🐾 Nala 🐾
Nalas owners noticed an object up Nala’s nose last week and brought her into our North Tawton branch, whereby we anaesthetised her to remove it. Upon investigating, a 2.5cm twig was found up the nose and removed successfully.
Nala made a speedy recovery and was able to go home later that day after a tasty meal and treat!
Well done to Nalas owners for noticing this 👏🏻
Dental health in our patients is very important to maintain throughout their life.
It is a good habit to brush their teeth on a regular basis to aid keeping teeth in good condition.
It can be difficult for Vets and Nurses to perform a thorough examination of the mouth for dogs, cats and rabbits and small furies.
If the clinical picture on examination of your pet indicates there are some tooth problems, The vet will often advise a general anaesthetic to perform a thorough examination. Dental x-rays are also often required to determine the health of the tooth. Our Okehampton surgery has our dental x-ray machine.
Clean teeth doesn’t always mean the tooth roots are healthy.
Here is our vet Bryony explaining the procedure with one of our nurses dogs.🐶
This sweet pup is giving us the Friday feeling😍
What are the signs of feline arthritis?
🐱Difficulty getting up or down the stairs
🐱Trouble jumping up onto or down from surfaces
🐱Becoming less active
If you have noticed any of these signs in your cat, call us today to book an appointment.📞
Do you know the risk factors for a dog developing arthritis?
Though any size, age or breed of dog can be susceptible to arthritis, there are some factors that can increase the chance:
🐶Breed (eg Labradors, Springer Spaniels, German Shepherds)
🐶Poor nutrition (especially when young)
If you have concerns about your dogs risk for developing arthritis, call us today for advice or to book an appointment. 📞
During these times that we experience high temperatures, it’s always recommended to walk your dogs first thing in the morning and in the evening when the day is at its coolest.
Heat stroke is a serious condition which can be life threatening. ☀️
DO NOT leave your pets in hot cars.❌
Avoid taking them out during the day.
If the pavement / sand is too hot for you to touch, your pets paws will find it too hot to walk on!! This can cause severe blisters to their paws.
Cool matts, ice bowls, frozen kongs, cool vests, paddling pools and fans are all ways that can help keep your pets cool. 💧
Signs of heat stroke are excessive panting, the dog feels very hot to touch, the mucous membranes ( tongue and gum margins) start to look blue or cherry red.
If you are ever concerned your pet is experiencing heat stroke, please contact us on 01837 82327 as soon as possible.
Look at this bundle of cuteness that came into Okehampton on Friday😍
They were certainly causing a riot😉as they destroyed the hideout we made them🙈
National Exercise Day🐕🦺🐈🐇🐾🥾
Exercise is very important for our pets. It benefits them both physically and mentally. Different lengths of exercise time and strenuous activity varies for breeds, age and conditions.
Where’s your favourite place to go walking?
It’s National Pet Day🫶🏼
Comment pictures of your pets below😍
Our team will then come to a decision as to which picture will star as our cover photo for next week🤩
Our Easter bank holiday weekend opening times are as below🐰🥚
We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend🐣
Please be careful this weekend that chocolate is kept out of the way from our four legged friends🍫
Happy Easter😃
** Update Owl is in an aviary with 2 other owletts and is feeding itself. no complications of the leg damage, all now healed. It will be released to the wild with others when old enough. Jamie is going to be there to see the release.**
Story of a fledgling Tawney Owl.
Jamie was on call last night. He received a call when someone found this Tawney owl impailed on barbed wire fence. The member of the public had cut the barbed wire but the piece of wire was firmly attached. Jamie anaesthetised the bird and managed to free the leg. Jamie took the owl home to monitor and then was managing to feed chicken seen in the video. We are hoping the bird will make a full recovery, the wound will be monitored for infection and we are hopeful it will be returned to the wild.
Bryony Herrod-Taylor and our Okehampton surgery were nominated for a Sara award on Sara Cox BBC Radio 2. Well done team
👏👏👏 😊