Come with Bumble as she takes a water treadmill session.
Excellent for weight loss and fitness as well as rehabilitation
#shetlandpony #shetlandponysofinstagram #equinehydrotherapy #equinehydro #equinehydrotherapyandrehabilitationcentre #cute #pony #cutepony #equine #fitness #equinefitness #equinefitnesswork #equinefitnessplan #equinewatertreadmill #equine #strength #equinestrengthandconditioning
We had a snow day today ❄️❄️❄️
No electricity, no lights, no staff 🤣
Thanks to Chrissy for helping me out and driving me round. Normal service will resume tomorrow 🤞🤞
Watch as 3 year old Finn gets on the treadmill for the first time 🍑🍑 I am planning on using the treadmill over the winter to gain some strength for when he’s ready to be sat on. Also to keep his brain busy as he likes to be doing things, unlike like his sister who likes to be asleep #babyhorse #babyhorses #Irish #draught #irishdraught #irishdraughthorse #irishdraughtstallion🍀🐴❤️ #equinefitness #equinefitnessandrehabilitation #equinefitnesswork
I was trying to get a sample from bumble for a worm count earlier so while we were waiting we played some games.
Coming to a whistle like a dog 💖
She had a busy day yesterday accompanying one on his journey to his new home in the lorry. Still the most useful creature on the yard by a mile
#liberty #horse #libertyhorse #shetland #shetlandpony #benatkinsonmethod
My homebred 3yo Tallulah had her first water treadmill experience today and she brought along Emotional Support Shetland - Teddy to hold her hoof
She’s such a cool dude 😎
#equinehydrotherapy #equinewatertreadmill #equinewatertreadmills #equinewatertreadmillfitness #equinewatertreadmilldevon #shetlandponysofinstagram #shetlandponies
NEW FULL LIVERY PACKAGE with inclusive water treadmill
With thanks to one of my existing full liveries for the idea
£650 per month
Inclusive of:
Full care
Turnout, bring in, muck out etc
Hay, up to 2 bales of bedding per week, basic hard feed
Use of all the facilities - Walker, indoor, outdoor, gallops
Also includes - quarterly chiro/ Indiba treatment as required
Once a week water treadmill session
This livery is ideal for both competition horses or those in light work/ over weight etc. needing ticking over
Get in touch asap we are always full over winter
#fulllivery #liverydevon #equinewatertreadmill #ems #laminitis #laminitisrecovery #laminitisrehab #equinemetabolicsyndrome #equinefitness #sportshorse #sportshorses
On Thursdays we have Flo Collins vet physio in to run the treadmill and supervise the yard so Carole can go out and treat
#vet #physio #vetphysio #vetphysiotherapy #equinephysio #equinephysiotherapy #equine #rehab #equinerehab #equinerehabilitation #watertreadmill #watertreadmillforhorses #watertreadmillconditioning
Spa day
Our salt water spa with chiller can be set to any cold temperature required and has jets and optional vibrating floor. All functions can be operated independently depending on the needs of the horse
#equinespa #equinespaday #equine #rehab #equinerehabiliation #equinerehab #equinerehabilitation #equinerehabtherapy
Based at
Rathkenny Stud,
EX20 2AL
Parking available and plenty of turning space.
Best lorry routes in can be found on our website
Available for drop ins or we offer inpatient fitness and rehabilitation
Qualified staff
Get in touch for more info
#devon #southwestwatertreadmill #equinehydrotherapy #equinefitness #equinewatertreadmill #equinespa #equinerehabilitation
☀️☀️ Todays office ☀️☀️
#watertreadmill #splashing #equinehydrotherapy #devonequinehydrotherapy #devonwatertreadmill #equinerehabilitation
Our new arrival getting to grips with walking on the treadmill.
With all new arrivals we take as long as they need ensure they are happy and confident with the process before the real work starts
#equinewatertreadmill #equinehydrotherapy #equinerehab #equinerehabilitation #splashing #fmbs
Busy Sunday!
Here we are doing some prep for the racehorses running next weekend
#racehorses #equinefitness #point2point #equinewatertreadmill #equinespa