Each year we run our camp at DATA, and we set out to create an event which is fun and informative. The last 3 days have delivered!
We are proud and extremely grateful to be able to host two world class trainers in Dalton Meredith and Barrie James. Simply the best training duo for any event!
We would also like to thank everyone else who contributed to making camp such a success, especially;
Caz Addy and Caroline from Duchy College for our First Aid Overview,
Jill Saint for her amazing cakes,
Allison Hotchin for taking photos over the 3 days,
Teresa Rouse and Tug-E-Nuff for their contribution to our Goody Bags,
And of course the biggest of thank-yous to Patsy Grylls and Martin Grylls for their amazing efforts with the catering.
Finally, what makes our Camp a success is those who come along. We are fortunate to be able to welcome the best people, not only for Camp where spaces are limited, but also throughout the year!