road and they're on a lead or there behind a fence and they can't access that high energy play that the other dog represents for them, they're gonna experience frustration and frustration very often leads to reactivity this is when we see our dog friendly dog reacting towards other dogs when there on leash or behind a fence.
However, luna has made remarkable progress in her training she is so eager to learn and grow, and we will continue to work with luna to reach her full potential 😊🐾
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When Buddy first joined us, he exhibited extreme fearfulness towards people and his surroundings.
This included refusing high-value food rewards, pulling on the leash, and fleeing from uncomfortable situations.
Through my work with Buddy, I've come to realize that most of his triggers are environmental, such as loud noises, wind blowing, objects, traffic, ect.
With Buddy being a rescue, we have little knowledge of his past treatment. He is particularly fearful of people, especially men, It's evident that Buddy has not been kept in the best conditions and has been isolated from the world, Buddy is fearful of pretty much everything.
However, looking ahead, we have been implementing various desensitization techniques with Buddy and using a well-balanced dog to help him navigate the world, boosting his confidence.
The progress he's made with Ace is remarkable. Buddy is becoming more at ease outdoors, showing natural dog behaviours like putting his nose to the ground and sniffing, which will help reduce stress, anxiety, and instill confidence in him.
I'm confident that Buddy will continue to make significant strides in his training journey 😊🐾
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Meet Rocco, the 1-year-old pocket bully
Rocco's owners contacted me as they are struggling with Rocco and can't take him out for walks.Without going into too much detail, We arranged an evaluation, and this is Rocco.
On his evaluation i quickly noticed Rocco was struggling with severe frustration, barking excessively, pacing, one thing that gets him frustrated the most is being on leash, any sort of attempt to stop him he doesn't like and will come for the leash with aggression.
This has been tough on Rocco and the owners as they haven't been able to clip a leash to him and give him that physical and mental enrichment he needs.
As a result, Rocco has become even worse, excessive barking, jumping up, nipping, etc. Rocco has so much pent-up energy that he needs to release that is not helping his unwanted behaviours.
So, providing the owners with some foundational homework to work on to release some of that pent-up energy, I am confident that with our training and support, Rocco will reach his full potential.
We are dedicated to helping Rocco and his owners achieve their goals. 😊🐾
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Phantom & Vador 🐾
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Meet our newest member, 9-month-old American Akita Rockey.
Rockey has joined us for his dog walks, but this boy has a strong tendency to pull intensely into the leash and to every cent on his walks.
So we started to work on a little structure, firstly teaching the concept of pressure and release, and Rockey done amazing. we also introduced a cue for him to go and sniff and be a dog to access the things he needs from the environment 😊🐾
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