Those of you who know me well know that I am told daily “you should keep him” about nearly every baby I raise. And while I am used to people not understanding the mission of what I do, it does get a little tiring to hear, and sometimes even kind of sad. I need to share with everyone why it’s an especially painful thing to hear over and over about Ferguson.
The truth is that Ferguson is going to have one of two fates. He is either going to beat kidney failure and become a healthy, adoptable kitten…or he’s not. The truth is that we have talked about the possibility of “keeping him,” because if he cannot recover, he would become our fospice cat, and we would give him the best life we could for the weeks or months he may have left.
I wish that everyone could understand the value of foster parents and what we do—that the entire point of fostering is to get sick kittens like Ferguson to a place where they are healthy, and to find them homes. It’s my life’s mission. It’s my organization’s mission. Adoption is a celebration because it means the kitten made it! They survived & can move along.
If I keep Ferguson, it will be because he is only going to live for a few months. So when people repeatedly comment “you should keep him” and “I hope he stays with you,” it hurts me. Because honestly, I hope he doesn’t. I really hope he doesn’t. Please remember that the only kittens who live with me for their entire lives do so because they don’t survive. Please understand how happy it is for them to thrive & be adopted.
I know not everyone gets it, but I am determined to help people understand how frustrating it is for foster parents to constantly be told it’s a bad thing for them to adopt out their kittens. For a kitten like Ferguson, who I love so much, my heart is aching for him to be given the opportunity to be adopted. And if/when he does, it will be a BIG celebration. A happy, triumphant day!
Ferguson has his recheck tomorrow, and an appointment with a nephrologist next week. I am truly hoping for good news. I hope you are too.
Ferguson is still happy & stable. He continues to receive treatment for his kidneys & continues to be my tiny shadow. My mini-me. My Chimpy. 💖