With only a couple of small jobs left to do this year it’s time to recap 2023! It’s definitely been a busy and varied year on both the event and contracting fronts. But am so proud what my little company does in and around Rutland and in the eventing world. Thank you to everyone who has helped me, given me work and generally kicked me up the arse when am down! Thank you and happy Christmas to all! Bring on 2024 onwards and upwards. #equine #agri #eventing #agriculturalcontractors #xcbuilding
July over and out!…wheres the year going!! From course building to paddock work we been flat out!! Good times!! As always big thanks to my loyal clients and supporters! #equine #agri #rutland #xcbuilding #agriculturalcontractors
Do what you love and you will never work a day…busy few weeks but loving life! A few set backs but we keep kicking!! Thank you to all my clients for your support!! #agri #equine #agriculturalcontractors #rutland #xcbuilder
2022 in a nutshell! What a year it’s been! Balancing event course building, race course work, tree/ hedge work and agricultural contracting! It’s not been easy but my god I’ve had a great year! Huge thanks to everyone who has pushed me along, given me work and generally been there for me! Slowly but surely my little company is making a name for it self in Rutland! Too many people to thank but you know who you are! Raise a glass bring on 2023 new opportunities new possibilities! Thanks everyone #agri #rutland #equine #equinesuportservices @will_seely @dwayne_ground_maintenance