Highly recommend TtLDT 👍🏽
Three days of working with this little beauty and her wonderful owner!!
4 years of exercise largely confined to a long line up until this point, with periodic ‘secure area’ off lead opportunities. She would shoot off after the scent of anything worth chasing so despite hours and hours of training, her owner remained stuck between a rock and a hard place and was stressed to Hell. The dog would throttle herself on a slip lead and put immense pressure on her tear duct, pulling and lunging in a figure 8 head harness. You know the type - up on two back legs and bouncing forwards, repeatedly smacking the end of the lead in a mess of wanting to run but not having any real understanding of lead manners.
Until you’ve had a dog like that, you really cannot begin to understand how much like hard work it becomes, even just taking them for a simple walk.
You find yourself in the horribly guilty position of questioning whether the dog is in the right home, or whether you should have got them in the first place.. You question yourself, your abilities and your knowledge. It’s horrible. A mixture of shameful regret, guilt and ineptitude.
Whilst it’s totally understandable, none of that is necessary.
This morning she did exactly what she was born to do - working her way through bracken and bramble hedgerows amongst the pheasants, the rabbit scent and the squirrels. She was living life and loving life, as was her owner who “Never dreamed that she would be running free and responding in an area like this!”
You could literally feel years of stress and worry lift from her owner who decided to bite the bullet and see if I could help!
Love it love it love it!!