The winner of our Bravest Pet Award is…
Smudge! 🥳💪
The nominations for our next award open on Sunday at 7.30pm so keep your eyes peeled for our announcement!
Happy New Year from all of us at Orchard Vets! 🥳 🎊🎉
As promised, here's our final case study for #WorldPhysiotherapyDay !
This is one of our regulars, Bobby. We have been seeing him for hydrotherapy for crepitus in his hip and general arthritis with the main aim of his sessions being to maintain muscle mass. He is a bit of a pro on the treadmill and will work well for us as long as snacks are involved!
If you think your pet could benefit from our rehab services, give our friendly team a call today on 0121 544 0404
That’s it for wholesome content for this month, but make sure you keep an eye on our page for upcoming competitions, information and updates. We’ll leave you with one last video – we hope we’ve helped to take the edge off this bleak month just a little!
Who doesn’t think that baby animals are wholesome?
Here’s another animal-related compilation designed to help beat those January blues…
More wholesome content incoming! Are any of your pets big foodies like this guy?
#OrchardVets #Orchard #OrchardVetCentre #BeatTheJanuaryBlues #WholesomeContent #CatsofInstagram #PetsofInstagram
Wally the Dachshund
We say this every year, but January really is a bit rubbish, isn’t it? We thought we’d change things up a bit this year and spend the month trying to perk you all up by sharing some of our favourite wholesome content with you.
Let us know in the comments section if we help to bring a smile to your face!
#OrchardVets #Orchard #OrchardVetCentre #BeatTheJanuaryBlues #Wholesomecontent #CatsofInstagram #DogsofInstagram #petsofinstagram