Simple but effective dog training. 👌🏼👌🏼
Why good loose lead training is so important for your dogs
Dogs that walk well on the lead, are easier to walk, they get walked more often because it’s a pleasure to do.My ankle is still nowhere near healed, and I couldn’t walk them if they were dragging me along and trying to chase everything etc. Because they’re so good, because I worked hard for them/with them, they now get the exercise and fulfilment I owe to them, which wouldn’t be possible otherwise. #dogtraining #dogwalking #bordercollie #cavalier #looseleadwalking
Complex behaviour issues in dogs don’t get fixed with tips and tricks. They get fixed by professionals who know how to fix them and have a track record of doing so. Taking shortcuts here is dangerous, and could end in your dog being hurt, or put down.
Food drive is a massively useful asset when trying to train dogs, without it it can be so hard to reinforce behaviours you like, as they don’t want anything we have to offer as a reward. Follow this guide and your dog will be enjoying their food more in no time.
There is a full video of this guide on our YouTube!
Some dogs don’t like other dogs, that’s absolutely ok, don’t force it, you’ll make things so much worse!
Quit trying to get your dog to love other dogs. Teach them to exist calmly around them instead!
Bribery is using the thing your dog wants to get them to do the thing you want, BEFORE they do the thing. Reward is when the thing your dog wants comes AFTER they do the thing, ideally with a verbal marker to precede the reward so they don’t need to see it to know it’s coming. Tiny detail, HUGE difference. #puppytraining #dogtrainersofig #dogtrainerlife #ukdogstagram #dogtrainer #ukdoglovers #goodgirl #dogsofinstagram #staffypuppysofinstagram #staffysofinstagram #staffypuppiesofinstagram #staffypuppy #staffordshirebullterrier #dogtrainingtips #staffypuppys #staffypup #puppytrainingtips #bordercolliepuppy #positivereinforcement #staffordshirebullterriersofinstagram #k9 #goodboy #ukdogsofig #staffypuppies #dogtreats #dogtraineruk #dogtraining #dogtrainerproblems #k9training #ukdoggroomers
Is medication a good way to fix behaviour issues?
Medication can be seen as a dirty word to a lot of dog trainers. Here’s my take on using meds in dog training.
A dog trainers take on medication in dog training
Medication can be seen as a dirty word to a lot of dog trainers. Here’s my take on using meds in dog training.
Zoom behaviourists are damaging dogs.
Medication can be seen as a dirty word to a lot of dog trainers. Here’s my take on using meds in dog training.
Medication can be seen as a dirty word to a lot of dog trainers. Here’s my take on using meds in dog training.