Crested gecko Bio build!
Just finished a Christmas surprise! Check out this awesome bio-active tank… one lucky crested gecko will live in here…. #bioactivevivarium
Whites tree frog bio-active enclosure
One of the latest custom builds to be finished! #bioactive #whitestreefrog #frogs #liveplants #medusaexotics #amphibians
Fresh live food!
Open till 5pm today.
Bio-active build for a crested gecko
Full bio-active build for a crested gecko… #bioactive #bioactiveterrarium #crestedgecko ##naturalsetup##mantismarvelsuk##bioactiveenclosure##medusaexotics##internetreptile##reptile##lizard##reptilesoftiktok
Did you know we do custom bio-active builds in store? A customer purchased one with a mantis, and liked it so much they brought their other enclosure in for the same :). #bioactivevivarium #bioactive #reptilesnottingham #eastmidlandreptileshop #medusaexotics #inverts #edibleplantsforreptiles
Meet Darwin our Blue tongue skink, he’s having a quick snack of Arcadia Reptile’s omnigold, with mixed lettuces, miner-all indoor and a few meal worms.
Arcadia Reptile EarthPro-OmniGold is a totally balanced, all-natural wholefood mix.
OmniGold has been developed for use with core omnivores such as Blue Tongue Skinks.
This all natural and wild-like mix can be fed to up to 80% of the total diet.
#bluetongueskinksoftiktok #medusaexotics #internetreptile #lizard #arcadiareptile #skink #omnigold #reptilesoftiktok #omnigold #reptilesnottingham #eastmidlandreptileshop
We are beyond excited!
After waiting nearly 5 months our Giant hooded katydids (Siliquofera grandis ) have hatched!
It’s amazing to see how tiny these are compared to their parents.
#reptilesnottingham #eastmidlandreptileshop #medusaexotics #siliquoferagrandis #bugtok #bugkeeper #invertebrates #gianthoodedkatydid #mantismavelsuk
Our awesome work experince students got to hold a tarantula for the first time this week! #tarantula #taratulasoftiktok #internetreptile #medusaexotics #mantismarvelsuk #bugtok #tarantulakeeper #pinktoetarantula #student #reptileshop #reptilesnottingham #eastmidlandreptileshop #tarantulas
What a year!
With changing location, saying goodbye to staff and welcoming new, to moving the shop around a million times, to all the rehomes and rescues that’s broken our hearts, and the ones we’ve found new rainforests for…
We couldn’t of done any of this without you, thank you for supporting our business.
We’ve loved meeting every single one of you, with seeing old friends and making new.
There’s going to be lots of new surprises in store these next few months, and we can’t wait to share them with you all.
For now we all wish you all a very Happy New year!
#reptilesnottingham #nottinghamreptileshop #localreptileshopnottingham #medusaexotics #internetreptile #reptileowner #leopardgecko #reptilekeeper