A lot of mixed emotions around today….
majority of you will know why and although this is my 5th anniversary of running my business,it will be my last ❤️
This decision in no way has been an easy one and I’ve had a lot to think about and process over the last couple of weeks.
But I am excited to let you know I am expecting a little one in March next year!
So as much as I love running my business and meeting all the amazing pooches and family along the way,it’s now time for me to put myself and my family first.
As much as it’s a very new and exciting time ahead for me and my partner Sam I am really going to miss you all so much!
There may come a time in the future where I decide to get Out and about pet sitting back up and running but unfortunately I’m unable to give a date for that at the moment.
So my books are now closed for any further pet sitting and dog walking bookings.
Again thank you everyone for the love and support over the past 5 years.
it’s been the best adventure,but now onto the next! ❤️